
Re/Collecting Project Archive


The Re/Collecting Project (Re/Co for short) is an 'ethnic studies memory project of California's Central Coast.' The project's aim is to digitally capture and make publicly accessible the rich history of the diverse - yet under-documented - communities of the region, which includes San Luis Obispo and northern Santa Barbara counties. To collect the materials that make up these histories, the project would organize 'Re/Collecting Days', and make house calls, where the project team would invite families and individuals to recollect their stories as well as to participate in collecting their story materials (images, documents, mementos) for digital preservation and access. The digital collection available on this site is only a selection of the Re/Collecting Project Archive. Learn more about the archive at: https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c8qc09ph/


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This letter from the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church thanks its members for their donations. "Dear Members: The San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church wishes to extend its deepest appreciation for your generous donations on our recent Benefit Show, which was held on October 20, 1962. / Enclosed is our financial report together with list of the donors. / With gassho, / S.L.O. Buddhist Church".

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A thank you letter from the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church to members for supporting the Painting Fund Drive: "Dear Members: The San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church extends its sincere appreciation for your generous support in the recent Painting Fund Drive. We enclose our financial report together with the list of donors. Due to your generous response, the Church was able to realize a substantial balance from this drive. With gassho, S.L.O. Buddhist Church".

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A notice from Chizuko Iwanaga to Ken Kitasako that U.S. customs cleared the shipment of the Obutsudan for the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church. As the letter states, "I am very happy to inform you that the Bill of Lading finally came, and your Obutsudan shipments have all been cleared through Customs and are already enroute via Pacific Motor Transport. / Through the efforts of Mr. Charles Yonezu, everything was cleared without any custom duties. According to U.S. Custom Regulations, the Obutsudan is duty-free, but all accessories as listed in your invoice are dutiable. But through his many direct contacts with the two Customs Inspectors and after much difficulties, they were passed with no custom duties. Otherwise, the custom duties would have been quite high. / The $12.80 on the bill enclosed is a bottle of whiskey each to the two Custom Inspectors. The brokerage charge of $10.50 has been cut to half of the regular fee. / I feel that a letter of thanks to Mr. Charles Yonezu will be greatly appreciated. / With many best wishes on your NYUBUTSUSHIKI, I wish to remain / Yours truly in Gassho, [signed]".

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Letter from San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church to "Friends": "Our first and probably the last Nyubutsu-shiki which was held recently produced overwhelmingly gratifying results; thanks to the kindnesses and generosity of our many good friends and supporters. We are happy to report that we have set aside a substantial sum toward the organ fund out of the proceeds. We take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation for your support and donations. With kindest regards to all we remain, With gassho, SAN LUIS OBISPO BUDDHIST CHURCH".

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This letter from Ken Kitasako, Secretary of the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church, to Shima Transfer Co. of San Francisco, California, states: "We have been informed that the obutsudan for our Buddhist Church here in San Luis Obispo is expected to arrive from Japan on the Kohko Maru on or about May 18th. As we understand it, this obutsudan comes disassembled packed in a box with all the accessories that go with it. It will be appreciated if you will take care of arrangements for receiving this item from the ship when it docks in San Francisco and also, transportation of same to our Church here in San Luis Obispo. Thank you. Very truly yours, SAN LUIS OBISPO BUDDHIST CHURCH By Ken Kitasako, Secretary".

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This letter from Ken Kitasako, Secretary of the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church, to Mrs. Chizuko Iwanaga of Berkeley, California, states: "We have been informed that the obutsudan for our Buddhist Church here in San Luis Obispo is expected to arrive from Japan on the Kohko Maru on or about May 18th. As we understand it, this obutsudan comes disassembled packed in a box with all the accessories that go with it. This beautiful obutsudan is being sent from the Buddhist Home Church to our Church in San Luis Obispo. Whatever you can do to help expedite clearance at the Customs Office when it arrives will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Very truly yours, SAN LUIS OBISPO BUDDHIST CHURCH By Ken Kitasako, Secretary. P.S.-My wife, Mutsuko, sends you her warmest regards."

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This letter from Ken Kitasako of the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church to Mrs. Iwanaga thanks her for the delivery of the obutsudan. He writes: "Dear Mrs. Iwanaga: This letter comes to you very belatedly. At the present time, I am under very heavy pressure of work in view of our celery, which has started in our district. Hours are long and thus, before I realized it several weeks had gone by. My sincere apologies for not answering your letter sooner. / Thanks to your efforts and Mr Yonezu's we received the obutsudan and the accessories delivered to our church. It was unpacked and with the help of our members it was assembled. The obutsudan is beautiful! / I am writing to Mr. Yonezu to thank him personally for his efforts in expediting the movement of this shipment to us. The members of our church are very appreciative of your efforts and as a token of appreciation, have enclosed herewith a check for a small sum to be used as you see fit. / With kindest regards, remain / Very sincerely yours, / Ken Kitasako / S.L.O. Buddhist Church".

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This letter from Chizu Iwanaga to Ken Kitasako thanks but politely declines a gift that the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church sent as a token of appreciation for her help in facilitating the delivery of the church's obutsudan through U.S. Customs. As writes: "Dear Mr. Ken Kitasako: / I was very happy to know that your Obutsudan arrived safely, and someday, I wish to pay my respects. / I wish to thank you for your very thoughtful gift. However, I wish to return it. I was very happy to have had the privilege and honor of playing a small part towards your new Obutsudan, and that thought alone, I will forever cherish. / Please extend my sincerest thanks and fondest regards to your church members and to Rev. and Mrs. Iwao. / With Gassho, [signed]".

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Thank you letter from the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church to Mrs. T. Eto (Take Eto) and her son Masaji Eto for their donations of the incense burner and stand for the church for "the obutsudan section of Church," in memory of Tameji Eto. The letter also thanks them for their donation to the Organ Fund, in order to obtain an organ for the church.

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A thank you letter from Charles Paulsen for the gown presented "by the [San Luis Obispo Buddhist] Church, the Sunday School, and the ladies Fuijinkai Society." Paulsen writes: "May I ever prove worthy to represent our Lord Buddha, His Dharma and His Sanga through this great honor bestowed upon me. Through this ordination; may I be able in some little way to bring a greater understanding between the peoples of the world. May I find a way to bring a true understanding of the HOLY Nem-Butsu to all beings;--and through this understanding, may Truth, Honor and Justice, become a Living reality throughout a sick and broken world. Thank-you for the responsibility and Trust given to, and placed in me. May the Beauty, Wonderment and Grandure of the BUDDHA, the DHARMA, and the SANGA fill every heart to over-flowing. Sincerely and Gratefully,--Your Friend in Dharma. Charles Paulsen."

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This letter to Mrs. Iwanaga from Ken Kitasako of the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church thanks her and conveys understanding for why gift was declined. He writes, "Dear Mrs. Iwanaga: / Your kind thoughts as expressed in your letter of July 1st are deeply appreciated by our members. It was our sincere wish that you accept this small expression of our appreciation. however, we do understand how you feel regarding this matter, and therefore, we gratefully acknowledge your kindness. / We hope to have the pleasure of your visit one of these days in the not too distant future. Rev. and Mrs. Iwao, together with our members again wish to express their deep appreciation for all your efforts. / With kind regards, I remain / Very truly yours, / [signature] / Ken Kitasako, Secretary / SAN LUIS OBISPO BUDDHIST CHURCH".

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This letter to Mr. Charles Yonezu from Ken Kitasako thanks him for helping the Obutsudan through U.S. Customs. Kitasako writes: "Dear Mr. Yonezu: / In connection with the recent shipment pertaining to our new obutsudan, I wish to extend our deep appreciation for all your efforts in having it cleared through the customs office and having same expedited for shipment to us. I understand that there was considerable red tape involved as well as some expense, but that these were cut to a minimum, due largely to your efforts. / I have apologies to make. This letter of appreciation comes to you very belatedly, no fault of our members but entirely mine. We are in the midst of our heavy celery shipping and consequently, I am tied down to long hours from early mornings to late at nights. So, the days go by without my realizing how much time has elapsed. / Thank you again, and with sincere regards, I am / Very truly yours, / [signed] / Ken Kitasako, Secretary / SAN LUIS OBISPO BUDDHIST CHURCH".

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This letter from the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church to the San Luis Obispo City Council acknowledges the imminent expansion of Highway 101 and removal of church property, and requests purchase of 4 acres of city property to relocate.

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Letter from J.H. Fitzpatrick, San Luis Obispo City Clerk, to Ken Kitasako, Secretary of San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church, in response to the church's request to purchase city property to relocate the church. The church property was removed by the expansion of highway 101 in the 1960s. The city responds by stating that there is no property for sale.

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Letter from State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, District V to San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church, attention Mr. B.H. Kawaoka, to vacate premises: "In accordance with the close of escrow as of December 11, 1961, and due to impending Highway construction, you are hereby notified and requested to vacate the above mentioned premises on or before Monday, January 15, 1962. It is required that you vacate said premises on or before said date so that the right of way may be cleared in time for scheduled construction. Very truly yours, E.R. FOLEY, District Engineer. By J.F. POWELL, Senior RIght of Way Agent."

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As Ken Kitasako, Secretary of San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church, writes to Title Insurance and Trust Company, "At the board meeting of the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church held on June 10, 1962, the subject of the need of additional funds to defray cost of our new church building was discussed. Masaji Eto, treasurer, stated that Security First National Bank, San Luis Obispo, was willing to go on a loan of $38,000 at 6% interest for a 10 year period with monthly payments of $422.00. The matter was discussed at length and it was moved (Ken Kitasako), seconded (Stone Saruwatari) that Masaki Eto be authorized to negotiate with Security First National Bank for said loan of $38,000 at 6% interest for a period of 10 years with monthly payments of $422.00. The motion was carried unanimously."

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As stated in Ken Kitasako's report: "At a Board meeting of the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church held on Tuesday, February 7, 1961, the following motion was made and unanimously carried. Board member, Kingo Kawaoka, moved that Treasurer, Masaji Eto, be authorized to look for a suitable property to re-establish our church, to report to the Board members of any or several prospective locations, that he be authorized to negotiate with a landowner or a real estate operator any particular property that has had the approval of the Board, that Noriharu Kawaoka, Masaji Eto, and Ken Kitasako who are presently the president, treasurer, and secretary, respectively, of the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church, be authorized to sign, acting together, documents pertaining to purchase of a property for the church. In case of extreme necessity, with the approval of the Board, any two out of three of the aforementioned officers may sign documents. Said motion was seconded by Mitsugi Fukuhara and unanimously carried. Respectfully submitted, Ken Kitasako, Secretary."

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Deed to the State of California of the land once belonging to the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church, granted in 1961. The form is incomplete and unsigned, but has the description of the land that is to be granted to the State.

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Letter from Ken Kitasako, Secretary, on behalf of the San Luis Obispo Church to express condolences for the passing of Ernest Vollmer. Mr. Vollmer took care of the church while the Japanese American community was interned during the Second World War. As Secretary Ken Kitasako writes to Mrs. Ernest Vollmer, "Mr. Vollmer was truly a great friend of the Japanese of this community. It was during the period of the evacuation of all persons of Japanese ancestry from the coast that Mr. Vollmer undertook to care for our church property during our forced absence. He did a splendid job of maintaining the property, paying taxes when they became due, collecting rent from the rentals on the church property, and maintained strict accounting of all expenses pertaining to the property. And when the war was over and we were able to return to the coast, we were very happy and grateful to find the church so well kept,-thanks to the efforts of Mr. Vollmer. We lost a very dear friend in Mr. Vollmer, and as the years go on we shall always look back and remember that in those trying days of the last war we had a real friend who was kind and willing to take on the heavy responsibility of taking care of our church property during our absence." Attached to this letter is the handwritten reply letter and envelope from Marguerite Vollmer.

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This document is a certified copy of the San Luis Obispo Church's Articles of Incorporation. As stated in Article II, one purpose of the corporation's formation is "to cultivate and promote the social, educational and religious welfare of the members." The document also empowers the corporation to handle property, "social, religious and philanthropic enterprises," and a cemetary. Original directors named in the document are: T. Fukunaga (Cambria, CA), M. Eto (San Luis Obispo, CA), H. Taku (Pismo Beach, CA), Tom Nakaji (San Luis Obispo, CA), I. Hori (Pismo Beach, CA), S. Kawaoka (Arroyo Grande, CA), and K. Kawaoka (Arroyo Grande, CA). Church president K. Taku and secretary K. Saiki deposed that the church members "authorized and directed" them "to execute and sign the said Articles of Incorporation." The document was signed on January 4, 1939 and filed on January 6, 1939.

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This booklet contains the program for the June 22, 1963 Dedication Ceremony for the new San Luis Obispo Buddhist temple. Because of highway construction, the church property was bought by the state and the temple was moved to its current location in Avila Beach, California. The new property was purchased in 1961, with construction started in 1962. U.C. Berkeley graduate and Morro Bay, California resident George Nagano was the temple's architect.

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Letter from San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church thanking Mr. Peter R. Andre of Andre & Wood for their legal services. Letter states, "In behalf of the Board of Directors and members of our church, we wish to express our appreciation of your services which you rendered in connection with the sale of our property to the State of California. Furthermore, Masaji Eto, our Board member, informs us that you have donated said services to our church for which we are doubly appreciative. With kindness regards and again, our heartfelt thanks for your kindness, we are Very sincerely yours, SAN LUIS OBISPO BUDDHIST CHURCH." The receipt for the services is attached to a copy of the letter sent.

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This is the original manuscript draft of the history of the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Temple written by Masaji Eto. Covers the history until about 1970.

6 items in Collection