
University Archives Audio-Visual Collection


Audio-visual recordings created by campus departments, students, and faculty. May include public relations, sports, and other departments. May also include recordings produced by the ITS department, when that department was involved in media production for the campus.


Displaying results 61 - 70 of 124
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[00:00:00] Introduction of James McGrath to audience [00:02:17] James McGrath begins to give his lecture [00:02:30] McGrath talks about the difference between 'I' and 'me' [00:06:15] McGrath begins to read a letter from 1948 about being a POW in Camp O'Donald and participating in the Bataan Death March [00:07:58] McGrath talks about rations given to him by Japanese [00:09:10] McGrath talks about contracting dysentery during the march and being quarantined [00:11:11] McGrath talks about other diseases, like scurvy and malaria, that he contracted in camp [00:12:45] McGrath talks about how he was transported on the Japanese "Hell Ship", Oryoku Maru [00:14:41] McGrath talks about how he will talk about being moved to Korea and then to Manchuria and eventually liberated by the Russians [00:15:52] McGrath talks about how he and his shipmates were able to keep a diary on their toilet paper [00:18:00] McGrath talks about his time spent in Japanese occupied Manila and being transported on a crowded ship, the Oryoku Maru [00:20:05] Ship was picked up by American planes and fired at until dark [00:21:00] McGrath talks about how the men started to become crazy during the night time after the ship was attacked [00:21:55] McGrath talks about how ship was attacked again and the ship was abandoned [00:22:50] McGrath recounts how he helped to free men trying to abandon ship [00:23:52] McGrath jumped into water to swim ashore [00:25:00] McGrath waited ashore for days while American planes attacked Japanese forces [00:27:28] McGrath acknowledges his birthday passing during time as POW [00:30:35] McGrath arrives at San Fernando, La Union on Christmas Day [00:32:38] McGrath placed on another ship for transport [00:35:02] McGrath arrived at Takao [00:38:00] Ship that he was kept on was bombed while it was being refueled [00:38:42] McGrath hit by shrapnel but continued to help fellow soldiers [00:41:53] McGrath talks about traveling North to Japan, deaths increasing due to cold [00:43:13] Snowstorm lasted for a week until they reached Mogie, Japan [00:44:25] McGrath says his dysentery is starting to become better [00:45:40] McGrath left Mogie by street car, joined with prisoners from other camps, given box for Emperor's birthday [00:47:16] McGrath arrives in Pusan, Korea [00:49:30] McGrath talks about how amazed he was at the development of Manchuria and Korea [00:50:28] McGrath arrived in Mukden, Manchuria. It was -40 degrees [00:51:25] McGrath taken care of by British and American men in the camp who cleaned him, fed him, and gave him books [00:52:16] McGrath begins to talk about sense of values again, passes out a test to all those attending the lecture [00:54:42] McGrath leaves book written by Sydney Stuart about the same journey as a POW [00:57:20] McGrath talks about a letter written by young woman who was saddened by a man who lied about being homosexual to avoid the draft [01:01:00] McGrath talks about the people who died for freedom and the need to change some sense of values in our society [01:01:15] McGrath talks about the value for education and family [01:02:29] Applause and beginning of questions from the audience [01:02:45] McGrath talks about how he managed to stay alive [01:05:20] McGrath talks about women in the camps [01:08:34] McGrath talks about religion, values, ties, and ideals that come out in rough situations

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[00:00:03] Opening prayer invocation [00:02:30] Reading of joint ASB letter to First Lady Jackie Kennedy [00:03:50] Remarks by President Julian McPhee [00:06:14] Reading of Kennedy's inaugural speech [00:09:12] Benediction [00:12:34] Playing of the National Anthem

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Interview with Home Economics student about student projects in the department. The interview was recorded during half-time of a Cal Poly football game. [00:00:02] Interviewer introduces Junior major in Home Economics, Marilyn Ramirez [00:00:20] Ramirez begins to list projects they have worked on recently, Operation Hand Class donations to Vietnam, and flood recovery aid [00:01:15] Interviewer brings up less publicized events, like the Nursery School project that some girls have been working on [00:01:45] Ramirez discusses some students individual programs or senior projects [00:02:20] Ramirez talks about grass roots night education program [00:02:40] Interviewer asks why students tackle such difficult, community services projects rather than easier senior projects that could be completed in the library [00:03:55] Interviewer talks about War moratorium that happened in the past week and the idea of community concern [00:04:40] Interviewer begins to wrap up the interview

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Interview with San Luis Obispo mayor, Ken Schwartz, during half-time of a Cal Poly football game. [00:00:01] Interview with Mayor, Ken Swartz, begins [00:00:28] Interviewer asks the mayor his impressions on student involvement in the community [00:01:30] Interviewer asks mayor about projects that have had a large impact on the SLO community [00:01:40] Mayor talks about collections for feeding the needy, storm assistance, political clubs on campus, mission projects, and plenty of other projects [00:03:20] Interviewer asks if mayor thinks that the community needs a special type of attitude to realize the benefits of being a college community [00:03:40] Mayor talks about physical projects that have benefited the community, bridges, statues, creek cleanings. Lists more projects [00:05:15] Interviewer begins to wrap up interview

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Half time interview series with Warren Burgess, ASI President at Cal Poly, about the College Union, later called the University Union. [00:00:02] Interviewer introduces guest speaker of the day, President of Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI), Warren Burgess [00:00:30] Burgess describes what the College Union is and what it means for the life of the college and community [00:01:07] Interviewer talks about '3 different college unions' [00:02:10] Burgess talks about potential uses of the College Union Building [00:02:45] Burgess and interviewer talk about the importance of a 'common ground' for students and staff [00:04:00] Interviewer asks about the philosophy of a college union [00:05:26] Interviewer begins to wrap up interview

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Interviewer with the Director of International Education, Robert McCorkle, and another administrator in International Education, Mike Worth [00:00:04] Subject: Cal Poly meets the challenge of international education [00:00:53] McCorkle describes the 3 parts of the International Education program, two on campus and 1 over seas [00:01:40] McCorkle talks about contract educational programs in Africa, Guatemala, and Thailand [00:02:50] Worth discusses the training of foreign participants that have been sent to Cal Poly by the state Department [00:03:21] Worth alks about recruitment and training of Peace Corp Volunteers for Thailand [00:04:00] Interviewer asks how many of these students are at Cal Poly [00:05:04] Interviewer asks about the benefits of these overseas programs [00:06:02] Interviewer begins to wrap up interview

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[00:00:02] Interviewer introduces Robert Bonds, head of Student Community Service (SCS) Board [00:00:37] Bonds describes what SCS does [00:01:45] Bonds talks about the importance of a coordinated approach for community service objectives [00:02:00] Bonds talks about reducing overlap to prevent students from feeling uninterested in community service [00:03:15] McCaleb notes an increase in desire to be involved in community services [00:04:30] ASI monetary contribution to kick-start community service projects [00:05:45] Bonds explains how the board works and functions [00:06:56] McCaleb begins to wrap up interview

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[00:00:35] McLaughlin explains what W.O.W. Week is [00:01:19] McLaughlin discusses how much planning has gone into the creation of the orientation program [00:01:45] McLaughlin lists things that students will get to do during the week [00:02:55] McLaughlin discusses 'San Luis Obispo Day' to familiarize students with businesses and places downtown [00:05:30] McLaughlin talks about how students will be able to meet with President Kennedy [00:06:52] Interviewer asks how the week is financed [00:07:20] Interviewer begins to wrap up interview

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[00:00:06] Introduction of Brent Barry, president of SCARAB, honorary architecture service fraternity [00:01:02] Barry tells of numerous architecture community services downtown [00:01:55] Interviewer, McCaleb, asks about a bridge that was designed as a senior project and maintained by architecture students [00:02:38] Barry talks about mission plaza temporary mall project [00:03:30] Barry talks about potential kiosk in front of library and increased communications between architects, engineers, and city planning students [00:04:40] Interviewer asks Barry about the point of view that architects hold about student community service [00:05:18] Interviewer begins to wrap up interview

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[00:00:03] Interviewer introduces Les Vanoncini, director of Alumni and Community Affairs at Cal Poly [00:00:28] Vanoncini discusses the number of alumni, and how many participate in the association [00:01:10] Interviewer asks what the Alumni Association does, seeking assistance to get the best students to attend the campus [00:02:20] Vanoncini talks about the schedule for the alumni planned activities during Homecoming: bonfire, concert, parade, etc [00:04:11] Interviewer asks about future plan for the Alumni Association [00:04:58] Interviewer begins to wrap up interview