
University Archives Audio-Visual Collection


Audio-visual recordings created by campus departments, students, and faculty. May include public relations, sports, and other departments. May also include recordings produced by the ITS department, when that department was involved in media production for the campus.


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[00:00:19] Lew Litze, international president of the Cal Poly Alumni Association, welcomes the audience to the Poly Grove [00:00:31] Litze gives the history of the grove [00:00:51] Litze tells story of the first graduating class in 1906 planting the first oak tree in the grove [00:01:41] Litze reflects on how large the university has grown since 1906 [00:02:15] Litze talks about the current student body's awareness of ecology and environment [00:02:38] Litze speaks on the roles of women at Cal Poly [00:03:32] Litze says that the Alumni Association is proud to place the plaque honoring the original 8 graduates that worked hard to organize the Cal Poly Alumni Association [00:04:40] Litze introduces President Robert E. Kennedy [00:05:14] Kennedy talks about students planting trees all over campus [00:05:57] Kennedy says he would not cut trees down to make space for a building

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[00:00:00] Audience chatter before speaker takes the podium [00:00:26] Howard West, Associate Dean of Resources and Planning and Educational Director of Poly House welcomes audience to the ceremony [00:01:45] West talks about when President Kennedy told him about the concept and potential activities of the Poly House [00:02:33] West talks about the work done by the Poly House Committee Advisors to make the House a reality [00:02:57] West introduces the Poly House Committee Advisors and various campus departments [00:04:32] West introduces President Kennedy [00:05:18] Kennedy names special guests that are present in the audience [00:09:30] Kennedy talks about wanting to find a way to use the house as an educational, cultural, and social asset for the university as a whole [00:11:20] Kennedy thanks more people for their contributions to the project [00:12:37] Kennedy talks about the difficulties of remodeling a house compared to rebuilding one [00:13:12] Kennedy talks about the errors and corrections that happened throughout the "real learning by doing" experience that remodeling the house was [00:15:20] Kennedy calls out people in audience for their close supervision and involvement on the project [00:17:53] West and Kennedy unveil the plaque [00:18:30] Howard and Kennedy read the dedication on the plaque with the history of Cal Poly Presidents living in the house and the new mission of the house [00:20:30] West reminds the audience of another founders day activity and opens the house to tours [00:21:22] West gives a closing statement

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[00:10] Raymond DeGroote, leader of SNAP, along with other student groups, asks Cal Poly President Robert E. Kennedy to answer questions about controversies on campus [01:00] DeGroote introduces the students representing the various organizations [01:19] Kennedy says a few statements about the format and major issues of the discussion before the discussion begins. [01:53] Kennedy says the students' main issues they wanted to talk about are foreign student tuition, Vrana case, Dr. Rizzo case, and the resident halls open/closed door controversy [03:57] Hasan Fahdrad, Leader of Iranian Student Association, asks Kennedy questions about foreign student tuition and other issues related to foreign students [05:30] Kennedy explains the technicalities of the out of state and foreign student tuition fee increases [07:12] Kennedy answers questions about foreign students night performance [09:31] John Mason, President of the Ecology Action Committee, asks questions about Professor Vrana's evaluation for tenure [10:10] Kennedy says Vrana was first denied tenure in 1969, but given a 5th year of employment and was not to be evaluated in the 5th year [11:55] Kennedy tells the story of Vrana's case chronologically [13:40] Kennedy tells of the University accreditors for the school of engineering saying that not enough instructors in the physics department had Doctorates to receive accreditation in the future [15:20] Kennedy says he could not give any more members of the department tenure until they had received the Doctorate [15:57] Kennedy reaffirms that this was the only reason Vrana was not given tenure, not other issues [16:20] Kennedy says Vrana filed a grievance and was sat before a board chosen by the academic senate who decided he should not be given tenure [18:56] Kennedy tells the manner in which he agreed to offer tenure to Vrana if he attains his Doctorate [21:09] Mason asks Kennedy why instructors in the English and Business departments were granted tenure with only Bachelor's degrees [21:26] Kennedy says that each department has its own minimum academic requirements for a faculty member to be granted tenure [22:58] Kennedy says that Clyde Fisher gave him the recommendation to not grant tenure to Vrana long before Vrana spoke against the SLO County Development Association [23:12] cut between side A and side B [23:50] Kennedy says that he and the faculty department agreed when Vranna gets his Doctorate he will be offered employment at the same position he currently holds [24:22] Kennedy states that it is not up to the president to give tenure, but the Board of Trustees operating within the rules of regulations regarding tenure [25:10] Kennedy reaffirms that Vrana is assured a job when he comes back but Kennedy cannot legally give instant tenure [26:16] Vranna says his letter from Kennedy does say he would reemployed but did not mention tenure upon return [26:34] Kennedy gives same reply as earlier, that he would give tenure if legally possible [28:57] Kennedy says that faculty members should abide by the political code of ethics and limitations set by the Academic Senate and The American Association of College and University Professors [29:39] Kennedy emphasizes faculty responsibility in connection with freedom [31:25] Kennedy explains why the American Legion article was in Rizzo's personnel file [34:12] DeGroote asks Kennedy to denounce the American Legion article quoting Rizzo's comment from the Mustang Daily were the same as what emanates from Hanoi, Vietnam [35:00] DeGroote reads the article from the American Legion about a petition from Cal Poly Faculty to President Nixon which features quotes from Rizzo about US involvement in Vietnam [37:47] Rizzo asks Kennedy if he will publicly denounce the line in the American Legion article that states Rizzo's line emanates from Hanoi [39:05] Kennedy says he cannot denounce the line because he is not sure if it has never been said by someone who is in support of communism [39:18] Kennedy says the question is unfair because he cannot denounce only one portion of a statement [40:03] DeGroote asks why instructors cannot sit in on their own evaluation meetings [40:25] Kennedy says each department has specific procedures for evaluations [41:25] Dr. Ericson, Dean of the School of Communicative Arts and Humanities, states that the evaluation committee did not know about the American Legion newsletter and so it was not part of their evaluation of Rizzo [41:47] Ericson says that it was his own responsibility to put things in personnel files and it is does not matter if President feels they are appropriate or not [42:37] Ericson states that there is a letter from a similar organization in his own file at Central Washington State College from debating against US involvement in Vietnam that squarely lists him as communist [44:27] Kennedy explained the procedure that Rizzo went through in his grievance and case evaluation process [45:35] Kennedy says that the department procedure excludes the people being considered to be involved with the tenured members in the meeting unless they are called in to the evaluation meeting by the members [47:45] Ericson talks about Rizzo's political activities in his first year teaching [49:14] Ericson says Rizzo's department voted him to be retained and promoted after his first year teaching [50:03] Ericson states Rizzo refused to teach courses assigned by his department head in his second year teaching [51:04] Ericson states that any instructor, even with tenure, who refuses to teach freshman courses will not receive his support for retention

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[00:03] Rizzo states the terms he specified in his letter of acceptance [01:44] Rizzo read a quote from a tenured member of the English Department saying his liberalism was on a crash course with Cal Poly's conservatism [02:52] Rizzo asks why anything belongs in someones file that does not retain to academic performance [03:45] Rizzo asks why his political activities should be mentioned in the letter recommending his promotion [04:35] Kennedy dispels the idea that this is a direct confrontation between him and Rizzo [06:38] Kennedy says that the members of the department were the ones who voted and decided on this issue [07:10] Rizzo starts criticizing the majority of the Cal Poly Administration, the majority of the tenured faculty for having a 'locked in system' [08:35] Kennedy asks the students to return to the format that they agreed to carry out this discussion [08:45] Kennedy offers Rizzo a political form to discuss his ideas further [09:40] DeGroote asks Kennedy what he has to hide [10:23] Female faculty from the English/Speech Department speaks [12:44] DeGroote asks again why members cannot sit in on their evaluation meeting [15:00] Small cut between Side A and Side B of tape [15:06] Kennedy says the committees followed the procedures that were developed statewide by numerous state colleges [16:10] Kennedy calls the situation that Rizzo agrees to teach freshman courses an 'after the fact' situation [16:54] Raymond DeGroote asks if instructors are allowed to use supplemental readings [17:40] Kennedy refuses to denounce the actions of the department about books [19:13] Raymond DeGroote talks about the issue of students and faculty not being allowed to print materials on campus with their ideas on it [20:01] DeGroote comments that students cannot publish things free of charge [21:05] Kennedy invites, Michael Dylan, the representative of the ad-hoc dorm residence group to ask his questions [21:45] Dylan reads statistics about students who favored close door visitation and unlimited visiting hours [23:04] Dylan asks why the school has 'to play the babysitting role' for students by segregating housing by gender [24:00] Kennedy says the sent a questionnaire to students and parents for their opinions on the housing contract [25:45] Dylan asks how the university will enforce the segregation of students' whose parents voted against the student's decision [26:56] Dylan asks why students cannot hang decorations in the dorm [27:30] Kennedy says he would like to ban alcohol and billboards but cant because its not up to him as other people don't agree [28:20] Kennedy pleads ignorance on the question about hanging things in dorm screens

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[00:00:03] KCPR test [00:02:03] Audience member says Kennedy should step in to prevent the shutting out of a qualified instructor [00:02:53] Kennedy says he has not always accepted the recommendations for tenure made by tenured faculty [00:06:44] Kennedy reads a document that states that faculty status such as reappointment and tenure is primarily a faculty responsibility [00:07:45] Kennedy says the document says the president must at times by required to interfere in these decisions for the benefit of the department [00:09:26] Kennedy talks about the "typical" political climate of the San Luis Obispo community compared to the rest of the country [00:13:04] Kennedy talks about the ROTC and dissent on campus [00:14:12] Kennedy explains the process of assessing an instructor for tenure [00:19:15] Kennedy says that after he receives the recommendations from the Dean, the tenured members of the department, the department head, and the faculty personnel review committee, that he has the final say on granting tenure [00:20:07] Dean Fisher talks about how different departments decided their own procedure for evaluating instructors for tenure [00:21:45] Kennedy reads from the College Administration Manual that has rules and regulations about personnel evaluation [00:24:20] Kennedy highlights that the Academic Senate and faculty representatives have read through and agreed with these regulations [00:25:15] Speaker clarifies what the Academic Senate is for the audience [00:26:43] Kennedy says the faculty member being evaluated signs the evaluation indicating that he has been told what is in the evaluation [00:28:00] Kennedy says that he told Vrana to file a grievance if he did not agree with the final decision for tenure [00:29:20] Kennedy says that he is surprised by the committee's decision to uphold the Vrana decision [00:30:22] Kennedy rereads the categories for evaluation accepted by the Academic Senate [00:33:09] Kennedy talks about his push for more student involvement in evaluation and the Assist Program [00:37:25] Kennedy talks about his Doctoral Dissertation about a decision process for the State College System [00:39:15] Kennedy talks about the process of obtaining his Doctorate and teaching/working at the same time [00:44:15] Kennedy starts to talk about the college's accreditation in 5 engineering programs [00:44:54] Kennedy talks about the exit interview with the accreditation team that is not included in the official report which revealed weaknesses in the support programs for engineering such as physics and chemistry [00:46:06] Kennedy talks about receiving criticism from legislators for introducing Linus Pauling at Pomona because he was on the Un-American Activities list [00:48:17] Kennedy tells the story about how he was unable to hire Pauling as a faculty member because Kennedy was unable to provide him with enough space to continue Pauling's research [00:50:50] Kennedy explains what the 5th notice year is [00:54:56] Fisher explains the process of recruiting Mulenar as he was working on his dissertation, who never finished his work despite promising to finish it year after year [00:59:00] Fisher says the Doctorate is the degree that is required at most institutions to get a job [00:59:57] Fisher explains the importance of having a first-rate degree upon graduation [01:01:08] Kennedy explains the different types of accreditation that the university and its various areas can receive [01:02:15] small cut between side A and side B of the cassette [01:03:00] Kennedy talks about the importance of accreditation and the university's reputation among employers [01:04:16] Kennedy says his responsibility is to maintain the school as a top tier reputation [01:04:58] Kennedy says that there are a number of people that only want to see the President fall off of his supposed pedestal [01:05:30] Kennedy talks about his rise through the ranks at Cal Poly [01:06:40] Kennedy says his responsibility is not to protect one employee's right to continued employment, but to maintain the excellence of the institution [01:09:46] Fisher talks about what accreditation teams look at when evaluating an institution [01:11:46] Fisher continues to speak about Mulenar and tenure [01:14:19] Fisher explains what a Ph.D shows about a man [01:16:08] Kennedy says that the institution does not usually hire people who accept their job with conditions [01:17:54] Ericson talks about what Rizzo was told to do his particular teaching schedule [01:21:45] Kennedy says that they don't write letters as anything other than good faith [01:22:15] Kennedy talks about how presumptuous it is to not want to teach freshman courses [01:24:08] Kennedy reminds the students that it was the tenured members of the faculty who wrote the recommendation to the administration [01:24:27] Kennedy says there is no change in the position of the tenured members of the faculty [01:27:00] Kennedy says that Rizzo will cooperate only because he faced backlash from not teaching freshman classes [01:30:48] Fisher explains channels to which students can make their voices heard about instructors that may not like [01:32:55] They talk about the fairness board for venting complaints for students who feel they are being treated unfairly [01:35:35] Kennedy defines what tenure means [01:39:39] A student comments how the letter from Rizzo about freshman courses went unchallenged [01:40:53] the student says this makes this situation seem more like the result of a personality clash [01:42:46] Ericson says that the letter sent by Rizzo is not the contract that he is functioning under but the contract he signed during the past Spring [01:47:01] Kennedy says Rizzo was very uptight about having to do things that the students say he would do so willingly [01:47:40] Kennedy says Rizzo started to expound the issues with his colleagues into his classes [01:50:51] Ericson says that he heard Rizzo was too concerned with writing a book to teach freshman course and thus questions his concern for students [01:53:50] Student says he cannot understand why Rizzo is being fired over freshman classes [01:54:49] Kennedy explains that Rizzo is not being fired, but professors are to be evaluated and reappointed each year when they have not been granted tenure [01:56:24] Kennedy explains that the tenured faculty members did not recommend Rizzo for reappointment during a probationary year in order to best suit the department's needs [01:57:09] Kennedy talks about how much protection employees have in the academic environment compared to other industries [02:00:20] Kennedy warns about the problems possibly created by setting the precedent of the president the power to overrule faculty decisions for any reason

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[00:00:00] Beginning of conversation between Robert Kennedy, Clyde Fisher, Dean Ericson, Fred Rizzo, Ralph Vrana, and a few other faculty members [00:01:15] Vrana says he will accept the terms of the public discussion of his case [00:01:58] Vrana asks if he can ask a question about which texts an instructor can require for their class [00:03:00] Kennedy says that faculty teaching the same course have an obligation to work together and agree which texts they are going to use for the class to cover the agreed upon requirements [00:05:15] Kennedy explains the unfair financial obligation for students when instructors use additional books in their class [00:06:40] Rizzo says he feels that he is being censored being forced to use only specific texts [00:07:30] Kennedy says he can prove there are no contradiction in his position [00:08:33] Kennedy explains sometimes the faculty have not agreed on a specific text to use in a course [00:09:20] Kennedy says he can understand Rizzo's position as an English instructor, but the situation is not the same in other fields such as math or science [00:10:56] Rizzo disagrees with Kennedy and says that little difference would be made in math and science classes if they used different texts [00:12:36] Kennedy says he is not in a position to evaluate the quality of text that every instructor uses, but the other faculty members in that field are [00:13:38] Vrana asks how much influence Kennedy has on what is put in the Mustang Daily newspaper [00:14:40] Kennedy says he opposed a trustee committee that tried to put restrictions on what political matters could go into college newspapers [00:16:25] Kennedy says he defended the freedom of press of a student publication, yet the Mustang Daily did not write about the story [00:16:55] Vrana asks if Kennedy or any other administration faculty have conferences with the editors of the Mustang Daily [00:18:36] Vrana asks about an instructor who does not have a Ph.D, or a degree in English, yet Kennedy overruled the chairman and dean giving him tenure [00:21:10] Vrana says that this instructor did not have to pursue further degrees to be granted tenure [00:22:20] Kennedy says they should try to avoid bringing in other cases [00:23:03] Kennedy does not want to violate the confidence of other personnel cases [00:25:10] Vrana pushes the argument that he has not been released because he does not have a doctorate [00:27:18] Kennedy says he had recommendations all the way to grant tenure [00:27:56] Kennedy asks Vrana to tell him his academic background about his degrees [00:29:44] Kennedy says he wants Vrana back on the Cal Poly faculty [00:30:15] Vrana says the total sum of all of his course work is equivalent to just under two doctorates [00:32:30] Kennedy says his greatest concern and motivation for his actions is the need to importance of accreditation for the department [00:35:28] Kennedy says the institution has never required instructors to publish work in order to keep their jobs [00:37:14] Kennedy says he has offered Vrana reemployment without change in rank or salary within three years [00:39:48] Someone asks what the difference between the Vrana case and the other instructor's case [00:41:15] Fisher explains why he made his recommendation against tenure in Vrana's case [00:43:30] Fisher says the primary reason for Vrana's employment has disappeared [00:46:24] cut between side A and side B of tape [00:48:53] Vrana says there is supposed to be a broadening of courses fit to his skill set, contra what Fisher said [00:49:53] Fisher says there are already tenured members of the physics department that have Vrana's skills so it does not make sense to add another tenured member [00:50:43] Fisher says there is no evidence of what Vrana says regarding an interdisciplinary major [00:52:30] someone says that they and Kennedy need to leave to other appointments

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[00:00:14] McPhee brings up the issue of not having a location for the convocation [00:00:45] McPhee talks about diversions of previous convocations such as the World Series [00:01:14] McPhee talks about the new gymnasium that could host the convocation indoors in the coming years [00:01:30] McPhee talks about seeing and talking to new students around campus [00:02:49] McPhee talks about the growth of the college faster than ever [00:03:18] McPhee talks about what links of all the people including students, faculty, and accreditors attending the convocation [00:05:14] McPhee talks about the origin of Cal Poly in 1903 and its evolutionary growth over the years [00:06:29] McPhee talks about how Cal Poly has kept pace with the educational demands of an ever changing society [00:07:07] McPhee talks about the challenge of keeping Cal Poly open during the Great Depression [00:07:52] McPhee discusses Cal Poly's objective and philosophy of educating those who can apply their knowledge to society [00:10:04] McPhee talks about how the educational structure of Cal Poly is different than that of other state colleges [00:12:39] McPhee emphasizes the student-teacher relationship that gives Cal Poly an impressive reputation [00:13:47] McPhee talks about the importance of having a vision to light the way for the future [00:14:31] McPhee talks about the general criticism of education at the moment [00:16:15] McPhee talks about the different intelligence and ability levels that people can contribute to society [00:17:36] McPhee talks about the importance of feeding the various employment needs of society [00:20:25] McPhee urges people to vote "Yes" on Proposition 3 in order to expand the educational opportunities that Cal Poly can offer [00:21:37] McPhee reminds the audience that building expansion is not enough, and must be accompanied with more teachers and instructors [00:22:30] McPhee wishes everyone a successful year [00:22:44] Conclusion of the convocation service

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[00:00:00] Caution: Loud Wind at beginning of speech and occasionally throughout [00:00:10] McPhee brings up anecdote about a windy day during an older convocation and hopes of moving the convocation inside [00:00:38] McPhee talks about his hope to move future convocations inside the new gymnasium [00:01:32] McPhee begins his speech by pointing out errors of other speakers [00:03:15] McPhee welcomes all of the new students [00:03:56] McPhee discusses the challenges he faces as leader of an institution that tries to be different in the age of conformity [00:04:48] McPhee emphasizes Cal Poly's objective of instruction for occupational education [00:05:18] McPhee describes the characteristics that define Cal Poly students from other college students [00:07:05] McPhee states Cal Poly students are not afraid of hard work and practice [00:08:13] McPhee praises Cal Poly students' willingness to try new things [00:09:06] McPhee discusses the reasons why employers are impressed with Cal Poly graduates [00:10:34] McPhee talks about the importance of being of service to society [00:11:50] McPhee discusses the warmth and friendliness of the Cal Poly student body [00:13:00] McPhee summarizes the points he has just discussed [00:15:10] McPhee offers advice for the coming year [00:17:10] McPhee insists on the utility of asking for advice, and balancing advice from people who know you and those who do not [00:18:06] McPhee urges students to find a group identity to learn new things and meet new people [00:19:14] McPhee discusses the importance of a time budget to obtain everything that students came to Cal Poly for [00:22:12] McPhee reminds students that there is more to college than being secluded with books [00:22:46] McPhee summarizes his three pieces of advice [00:23:28] McPhee comments on his plan and responsibilities as President for the upcoming year [00:23:41] McPhee talks about his job of keeping the Cal Poly program "sold" to the state legislature and education department [00:24:18] McPhee talks about protecting Cal Poly's interest of redefining higher education [00:24:48] McPhee talks about the time and energy needed to attend the high number of meetings with committees and personnel [00:26:15] McPhee provides the score to the Dodgers baseball game [00:26:40] Audience rises for the benediction [00:27:03] recording ends shortly after the benediction begins

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[00:00:00] Robert Kennedy greets audience [00:00:08] He explains the itinerary for the parents' day of viewing the campus [00:00:51] He says that this is the first time Cal Poly has ever invited parents [00:01:03] He is surprised by the amount of parents since his kids would not have told him [00:01:35] Kennedy says he will pinpoint three things: Week of Welcome, Higher Education, and Higher Education regarding Cal Poly [00:02:03] He begins explaining WOW and the students' role in it [00:02:59] There are also special programs that are tailored for specific aspects a student might be interested in [00:03:11] There are two speakers that are for both freshman and transfer students [00:03:32] WOW clubs will meet with the students' counselors, faculty advisors, academic departments while also registering and touring the campus [00:04:16] There will also be social events for the WOW Clubs like: dances, recreational events, watermelon feed, beach party, as well as climbing the "P" [00:04:33] WOW concludes with a Church night, the night before classes [00:04:57] Kennedy explains the importance of WOW week for students at Cal Poly [00:05:25] He then explains the system of Higher Education in California [00:06:07] He states the differences between Junior, State, Private, and Universities of California colleges [00:07:08] The agency that pulls these colleges together in California is the Coordinating Council [00:07:58] He then explains who governs each type of college in California [00:08:45] Following, he explains the admissions and entrance standards [00:09:20] The state colleges are comprised of the fastest growing college system of higher administration in the western world [00:10:19] He explains how state colleges provide in depth training for careers [00:10:51] He begins explaining Cal Poly's place in Higher Education [00:11:02] He also highlights the history of Cal Poly [00:11:30] He states that Cal Poly stopped allowing women to attend for 27 years [00:11:43] In 1940, Cal Poly was authorized to grant the Bachelor of Science for the four year curriculum [00:11:51] The first class to receive a BS degree was in 1942 [00:12:20] After a few historical events, the teaching staff has grown and the facilities have been renovated to keep up with enrollment growth [00:12:45] He then explains the imperative differences of Cal Poly and other State universities [00:12:50] Cal Poly focuses on the applied fields of agriculture, engineering, business, and home economics [00:13:17] It also was one of the first state colleges to have any departments of engineering, and it is one of the largest undergraduate enrollments in the West [00:13:51] Cal Poly's faculty members are some of the best educators that are involved in research, industry, and more [00:14:35] He explains how each students' curriculum is focused on its major while also incorporating support and general education courses [00:14:47] Cal Poly's curriculum is referred to as the "Upside Down" program [00:15:46] Past students, employers, and parents refer to Cal Poly as a "Healthy, friendly, constructive environment" [00:16:18] There are also other Cal Poly groups that heighten the positive experience at the college [00:16:43] Cal Poly received a framed copy of a joint resolution from the legislature, commending Cal Poly [00:17:53] Kennedy wants to provide the best educational experience possible for Cal Poly's students [00:18:35] Most students complain about the food in the cafeteria [00:19:25] Cal Poly students are expected to play an active role in decision making [00:20:16] Kennedy would now like to introduce the represented faculty members [00:20:47] The faculty members that are present, volunteered for this assignment [00:21:21] He then introduces each faculty member and the college they represent [00:23:56] Kennedy interrupts himself by telling an anecdote about one of the faculty members [00:25:04] He then resumes with the faculty introductions [00:25:54] Kennedy asks about the time schedule for refreshments [00:26:03] He asks if anyone has anyone questions [00:26:50] Dr. Lawson reminds the audience that there are special tours [00:28:00] Kennedy says everyone can now gather to the patio and enjoy the refreshments [00:28:40] Classical music begins playing

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[00:00:02] A recording plays over talking about young minds and dreamers [00:00:19] A speaker tells the faculty that they have already taken the dare [00:01:06] Students from all over the world have traveled to Cal Poly's campus [00:01:18] 5,000 young minds will come to campus and come in contact with them looking for what they will supply [00:01:59] The speaker adds that some faculty have taught for years, and says you are never truly ready [00:02:27] They are here to refresh their understanding of why they are at Cal Poly [00:02:33] Another speaker talks about the hardships of being a faculty member [00:03:21] The first speaker highlights that they are all "old-timers," so it's not entirely new information [00:04:06] The second speaker then concludes that they wouldn't be anywhere else [00:04:23] Most people probably stick around due to the year round climate, beach, or mountains [00:04:37] People might sick around due to the activities: fishing or hunting [00:05:06] However, the first speaker underscores the real problem is finding a house to settle down in San Luis Obispo [00:05:36] The second speaker highlights that no one really understand Cal Poly until they've been there awhile [00:06:07] The faculty enjoys their field and they stay for the young people [00:06:17] It is presented that teachers want to teach, that's why they are teaching [00:06:30] Teaching at Cal Poly is different, the students are taught the Cal Poly way [00:07:35] The Cal Poly community are doers, showers, as well as fighters and scrapers for what they believe [00:07:50] The second speaker mentions that, that is why Cal Poly has grown so rapidly [00:07:59] Cal Poly is the largest undergraduate school for Agriculture and the second for Engineering [00:08:54] All the faculty comes together to fight hard for Cal Poly [00:09:07] The first speaker underlines that Cal Poly is more like a family, including students, faculty and staff [00:09:56] The second speaker talks about the importance of helping the students [00:10:07] Cal Poly is not old enough to accept mostly "legacies," since it is only 20 years old [00:10:39] The students, instructor relationship is the most important [00:10:58] Two, distinctive terms that are Cal Poly's successful philosophies are: Learn by Doing and The Upside Down Curriculum [00:12:54] The importance of student, instructor relationships is reiterated [00:12:57] The same kind of training that started the development of the Pomona campus [00:13:12] Cal Poly is the only regionally designate state college [00:13:40] The campus is outside city limits, but it produces 7 million dollars per year [00:13:57] It also has its own police and firefighter department with its own hospital [00:14:22] It also has its own transportation system with the largest car and bus pool for state colleges [00:14:57] El Mustang is a self supporting poly project that is both a public and printed newspaper created by students [00:15:55] The Cal Poly handbook and catalog are resources for the faculty [00:17:49] Cal poly is a college that has its "sleeves rolled up" [00:18:18] Organizations on campus will probably exceed eighty [00:18:58] The student activities office is set up to guide students [00:19:05] The college health center is also ready to help students [00:19:59] The counseling center is prepared to help students with any problems [00:21:45] The supplying of the facilities is also a challenge to accommodate due to Cal Poly know being a meeting place [00:23:19] The students, faculty, etc. are all apart of what makes Cal Poly's Product, which stems from the atmosphere on campus [00:23:37] Other distinguished victors have talked highly of Cal Poly while visiting [00:24:44] Singing concludes the talk

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[00:00:01] President McPhee greets the students, faculty, and guests [00:01:24] He speaks to his experiences as an undergraduate [00:01:57] He tells the students he is extremely proud of them [00:02:43] Cal Poly students know what they want to accomplish [00:03:51] He asks the students to consider the question, 'Why are you here?' [00:04:00] He then gives several reasons as to why they would want to be at Cal Poly [00:05:01] He hopes that all the incoming students will enjoy Cal Poly and become supporters [00:05:33] He likes to have these convocations to get in contact with the students and faculty [00:06:21] He encourages the freshman to stick it out for a couple of weeks to get acquainted with the campus [00:06:47] Many students went to the War and came back to Cal Poly instead of going home [00:07:08] Some students stay 7-9 years before graduating because they love Cal Poly that much [00:07:34] He encourages students and faculty to allows smile because that is what makes Cal Poly a friendly campus [00:08:10] Cal Poly Alumni still remember McPhee's convocations and the rules he stated [00:08:28] He wants students to address any issues with the rules and explains how they can change them [00:09:06] When McPhee came to Cal Poly in 1933, there was only one campus with 125 students [00:09:24] In 1964, Cal Poly is now represented by three campuses [00:11:40] He explains that the faculty are going worldwide to get in contact with other programs [00:12:57] Cal Poly was established as a polytechnic college to tailor them for specific occupations [00:13:50] He explains the 'Learn by Doing' standard and how that relates to the 'Upside Down' curriculum [00:14:12] He describes the importance and uniqueness of the relationship students and faculty have [00:14:30] The Cal Poly plan adds the 'know how' to the 'know why' [00:15:50] McPhee asks, 'What is a good citizen?' [00:16:19] As citizens, we should care about the social and economical issues [00:16:59] McPhee encourages the students to participate and get involved in clubs and the community [00:18:18] Cal Poly students are the future [00:20:54] He says that Cal Poly's training for citizenship has been one of the first Cal Poly objectives [00:22:12] McPhee says its important to be good leaders, but to also be able to follow good leadership [00:22:45] He stresses the importance of writing out reports properly for employers [00:23:00] Cal Poly strives to have the best teachers in the faculty staff [00:24:15] He states the importance of respecting others [00:26:08] He discusses the facility work that is occurring on campus [00:26:57] He is hopeful that the student union will be finished [00:27:14] He wants students to keep in mind the importance of perseverance and the use of their time [00:28:34] McPhee closes with his best wishes for a happy and successful year

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[00:00:01] The Speaker open the Commencement with a prayer [00:00:28] Another Speaker begins a speech for the Class of 1955 [00:01:48] He pinpoints the importance of education and their future roles in society [00:03:27] He speaks for the Class of 1955 and thanks Cal Poly for the influential experiences [00:03:45] A third speaker presents the senior class gift: remodeling the student union [00:04:19] He presents a check to President McPhee [00:04:29] McPhee thanks the Class of 1955 [00:04:56] He introduces Reece Taylor as the guest speaker and honored guest [00:06:10] Reece Taylor begins his speech [00:06:36] In his speech, he wants to target the economic aspects of life [00:07:57] The mark of progress and opportunity is everywhere around us [00:08:45] In order for this to happen, you have to take the big chance instead of settling [00:09:47] He has discussed this subject with several industries [00:10:02] He then explains the security mindset [00:11:10] None of these securities are possible unless somebody earns them [00:12:53] He makes a joke about the train passing by [00:14:02] Those cannot be or do great without a sort of willingness [00:14:35] He expresses his concern about security in different scenarios [00:16:05] He also give examples of the people who took chances and did not settle [00:16:33] He expresses that each individual was given a special, economic opportunity [00:16:51] Life always has a greater reward for the optimist than it does for the pessimist [00:18:36] He gives Henry Ford as a prime example of this perspective [00:19:16] He continues to give examples for the importance of optimism [00:20:17] Opportunity is shaped in the eye of the beholder [00:20:35] As young individuals, it is your job to keep the dream of America alive [00:20:47] He concludes his speech [00:20:48] The audience applauses [00:21:00] The choir begins to sing their first piece [00:22:21] They conclude the first piece [00:22:22] The audience applauses [00:22:38] The choir begins to perform their second piece [00:25:05] They conclude the second piece [00:25:06] The audience applauses [00:25:23] The choir begins to perform their third piece [00:27:07] They conclude the third piece [00:27:08] The audience applauses [00:27:18] McPhee thanks and honors another speaker, regarding an agriculture degree [00:29:31] This honorary speaker thanks Cal Poly for this specialized degree in agriculture [00:30:00] The audience applauses [00:30:44] The Class of 1955 has the the first group for candidates of commission in the United States Army [00:31:33] The candidates begin the oath for initiation [00:33:05] The audience applauses [00:33:33] The head of the Army department welcomes and commends the candidates [00:33:49] 391 students of the class of 1955 completed all satisfactory requirements for graduation [00:34:32] 27 students are candidates for the Masters of Arts degree in education [00:34:41] Of the 342 Bachelor of Science graduates, 185 are in agriculture [00:35:00] An airplane flying overhead, interrupts the commencement speech [00:36:58] The speaker repeats his statements said before [00:37:10] Of the 342 Bachelor of Science graduates, 126 are in engineering and 31 in liberal arts division [00:37:52] 39 members are graduating with honors [00:38:05] Members of the Class of 1955 are coming from 160 different California cities, 25 different states, and 11 foreign countries [00:38:34] 132 graduates are veterans [00:39:48] The speaker presents the graduating Class of 1955 [00:39:50] The audience applauses [00:40:42] At this time, McPhee announces he will begin giving out diplomas [00:40:55] A prayer conducts for the graduating class [00:41:25] The band begins playing, ending the ceremony

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[00:00:00] Recording begins in the middle of the opening benediction prayer [00:00:41] Student representatives talks about the role that McPhee played as President of Cal Poly [00:01:04] Student praises McPhee's leadership and high goals that helped to build Cal Poly from 300 students to over 8,000 [00:01:56] Student brings up the funding that was set aside by McPhee to build the Student Union on campus [00:03:24] Student introduces the Executive Vice Chancellor of the California State Colleges, Dr. Raymond A. Rydell [00:04:09] Rydell talks about the legacy of McPhee as the President of Cal Poly [00:04:36] Rydell talks about the magnitude of the ideas, plans, and successes held by McPhee [00:05:55] Rydell details McPhee's defense of the students and faculty of Cal Poly [00:06:53] President Kennedy begins to speak on the purpose of being [00:07:58] Kennedy states that McPhee lived for the dedication to service to others [00:09:05] Kennedy talks about McPhee's tremendous faith in work and its balance with play [00:10:10] Kennedy talks about McPhee taking pleasure from being with his family and interacting with students [00:11:05] Kennedy says that McPhee used his strength and leadership skills practically to achieve his goals for the educational system [00:12:48] Kennedy talks about McPhee's appetite for accurate information in order to make wise decisions and his willingness to continue learning [00:14:18] Kennedy concedes that far more could be said about McPhee's accomplishments that what has been said in this memorial [00:15:06] The prayer of benediction begins

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[00:00:10] McPhee says that the State of California recognizes those who have been employed in state service for 25 years [00:01:06] McPhee calls up the three recipients Spelman Collins, Robert Kennedy, Paul Winter to receive their awards [00:01:29] McPhee remembers when he first recruited these employees to work at Cal Poly [00:03:34] McPhee begins his speech with a joke about how long he has had to prepare the speech [00:04:32] McPhee says he doesn't intend to give a sermon and would rather talk with the audience as colleagues [00:04:45] McPhee talks about the busy schedule he has had to follow lately [00:05:10] McPhee talks about the speakers who spoke about him at the State College banquet in which he and Glen Kendall were honored [00:06:56] McPhee jokes about all of the banquets and events he has had to attend so he hasn't been able to prepare to move [00:07:30] McPhee begins reminisces about the staff club before he retires [00:07:44] McPhee talks about his faculty experiences beginning in 1933 dealing with funding shortages [00:08:45] McPhee says in those days you could differentiate between faculty and staff because everyone had so many different duties and responsibilities [00:09:40] McPhee states how close that group of faculty and staff was through their work and social activities [00:10:10] McPhee remembers a variety of fun games, shows, and entertainment the staff club use to have [00:12:00] McPhee admits that he had not been around Cal Poly much recently because of his other statewide responsibilities on different campuses [00:13:00] McPhee talks about the struggle of gaining students and having a tight budget which made the staff full of energy and spirit [00:14:46] McPhee proudly says that this spirit exists on the Kellog campus and the Bores campus, too [00:15:30] McPhee says the important thing is that this spirit of friendliness and happiness is instilled onto the students that go out into the world [00:17:01] McPhee talks about reminiscing about the first time he taught a class at an old high school in Pomona in 1917 [00:18:47] McPhee says his only hope is that this same spirit will continue in future years [00:19:51] McPhee says that he would hate to see this kind of institution become spoiled and states that other faculty are impressed with the friendliness and service of the people of Cal Poly [00:20:49] McPhee says he does not want to stay around San Luis Obispo so as not to interfere with his successor or have other influences [00:21:10] McPhee talks about his plans to spend time with all of his relatives [00:22:02] McPhee thanks the audience and they applaud

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[00:00:03] Julian McPhee discusses the work of the W. K. Kellog Foundation toward the advancement of material and ideological gains in the world [00:00:42] McPhee states that it was the Kellog Foundation that donated a horse ranch to Cal Poly in 1949 [00:01:16] McPhee talks about the role of Dr. Morris in facilitating the gift from the Kellog Foundation [00:01:51] McPhee lists the professional and educational credentials of Dr. Morris [00:02:28] McPhee introduces the President of the W. K. Kellog Foundation as the commencement speaker, Dr. Emory Morris [00:03:17] Morris talks about the memories that remain from the college experience [00:04:03] Morris says that education is the vital undergirding of modern society [00:04:37] Morris states he has long admired the teaching philosophy of Julian A. McPhee [00:05:25] Morris says he believes that modern education is improving at providing richer, fuller lives of individuals and their communities [00:06:10] Morris tells a story about a man whose vision was only focused on small things on the ground, gaining money but losing the joy of friends and nature [00:07:58] Morris talks about George Berkeley the Irish philosopher and his famous line, 'Westward, the course of empire takes its way' [00:08:37] Morris talks about all of the people that helped to build California [00:09:27] Morris talks about the progress of industrial economy based on individual specialization, but that humans remain social creatures [00:10:19] Morris says that perhaps it is inevitable that man finds satisfactions within a variety of groups, but it is important that we must learn to live away from the group just as we live in it [00:10:51] Morris notes the level of conformity traded for convenience and comfort [00:11:40] Morris affirms that the educated man must walk the tightrope between anarchy and conformity [00:13:04] Morris states that he recently read Eric Prone's Escape to Freedom, but thought 'freedom for what?' [00:13:30] Morris pauses for a train passing by [00:14:42] Morris says it is the job of education to decide what to use for freedom [00:15:25] Morris says the educated man is obligated to act in a noble and decisive manner [00:16:24] Morris quotes from Ian Foster's Two Chairs for Democracy [00:17:58] Morris talks about Alfred Nobel, the Swedish industrialist and inventor of dynamite, which he saw as a benefactor of mankind but his invention was perverted by the munitions industry for killing [00:19:01] Morris continues telling the story of Nobel seeing how the world viewed him through newspapers incorrectly reporting his death and obituaries [00:20:25] Morris calls upon the duty of educated citizens to mitigate the social waste of the average community [00:20:54] Morris tells a story about community integrity in which a boy threw a rock through a barbershop window, leading to members from the community supporting the barbershop whether they needed to or not [00:21:40] Morris quotes Confucius on wisdom, compassion, personal conduct, and governance [00:23:11] Morris reiterates that a truly educated person represents the chief basis of optimism going into the future [00:24:12] Morris ends his speech

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[00:00:05] Mr. James King leads the opening prayer [00:01:14] Colonel Solway leads the Pledge of Allegiance [00:01:45] Mr. Wilson announces the names of people who members of the platform party but are not to be introduced in the program later [00:03:25] Wilson introduces further members of the Cal Poly family such as the group of pastors and leaders of campus organizations [00:06:54] Wilson introduces Barton C. Olsen, Chairman of the Academic Senate [00:07:07] Olsen speaks on the goals set forth for Cal Poly in Kennedy's inaugural speech [00:08:58] Olsen asks the faculty to examine their commitment to the educational and democratic process so Cal Poly will become a renowned institution [00:09:38] Wilson introduces Howard Zogg, Chairman of the Staff Senate [00:09:52] Zogg greets the faculty and staff, assuring them that they came to one of the finest universities in California [00:11:30] Wilson introduces Robbin Baggot, President of the Associated Students, to provide greetings from the student body [00:11:58] Baggot thanks the faculty for helping produce such productive students [00:12:26] Baggot assures the audience that the students have increased communication with the administration in order to improve the educational process [00:12:55] Wilson introduces President Kennedy [00:14:19] Kennedy states that he always becomes nervous when gets up to address the faculty [00:15:20] Kennedy says he is excited for the upcoming challenges for the college [00:16:11] Kennedy says the prevailing spirit and drive at Cal Poly are due to high expectations [00:16:45] Kennedy admits that there were periods in the history of Cal Poly when the future looked grim [00:17:56] Kennedy quotes a phrase about education from the first director Dr. Leroy Anderson [00:19:40] Kennedy says that he has fought battles for Cal Poly at any time or place necessary [00:20:20] Kennedy admits that these responsibilities take him away from the campus more than he would like and thanks the faculty and staff that also represent Cal Poly [00:21:56] Kennedy states that it may be more difficult than ever to maintain realistic goals, limitations, and direction with the beginning of the "University Era" that officially begins this new season [00:22:58] Kennedy states that as long as the role of the university is undefined, they will be able to bend to the needs of society [00:24:00] Kennedy explains why Cal Poly kept its nickname and kept the "Polytechnic" in its name rather than fit uniformly with the other State Universities [00:25:28] Kennedy says he was pleased with the recommendation to keep the name in order to not lose the heritage and educational direction [00:27:20] Kennedy describes the importance in keeping the Cal Poly name [00:28:52] Kennedy says Cal Poly must continue to award faculty for their teaching of students [00:29:42] Kennedy says that the Polytechnic title may turn off the counter culture kids in society [00:30:42] Kennedy says the careers within the system that the counterculture find the most distasteful are the same jobs a polytechnic institution is most likely to produce [00:32:32] Kennedy hopes Cal Poly will be able to fulfill the niche once considered the role of the land grant institution, as agricultural and mechanical colleges were created to educate the common people [00:33:09] Kennedy says Cal Poly is something of a land grant institution since it has recently received almost 5000 acres of federal land [00:36:10] Kennedy suggests that those seeking relevance of the new state universities should consider the success of the 19th century agricultural colleges [00:37:30] Kennedy says he became acutely aware in 1967 that he had a responsibility to improve the equality of opportunity for minority races [00:39:01] Kennedy discusses the total effectiveness of the Affirmative Action program that was established 7 month earlier [00:40:12] Kennedy invites those critical to the Affirmative Action program to submit a better plan to reverse the discriminatory practices that resulted in Cal Poly having an almost all-male all-white faculty and staff [00:41:11] Kennedy says he and Mrs. Kennedy took a trip around the county with Mexican-American staff members in order to talk with local Mexican-American communities about how Cal Poly can support them [00:43:00] Kennedy talks about common critiques of the goals of Universities [00:43:40] Kennedy states the dual goal written in the catalog is to prepare students for the basic requirements of specific occupations and to help the individual reach their maximum personal development [00:44:58] Kennedy addresses the concern of whether a university serves the individual or society, and explains how a university can do both [00:46:55] Kennedy says the the students of Cal Poly need to be leaders for the world [00:48:15] Kennedy talks about the need to be efficient and have quality control in its academic standards [00:49:19] Kennedy talks about the likely visitation of independent accreditation reviewers to investigate certain campuses in response to dissatisfied students reporting lack of academic requirements [00:50:17] Kennedy says he is proud to say he has not heard any criticisms of Cal Poly faculty members failing to be professional teachers [00:51:09] Kennedy talks about his concern of the polarized positions of resistance to change and over eager accepting of change that may affect Cal Poly as it becomes a university [00:53:53] Kennedy talks about the issue of other institutions accepting change for the sake of change without considering how it fits into their particular institution, and thus becoming too similar [00:55:22] Kennedy talks about the intriguing idea explored by the Newman Commission Task Force of accreditation by examination for courses that students may already be qualified through previous education and experience [00:57:04] Kennedy points out that some of the proposals of the Newman Commission Task Force have been addressed by Cal Poly to its own satisfaction years earlier [00:58:27] Kennedy talks about the importance of identity and community in a big university [01:00:28] Kennedy talks about the difficulty in managing the annual growth of a university and its local area [01:02:40] Kennedy reads quotes from the LA Times about students favoring a turn to vocational education programs and about Cal Poly turning away students [01:03:30] Kennedy states that the request to hold enrollment in the 1970 year was made because the campus and the community could not absorb more students without additional housing [01:04:54] Kennedy discusses the evaluation of the planned enrollment ceilings through the 1990s [01:08:17] Kennedy talks about an orientation meeting in which he spoke with the parents of new students [01:08:58] Kennedy talks about living in the President's Home (often called the McPhee Home) on campus [01:10:10] Kennedy repeats his expression of using the home as a social, cultural, and educational asset for the entire campus community [01:11:00] Kennedy repeats an affirmation of diligence and devotion in working with the faculty and students [01:11:25] Audience applauds [01:11:49] Wilson asks those faculty that are to receive awards to come up to the backstage area [01:12:30] [beginning of interference from other side of tape that will increase in volume until the end of the recording] [01:12:46] Wilson presents faculty member Dr. Glen A. Nobel for the award for outstanding teaching [01:14:50] Wilson calls forth a several faculty from different departments to accept Distinguished Teachers Awards [01:17:21] Wilson names the individuals that qualify to be named as members of the Emeritus Faculty [01:18:55] Wilson names the individuals that qualify to be named as members of the Emeritus Staff [01:21:09] Wilson presents the 25 Year Service Award of the State of California

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[00:00:03] Panel addresses possible developments in instructional television [00:00:35] Art Stillby states that many school officials believe that television will carry some part of the teaching of school children and college students [00:01:36] Art states that specialized fields could use educational television when teachers and equipment are in short supply [00:02:00] Art talking about potential changes ETV could bring [00:03:02] Art talks about the changes educational television would have on teaching method with an emphasis toward ability grouping and communication [00:03:47] Art says there will be a larger recognition of superior teaching ability and differentials in salary will be based on this [00:05:13] Art talks about the expectations for educational television, such as making learning fashionable and available [00:07:08] Art summarizes that television can be have great potential to improve education if it is implemented creatively [00:07:34] Panel begins Q&A period [00:08:18] Man from the audience asks question comparing advantages of color and film [00:09:08] Panel speaker says that instructors would hate to turn over their interaction with students to film or tape [00:09:48] Panel speaker says it would be very expensive to film every lab scenario and that film is noisy and a nuisance [00:10:13] Panel member weighs the pros and cons between television and film [00:12:35] Panel member discusses the attempt to connect theall branches of the University of California via microwave or coaxial cable [00:13:28] Panel member notes that no one wants to use television alone for education, but only as a supplement [00:14:22] Panel member answers question relating to how television can be used to help Cal Poly's "personal touch" with students [00:15:08] Panel speaker talks about the idea of breaking courses into 1 large presentation and smaller discussion groups [00:16:12] Panel speaker says they are over time and suggests that audience members can come to the front if they have further questions [00:16:40] Applause from audience

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[00:00:00] Dale Andrews explains why he is dressed so casually for the affair [00:01:31] Andrews describes the literature materials that the audience has to reference through the conference [00:03:40] Andrews says that many attending Junior Colleges would like to interview their former students at Cal Poly [00:05:56] Man answers a question about meeting times [00:06:31] Andrews runs through the schedule for the conference [00:07:33] Andrews introduces Robert E. Kennedy [00:08:36] Kennedy makes a joke about how Andrews got injured playing sports with the Administration members [00:11:05] Kennedy states the goal of the conference that the schools can become more compatible with each other's curriculum [00:13:50] Kennedy applauds the Junior Colleges' Terminal Programs and the College Preparatory Program [00:15:15] Kennedy talks about the number of Junior College transfers at Cal Poly [00:17:30] Kennedy states his belief in the importance of disagreement and a healthy dissenting minority that pushes improvement [00:20:00] Kennedy talks about the importance of communication and the impossibility of pleasing everyone [00:22:19] Kennedy says that finding students that fit your particular institution is more important that simply recruiting [00:23:03] Kennedy reads a quote regarding polytechnic colleges and specialization [00:25:01] Audience claps at the end of Kennedy's speech [00:25:14] Dean George Mulder begins to speak on identifying potential Cal Poly students [00:25:39] Mulder talks about his experience as a counselor at Cal Poly Pomona and San Luis Obispo [00:26:49] Mulder talks about the difference between working at a Junior College and Cal Poly [00:28:20] Mulder hopes that the counselors in the audience will be able to truly tell their students what Cal Poly is like [00:30:07] Mulder talks about GPAs of struggling transferring students [00:31:15] Mulder talks about academic correlations between similar tests and grades and Cal Poly and the Junior Colleges [00:32:50] Mulder explains the guidance test that Cal Poly utilizes [00:34:50] Mulder tells the audience to look at the manner in which Cal Poly's curriculum is set up [00:35:32] Mulder talks about the pragmatic overview of the different schools at Cal Poly, particularly the engineering and arts schools [00:36:56] Mulder says he does not think there is a difference in identifying students for Cal Poly's arts or science other than the pragmatic overview [00:37:53] Mulder talks about the climate of San Luis Obispo, weather, culture, politics, women's security [00:39:10] Mulder talks about the things that Cal Poly 'is not' - no undeclared major, not a liberal arts school, not a technical institute [00:41:10] Mulder talks about the reasons Cal Poly has maintained a small college feeling [00:43:56] Mulder addresses on campus housing and housing near the Cal Poly campus [00:44:44] interference from other side of tape heard in left ear [00:45:39] David Cook begins to speak about the General Education requirements [00:47:20] Cook discusses the State Colleges new General Education pattern that students must satisfy [00:49:07] Cook explains the requirements of the new GE pattern [00:50:09] interference from other side of tape heard in left ear [ends at 50:46] [00:50:20] Cook states that Cal Poly specifies the minimum and maximum GE courses for each area [00:52:26] Cook specifies a new change to the 'Humanities' section for GEs [00:53:24] Cook explains which course can count as a GE course for each of the subjects natural sciences and social sciences [00:55:45] Cook states ow transfer students can satisfy GE requirements via testing or course equivalency [00:56:40] Cook discusses the Humanities GE requirements [00:57:40] Cook states that Cal Poly is maintaining its math requirement and communication requirement [00:58:24] Cook explains the area of 'Other Subjects' [01:00:25] Cook says that the representatives of each major curriculum will decide for the student which courses will count toward general education patterns [01:04:50] Donald Coats begins to speak on easing the transfer from junior college [01:05:38] Coats defines articulation as the relationship between the different elements of the educational system [01:06:34] Coats admits that Cal Poly will not have a program applicable for every student [01:08:24] Coats says that Cal Poly has formal articulation agreements with most of the California Junior Colleges [01:09:12] Coats says that an articulation agreement is essentially a course equivalency agreement that tells which courses at the Junior Colleges are similar to courses at Cal Poly

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Chester O. McCorkle reminiscences about the years 1932-1966 at both campuses of Cal Poly. He returned as Dean of College, Kellogg-Voorhis campus.

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Major Joseph C. Deuel was a dormitory superintendent and early baseball coach at Cal Poly from 1920 to 1952.

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Martin C. Martinsen reminiscences about being an early student who later became an instructor. He taught in the Aeronautical Engineering department and was at Cal Poly from 1913-1957.