
University Archives Audio-Visual Collection


Audio-visual recordings created by campus departments, students, and faculty. May include public relations, sports, and other departments. May also include recordings produced by the ITS department, when that department was involved in media production for the campus.


Displaying results 76 - 100 of 124
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[00:00:02] Associate Dean for Student Activities at Cal Poly, Dr. Dan Lawson [00:00:24] Lawson discusses the different between extra-curricular and co-curricular activities [00:01:15] Lawson talks about many of the ties between the curricular program and co-curricular programs at Cal Poly because they are highly related to the instructional activities of the university [00:01:47] Lawson talks about WOW week and its numerous activities [00:02:40] Lawson talks about the relationship between this activities program and ASI [00:03:19] Lawson talks about budget and finances required to facilitate such functions [00:03:40] Lawson discusses the experience that students gain from planning and organizing these activities [00:04:10] Lawson discusses what percent of students get involved in these activities [00:05:45] Interviewer begins to finish interview

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[00:00:02] Interviewer introduces Tom Dunigan, Director of Institutional Studies at Cal Poly [00:00:30] Dunigan talks about the number of students at Cal Poly and the most popular majors [00:00:54] Dunigan lists majors by number of students enrolled [00:01:52] Dunigan discusses the number of women students at Cal Poly and which majors they study [00:03:14] Dunigan talks about the number of full-time students vs part-time students [00:03:55] Dunigan discusses where students come from: in state, other states, and international students from 60 other countries [00:05:13] Interviewer wraps up interview

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[00:00:03] Interviewer introduces Sandy Lacy, student member of the College Union (later called the University Union) Guidelines Board at Cal Poly [00:00:20] Lacy talks about the history of the college union starting in 1951, joining the Association of College Unions [00:01:25] Lacy talks about how the College Union program function developed [00:02:23] Lacy discusses how the concept and planning of the building originated [00:04:00] Lacy talks about funding for the construction of the building [00:04:23] Lacy talks about how they decided which facilities would be put in the College Union [00:05:18] Lacy talks about what the College Union Guidelines Board does [00:05:45] Interviewer begins to close and summarize the program

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[00:00:00] Interviewer introduces Paul Kresge, President of Associated Students, Incorporated [00:00:23] Kresge talks about planning that had to take place over summer in preparation for the school year [00:01:12] Kresge talks about issue of parking, campus issues, and increased awareness for social issues [00:02:01] Kresge talks about students learning about their future and learning how to be part of a community [00:03:11] Kresge talks about community service operations that have been done recently: cleaning up floods, toy drive for Vietnamese children, helping disadvantaged children, Mission Mall design, etc [00:04:22] Interviewer begins to end interview

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[00;;00:03] Interviewer introduces the president of the Alumni Association, Lew Litzie [00:00:35] Interviewer asks about community services activities in the late 1940s [00:00:48] Litzie talks about how the majority of students at that time were former GI's [00:01:13] Litzie talks about how students were focus on education and there was not a large emphasis on service for the community [00:02:22] Litzie talks about his opinion of young college aged people and their activities [00:03:30] Litzie talks about programs that the Alumni Association has been working on recently [00:05:50] Litzie invites alumni to join Alumni Association

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[00:00:01] McCaleb recaps past interviews about student involvement in the community [00:00:25] McCaleb introduces Dr. Robert E. Kennedy, President of Cal Poly [00:01:00] Kennedy talks about student concerns while he was a student after the Great Depression [00:02:31] Kennedy talks about how community service helps the campus, and the importance of "Learn by Doing" [00:03:44] Kennedy talks about how students have begun to correct the mistakes of past generations, showing more concern and awareness as students and citizens [00:04:57] Kennedy talks about how exhilarating his job as the University President has been [00:05:50] McCaleb ends interview

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[00:00:03] Morris explains why the school continues to extend its educational reach [00:00:49] Morris lists off extension classes that are in various communities in the region [00:01:35] Morris talks about how students can get involved in the extended courses [00:02:26] Morris talks about the cost per unit of the courses [00:03:03] Interviewer wraps up interview

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[00;00:00] Interviewer talks about the Mustang Radio Network giving series of non-athletic campus and college information [00:00:18] Interviewer introduces the series of broadcasts, which focus on the division of Cal Poly into 7 schools [00:00:45] Interviewer introduces his guest, George Hasslein, Dean of the School of Architecture and Environmental Design [00:01:12] Hasslein talks about the programs that are offered in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design [00:02:04] Hasslein talks about new Construction Engineering program, unrivaled by other California schools [00:03:14] Hasslein talks about how the school is the largest in the United States [00:04:11] Hasslein talks about how the school has tried to accommodate the number of students who wish to attend [00:04:38] Hasslein talks about how proud he is to have the school reach this status [00:05:25] Interviewer wraps up interview

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[00:00:00] Mustang Radio Network provides non-athletic aspects of campus programs, this one being the reorganization of the college into 7 schools [00:00:48] Interviewer introduces John Ericson, Dean of School of Communicative Arts and Humanities [00:01:20] Ericson details the departments within the new school of Communicative Arts and Humanities [00:02:00] Ericson talks about how the seemingly diverse departments have more in common than appears [00:02:35] Ericson discusses the relationship between humanities and polytechnic programs [00:03:26] Ericson talks about the need for Human values in technical fields [00:04:15] Ericson discusses the objective of the school, to be excellent in the field of humanities [00:05:55] Ericson talks about the service functions of each program in the school [00:06:40] Interviewer begins to finish interview

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[00:00:00] Mustang Radio Network wants to provide listeners with non-athletic aspects of campus programs, with this broadcast part of series covering the reorganization of college into 7 schools [00:00:48] Interviewer introduces new Dean for School of Science and Mathematics, Dr. Clyde P. Fisher [00:01:08] Fisher details the departments that fall under the school [00:01:36] Fisher talks about the bachelors and graduate degrees that are offered by each department [00:03:04] Fisher talks about accreditation review by The American Chemical Society [00:04:37] Fisher talks about two new programs: Master of Science in Chemistry and Bachelor of Science in Statistics, and other coming programs [00:05:47] Fisher talks about the need for higher instruction for students to take meaningful jobs and careers [00:06:15] Interviewer begins to wrap up interview

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[00:00:09] Introduces Ken Schwartz, Director for Curriculum and Advisement for School of Architecture and Environmental Design [00:00:41] Schwartz talks about various public service projects that architecture students have recently participated in [00:01:41] Schwartz talks about how the students get started and fulfill the projects like those he listed [00:02:54] Schwartz talks about faculty and other architects guiding students in their work [00:03:22] Schwartz discusses how the students can be catalyst for professional services by being a source of enthusiastic and creative ideas [00:04:39] Schwartz talks about the student body of the School of Architecture and Environmental Design [00:05:44] Schwartz talks about the response of city government to the work done by students [00:06:50] Interviewer starts to wrap up interview

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[00:00:00] Introduction of the interview series about non-athletic programs on campus [00:00:36] Interviewer introduces Dr. Robert E. Kennedy, President of Cal Poly [00:00:46] Kennedy decides to talk about today and his prior experience at Pomona and the Kellogg-Voorhis campus, instead of the reorganization of the school [00:01:25] Kennedy talks about rivalry between the two Cal Poly schools, San Luis Obispo and Pomona [00:02:25] Kennedy discusses not having sports between the two campuses to avoid splitting up the student body's common flow of good will [00:03:14] Kennedy talks about the two Cal Poly's working on the Rose Float for the parade in Pasadena [00:04:46] Kennedy talks about the success the students have had with past parade floats [00:05:00] Interviewer lets listeners know that the Turn the Roses Float Committee student fundraiser is being extended for another week [00:05:53] Kennedy says he is confident in the Mustangs football team to win the game [00:06:08] Kennedy thanks all of the people who have supported the athletic and float teams [00:06:48] Toyota ad begins [00:07:47] Game announcer recaps game score

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[00:00:10] Interviewer introduces Physical Education major, John Mershon [00:00:37] Mershon talks about the program to help handicapped children learn to swim [00:01:30] Mershon discusses some of the problems and success he has had with the children so far [00:02:26] Mershon describes how the swimming project began as a senior project [00:03:06] Mershon talks about the success that the children have had this quarter [00:03:44] Mershon talks about the practical experience that students receive from participating in this program [00:04:54] Mershon talks about how he got involved in the program, at first required for class and then voluntarily [00:05:28] Interviewer begins to close interview

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[00:00:00] Interviewer introduces topic of professional education, the best example at Cal Poly being the Physical Education Workshops [00:00:34] Interviewer introduces Robert Mott, head of Cal Poly's Men's Physical Education Department [00:01:00] Mott talks about the people attending the workshops for physical education, who they are and where are they from [00:01:25] Mott talks about the goal of the workshops [00:02:17] Mott talks about the number of instructors on campus for these events [00:02:29] Mott talks about the various sponsoring groups of these workshops [00:02:55] Mott discusses how professional educators view the program [00:03:45] Mott talks about some of the famous professional coaches and instructors who helped to develop and lead activities [00:05:43] Interviewer begins to wrap up interview

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[00:23] Interviewer introduces Leonard Chapman, chairman of the Agricultural Student Council [00:44] Chapman describes the role of the student council on campus [01:01] Chapman describes how the council is organized and comprised of students [01:48] Chapman lists a number of major events put on by the Ag. Student Council [02:39] Chapman talks about the school tours and how they arrange tours for groups such as elementary school children and boy scouts and girl scouts [03:24] Chapman talks about how gratifying it is to work with the children can be [04:01] Chapman talks about upcoming basketball tournament [04:49] Chapman discusses the recruitment activities done by the council around the region and state [05:52] Interviewer begins to wrap up interview

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[00:00:05] McCaleb introduces Dan Lawson, Associate Dean for Student Activities [00:00:24] Lawson describes some of the new programming possibilities with available with the new College Union building (later called the University Union) [00:00:43] Lawson describes the potential uses for the new conference room section of the building [00:01:44] Lawson talks about the new creative arts center that students will be able to work on hobbies in [00:02:28] Lawson talks about the new multipurpose room being used for lectures, films, concerts, and speakers [00:02:53] Lawson talks about the importance of being able to plan events when wanted instead of when the facilities are not being used for academic or athletic purposes [00:03:17] Lawson talks about the new games area [00:04:01] Lawson talks about the fine art to be displayed in the large lounge [00:04:53] McCaleb wraps up the interview

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[00:00:07] Introduction of Cal Poly President Robert E. Kennedy [00:00:27] Kennedy addresses the audience and those who worked to open the building [00:01:38] Kennedy thanks former Cal Poly President Julian McPhee's foresight on the idea of a college union by beginning a fund from sales from the bookstore [00:03:20] Kennedy talks about how McPhee refused to spend the fund on other, more immediate projects [00:04:48] Kennedy tells the story of faith of 3 nuns who ran out of gasoline on the highway [00:06:58] Kennedy discusses how the campus has already had a College Union 'in a sense' [00:09:10] Kennedy says the key to the College Union is campus unity [00:11:45] Kennedy thanks members of the audience responsible for helping create the college union [00:13:54] Kennedy highlights that Julian McPhee did not use any state funds to finance the union [00:14:30] Kennedy talks about McPhee's faith in work and balance with play [00:16:50] Kennedy honors McPhee's philosophy of life of servitude [00:19:10] Benediction prayer [00:20:20] Conclusion of the formal ceremony

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[00:00:00] Audience chatter [00:00:15] Beginning of speech [00:01:13] Speaker begins introductions of off-campus personnel directly involved in the construction of the building [00:04:40] Vice President Hazel Jones begins to speak about the long process of constructing the building and how it will benefit the science departments [00:07:30] Jones speaks about how important science is to all curriculums, not only those directly involved [00:08:00] Jones introduces Dean Langworthy [00:09:00] Langworthy discusses memories about working with Dean Fisher [00:11:30] Langworthy talks about the amenities included in the building and how this will solve many of the problems currently faced by the department [00:14:43] Emcee introduces President Robert E. Kennedy to talk about career and greatness of Clyde Fisher [00:21:15] Emcee introduces Milo Witson to present the Fisher portrait to the university [00:23:00] Witson describes the production process of the portrait [00:26:20] Robert E. Kennedy and Helen Fisher accept the portrait as a gift [00:26:35] Helen Fisher thanks all the university faculty and audience for the portrait, building, and respect for Clyde Fisher [00:31:00] Emcee introduces John Hampton [00:31:20] Cut in tape between sides one and two [00:31:38] John Hampton announces lecture series and tours of the building taking place after the benediction [00:33:00] C. William Fisher, Clyde's brother, gives the benediction [00:37:05] Emcee closes ceremony and directs people to tours

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[00:00:00] Bands finishes playing, audiences applauds as Robert E. Kennedy takes the stage [00:00:18] Robert E. Kennedy introduces TV personality Raymond Burr and his accomplishments [00:01:19] Kennedy talks about Burr's interest in Cal Poly Rose Parade Floats [00:01:24] Kennedy talks about Burr's interests and connections with Cal Poly [00:02:25] Kennedy relates the various jobs Burr has had to all the possible careers for Cal Poly students [00:03:22] Kennedy welcomes Burr on to the stage [00:04:25] Burr speaks on the commencement as a beginning [00:07:40] Burr uses sports analog to compare to overcoming obstacles in life [00:09:38] Burr says it is important to not mistake the spectator with the sport [00:11:55] Burr says winning is the point of 'the game' [00:12:40] He states that the largest winners are the Peace Corps and foreign students [00:13:45] Burr talks about his friend who played a chief of a hospital for so long [00:15:50] Burr talks about how important it is to be flexible to be a winner [00:04:30] Burr says he learned a lot about winning from his works [00:18:33] Burr reinforces the idea that no one can help you except for yourself [00:19:25] Finishes the speech [00:20:50] Glee Club sings 'The Lord Is My Shepherd' [00:24:03] Glee Club sings 'Oh Shenandoah' [00:26:16] Glee Club sings 'Honor, Honor' [00:28:20] Robert E. Kennedy talks about H.P. Davidson, introduces former student from Glee Club, Roy Brophey [00:28:40] Davidson is brought up on stage to his surprise and Roy Brophey talks about his impact on students and the university [00:30:40] Brophey reads that building is being renamed after H.P. Davidson [00:31:42] Brief cut in tape from switching between side 1 and side 2 [00:32:40] Davidson thanks everyone

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[00:00:00] Unidentified speaker talks about the destructive nature of bureaucracy [00:01:15] Speaker discusses Chip Kelly's ideas about respectfully presenting questions to President Kennedy [00:02:05] Speaker continues to talks about the negatives of bureaucracy and how it is used to deflect responsibility through anonymity and impersonality [00:04:00] A new student speaker talks about the status of professor Branna being given tenure instead of being fired [00:04:40] Student thanks audience for the success of a petition on the issue of non-retention [00:05:20] Speaker highlights that the ASI President asked for the petition to be withdrawn [00:06:50] Speaker says that ASI is not representing the student body that elected them [00:08:10] Speaker states that Governor Ronald Reagan may visit the campus soon [00:10:10] Chip Kelly comments on the answers that Kennedy gave in response to a letter Kelly sent him [00:11:40] Kelly comments that there is something wrong with a college whose attitude towards students is to not get involved in university issues [00:13:58] Speaker announces that some of the professors involved in this issue, such as Dr. Rizzo, will be present in the plaza after their classes [00:14:10] Pause in audio switching from tape side 1 and tape side 2 [00:14:20] Speaker talks about many of the people qualified who wanted to teach at Cal Poly and help fix the system [00:16:45] Speaker discusses the history the university of not re-hiring professors for political reasons [00:17:50] Speaker discusses the university censoring a professor's use of a "questionable" textbook [00:21:00] Speaker talks about how a teacher was given tenure without having advanced degrees in spite of President Kennedy stating that he did not rehire professors for not having a doctorate [00:23:05] Speaker speaks about the philosophical slavery that man is chained to and how man constantly chooses this slavery in society [00:25:35] Speaker talks about how everyone is becoming part of an ever growing bureaucracy despite nearly everyone hating bureaucracy [00:28:02] Speaker questions how much impact students and junior faculty have on new proposals [00:29:02] Tape cuts off

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[00:00:02] the following is a special program dealing with the issue of non-retained professors at Cal Poly; the program is back and forth audio clips from various professors and faculty giving their reasoning on the issue [00:00:09] program theme song [00:00:15] Dr. Rizzo reads a quote about his actions being incompatible with his college responsibilities [00:00:35] Dr. Ralph Vrana of the physics department states the dean did not approve his recommendation for tenure [00:01:02] President Kennedy says it is not true that these professors are not being retained [00:01:17] Dr. Vrana explains why he does not think his lack of a doctorate is why he is not being rehired [00:02:14] Dr. Rizzo reads a memo between Robert E. Kennedy and James Landreth [00:02:53] Raymond DeGrudio from SNAP says the American Legion newsletter is a relevant form of criticism in the evaluation of instructors [00:03:05] Dr. Robert Kennedy comments on treating the memo he received the same as all other mail [00:04:20] Dr. Rizzo comments on Kennedy is not fit for the university presidency for allowing the American Legion to criticize his anti war attitude [00:04:46] radio host asks where this discussion is leading the university [00:05:02] Dr. Rizzo says the formal reason for not receiving tenure is "subordination" for refusing to instruct a freshman class [00:05:36] Dr. John Ericson says he will always put political things in people's files [00:06:29] Dr. Kennedy points to the grievance system for addressing these problems [00:07:02] Dr. Rizzo explains the issue of which classes he was supposed to instruct [00:08:05] states that the chairman assigned him the task of circulating a petition towards the North Vietnamese about POW treatment [00:08:52] Rizzo calls the petition hypocritical in the Mustang Daily but circulated it anyway [00:09:34] Rizzo discusses the personal antagonism between him and his chairman [00:10:47] Rizzo talks about the political considerations in his case because of the American Legion newsletter in his file and his opinions on the Vietnam War and its military draft [00:13:10] Dr. Kennedy calls this an "after-the-fact" situation as his interpretation of Rizzo's cooperation [00:13:30] host summarizes the information from the various audio quotes [00:14:05] host says the problem is not why Rizzo is not retained, but what is being done about it [00:14:10] Rizzo highlights the built in defense against dissidence at Cal Poly, and that only students can take the power back [00:14:45] Rizzo reads a quote from his chairman of the evaluation committee, who says Rizzo's status as a controversial figure on campus could be useful if kept in line [00:15:32] Says it is wrong for the school to go against the original contract which did not require Ph.D to work [00:16:02] Dr. Vrana say students are interested in this issue because they are concerned in subject matter and the non-retained instructors have much to offer in that field and that politics have played too large of a part in these decisions [00:16:30] radio hosts states Vrana has been offered tenure if he works toward a doctorate and that Rizzo will not be retained [00:16:41] host closes program

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[00:00:00] Choir is singing [00:01:40] Pastor begins to speak about the life and resurrection of Norman Alexander and the family who survives him [00:03:02] Pastor reads scripture from Saint Paul to the Corinthians [00:03:24] Pastor talks about what gives life meaning [00:05:40] Pastor talks about the legacy and purposes that Alexander lived for [00:07:07] Pastor talks about Alexander's home life [00:07:31] Pastor talks about Alexander's work [00:11:34] Choir begins to sing again [00:12:10] Conclusion of the service and final words of appreciation to the family

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Interview with Roy Simpson (State Superintendent of Public Instruction), Vernon Sturgeon (State Senator for S.L.O. District, then Legislative Secretary to Governor Reagan), and Louis S. Merrill (General Manager of the Western Fairs Association). The interview is part of a doctoral dissertation project, conducted by a Stanford doctoral student named Richard Dale Moody. The title of the dissertation is "Advocate for vocational education in California: the professional career of Julian A. McPhee" and was completed in 1968. [00:00:11] Recording begins; Moody repeats names of interviewees [00:00:55] Moody asks Simpson about knowing McPhee [00:02:00] Simpson discusses his early knowledge of Moody [00:03:10] Simpson and Merrill discuss the dates of McPhee at Cal Poly [00:04:47] Simpson talks about McPhee as a politician [00:08:35] Simpson talks about his early professional relationship with McPhee [00:12:00] Simpson talks about the acquisition of the Kellogg property [00:14:45] Moody asks about McPhee's popularity with other college presidents [00:18:15] Simpson talks about McPhee's control over his faculty and students [00:23:20] Moody asks about McPhee as lobbyist [00:30:27] Simpson talks about the appointments of various directors to the board [00:33:00] Simpson talks about a man named Seaman at Foothill Community College [00:35:42] Moody asks about the upside-down approach, Simpson discusses problem-solving at length [00:51:00] Moody asks about the relationship Simpson has with the president [00:56:30] Simpson talks about motivation for board members and restlessness [01:03:00] Moody wraps up interview

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Recording of a speech by Linus Pauling, given shortly before he received his second Nobel Prize. [00:00:28] Recording begins along with session [00:01:14] Grant Changstrom, member of Pasadena City Directors board, begins speech by thanking attendants [00:06:08] Speaker thanks Changstrom and reads telegram from American Library Association [00:06:42] Telegram read wishing good fortune to Pasadena for the upcoming year [00:09:14] Recording resumes after brief glitching [00:10:00] After more glitching, another woman's voice reads a short rhyme about an Ali Baba after-dinner show [00:10:27] Speaker/organizer reads names of present members of the Library Association [00:15:03] Applause for present and future officers [00:15:53] Dr. Horn, sponsor, begins his speech about Linus Pauling [00:22:15] Linus Pauling begins his speech [00:48:05] End of side A

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[00:00:00] Introduction montage
[00:01:36] Art Hapgood introduces the topic of the discussion: Cal Poly's involvement in the community
[00:02:51] Baker on his vision for university integration into the community
[00:04:18] Baker on the role of communications in making students more connected with the world
[00:05:28] Baker on public education and its preparation for college coursework
[00:06:30] Discussion of impacted student programs
[00:08:00] Baker on Cal Poly's particular characteristics - not a research institution, focused on undergraduate education
[00:10:14] Baker on sources of funding for Cal Poly
[00:13:00] Baker on soliciting funding from corporations
[00:14:55] Baker on his family life
[00:16:45] Baker on possible expansion of research by faculty
[00:19:20] Baker on relationship between faculty research and funding acquisition
[00:19:47] Baker on general education for undergraduates
[00:23:45] Baker on affirmative action and the lack of diversity in faculty and staff
[00:26:25] Baker on his vision for Cal Poly in the next few years - more funding, more research
[00:27:50] Baker begins talking about women's sports
[00:27:54] End of recording