
Re/Collecting Project Archive


The Re/Collecting Project (Re/Co for short) is an 'ethnic studies memory project of California's Central Coast.' The project's aim is to digitally capture and make publicly accessible the rich history of the diverse - yet under-documented - communities of the region, which includes San Luis Obispo and northern Santa Barbara counties. To collect the materials that make up these histories, the project would organize 'Re/Collecting Days', and make house calls, where the project team would invite families and individuals to recollect their stories as well as to participate in collecting their story materials (images, documents, mementos) for digital preservation and access. The digital collection available on this site is only a selection of the Re/Collecting Project Archive. Learn more about the archive at: https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c8qc09ph/


Displaying results 26 - 27 of 27
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Date Created

Letter from San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church thanking Mr. Peter R. Andre of Andre & Wood for their legal services. Letter states, "In behalf of the Board of Directors and members of our church, we wish to express our appreciation of your services which you rendered in connection with the sale of our property to the State of California. Furthermore, Masaji Eto, our Board member, informs us that you have donated said services to our church for which we are doubly appreciative. With kindness regards and again, our heartfelt thanks for your kindness, we are Very sincerely yours, SAN LUIS OBISPO BUDDHIST CHURCH." The receipt for the services is attached to a copy of the letter sent.

2 items in Collection
Local Identifier

This is the original manuscript draft of the history of the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Temple written by Masaji Eto. Covers the history until about 1970.

6 items in Collection