
Julia Morgan Papers


Papers, 1835-1958 (bulk 1896-1945), contain architectural drawings and plans, office records, photographs, correspondence, project files, student work, family correspondence, and personal papers from the estate of California architect Julia Morgan, who practiced in San Francisco during the first half of the twentieth century. Includes architectural documents regarding William Randolph Hearst and the world-renowned Hearst Castle. More information available at: https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt9s2030pj


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Local Identifier
Date Created
1922 (year uncertain)

This letter written by Hearst to Morgan discusses a "quaint" "Neptune fountain" Hearst is considering purchasing. He discusses seven possible locations to place the fountain. The letter is undated, but appears to relate to other correspondence dated May 1922.

2 items in Collection
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Date Created

On March 1st, 1897 Julia Morgan wrote to her cousins Lucy and Pierre Le Burn from Paris on the day of the Boeuf Gras Fête. She discusses Nina's health and tells of her Sunday trips outside of Paris. She notes that Maybecks are in Europe and that M. de Monclos went to New York. She describes the Rougerin Prize Competition. She says that Miss Budd from the atelier has asked her to live with her but she is hesitant. She closes with her grievances against the French and pleasantries.

5 items in Collection
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Date Created

On December 12th, 1897 Julia Morgan wrote to her cousins Lucy and Pierre Le Burn. She tells them of the joy the photographs they sent brought her and the of the toys and books she bought for their children. She says she is busy but has Sunday meals with some of the other Americans in Paris. She writes about her last round of examinations and the schools unwillingness to allow a woman in. She writes that Avery, her brother, will be coming to Paris in the Spring. She wishes them happy holidays.

5 items in Collection
Local Identifier
Date Created

On November 14th, 1898, Julia Morgan wrote a letter to her cousins Lucy and Pierre LeBrun. Included in the same envelope is a letter from Avery Morgan, Julia's brother, to the cousins dated November 15th, 1898. Julia writes that her brother, Avery, had arrived in Paris very early in the morning. She updates them on her Beaux Arts examination process and her will to keep trying. Her and Avery completed a trip outside of Paris to Amiens, Arras and Rouen. She comments on much of the architecture and other sights they saw. She notes that Avery has not been well since he arrived and that he says she has changed. She ends the letter with pleasantries. In the letter Avery Morgan wrote to Lucy and Pierre Lebrun, he thanks them for a 'hearty send off' and recounts his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean from Hoboken, NJ to Boulogne, France and then early morning train trip to their apartment in Paris. He compares all of the churches they have visited since he has arrived and describes some of their trip. He mentions the loss of the SS Mohegan steamer and mentions that he is pleased a family he met on his voyage over were safe.

13 items in Collection