Thu, 12/22/2022 - 14:48
Edited Text
"Where Yesterdays Look Backward with a Smile" (Intermittent music accompany a descriptive monologue) I Abbie, Abbie, the spotlight is turned on you. Your actions of the last decade are now held up to view This won't be an easy sedsion; we demand a full confession. With the chairman who takes the cue. II Period of 1916-20 Air: Tipperary; key of A flat It's a long time since nineteen sixteen; that's a long time to view. It's a long time since nineteen sixteen when dear Abbie we first knew. There were Red Cross and Prohibition, bonds for victory; We had short, short skirts and new librarian. Time moves you see. III Period of 1920-25 Air: We have no bananas; Key of C The came nineteen twenty; then came nineteen twenty so gray; The tank-farm on fire; our worries grew higher, The streets were all mired - and say All heads were bobbed except for our Abbie's -- Most heads bobbed, not Abbie's -- Hurrys; Some heads bobbed - not Abbie's Few heads bobbed - not Abbie's today; IV Period of 1925-30 Air: The good old summer time In the good old golden time, the good old golden time -- Everyone was making mon in the good old golden time -- Mines or stocks or lands or oil - Transamerica- fine; Making mon was oh such fun in the good olden time. The good old golden time, the good old golden time, High school built; new entrance signs; gas-lights; What a crime! We want new park and Monday Club. Things are looking just prime; A gamble try! The goose hangs high in the good old golden times.