Fri, 12/23/2022 - 09:36
Edited Text
April 3, 1923 Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive, New York, New York. Dear Mr. Hearst: As to moths: All the hangings, etc. unpacked from original shipments, whether at San Simeon or the Stringer Warehouse, have been very carefully taken care of in this regard. I have been through the chests, etc. recently and they are in fine condition. Last spring I found that certain chairs in House B were badly infested by moths. The coverings are much eaten and the old stuffing evidently the source of trouble. I had Richard thoroughly clean the chairs so far as it could be done without taking the material of -- and have noticed that they are not getting any worse. We will take the precaution of going through the crates containing upholstered pieces, etc. in the Stringer Warehouse. It is a clean place, but the risk is self-contained in the old backing and stuffing. The House B living room chairs are covered with the Spanish brocade you sent some-time ago. They are ready to send up at any time, but as it will be necessary to send up an upholsterer to place them, I was waiting to send him until Mrs. Hearst's chairs are done so as to make but the one trip for this man. A most welcome rain has come which could not be better timed for the planting. Yours very truly, s/Julia Morgan JM-GRC