Fri, 12/23/2022 - 09:32
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March 13, 1923 Mr. W.F. Bogart, San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, California. Dear Mr. Bogart: Acknowledging the copy of your telegram from Mr. Hearst and confirming your conversation with Mr. Le Feaver, would say that we are perfectly willing to render vouchers at ten day periods and are also agreeable to receiving the funds in smaller amounts than the whole monthly allowance of twenty-five thousand dollars on the first of the month - - say fifteen thousand on the first and the balance on the fifteenth of each month. I have already given Mr. Hearst my word not to let the expenditures made through my office for conduct of the work on the hill and architect's fees exceed a monthly cash deposit of $25000.00 This will take careful forethought in planing the progress of the work and in making terms of payments, which I am willing to undertake provided we are only held responsible for expenditures we know about in advance, and that we be allowed to build up cash reserves from time to time out of the monthly allowance in order to meet certain heavy payments which can not be handled in any one month with the other expenses, for instance, contracts for the steel sash, roof and other large items for the main building. A reimbursement system for this reason would not be satisfactory. This is merely to avoid any misunderstanding. Yours very truly, JM-deM Copy to Mr. Hearst