Fri, 12/23/2022 - 09:09
Edited Text
September 18th, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hearst:- PLANTING NOTES: In general, the orders are in for the fruit and other trees, as per your instructions, but, 1. - On the "old springs" hill, you suggested a young forest of conifers. On investigating, conditions make both Keep and Copp think eucalyptus would be more likely to succeed. I've compromised with ordering eucalyptus in the main with clumps of conifers in the more favorable pockets. 2. - Below A, the orange and fig planting looked ragged where ending off on the little ridge toward the swimming pool, so have had Keep stake for and order california black walnut trees for this exposed edge, as best carrying the character of the fig trees over. - (size and color and form are similar) only trees are hardy. 3. - Have worked over Keep's stakes for finishing out the grape, orange, etc. planting below C and along the road, so that the lines follow the contours and carry for one kind of planting into the next more gracefully, and then the barren steep gulys from where the vineyard stops down toward the "big tree flat" have had staked for the finer elevated and colored eucalyptus, which do not grow very tall. Thank you for the "mole" and rose garden data. Yours truly, JM/B