Fri, 12/23/2022 - 09:08
Edited Text
Sept. 2nd, 1922. Mr. W.R. Hearst 137 Riverside Drive, New York City. Dear Mr. Hearst:- As telegraphed in brief, the concrete and its reinforcements for the main Building has been studied and restudied and is designed with an unusually large factor of safety, and in a manner allowing as much freedom as possible for changes in exterior or interior loading. Every part of it is fireproofed. The new location of the towers makes it a much easier building to make earthquake proof than as originally planned. It will be as hard to take down as the chimneys of House A. Fine progress has been made in the last ten days and the basement walls have a good start. Mr. Rossi had the ingenuity to move the mixer along the top of the walls and fill the forms directly from the mixer without the use of barrows or chutes, the small size of our mixer making this possible. It is saving much time. In final analysis, we cannot go faster than we can provide materials to feed the mixer. The "Heros" are about half reproduced. The struggle was in getting character in the first two. Now they are coming wonderfully well. I do hope you will think so. The plaques over the mantels on the lower bedrooms seem a bit out of period, whereas the mantels alone for some reason do not. Mrs. Hearst's idea of making a pressed flower and shrub collection "list" for you with the listing of all the kinds so far tried out on the hill seemed quite an inspiration. It will take a little while to get this into shape. Yours truly, JM/B