Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:57
Edited Text
April 19, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside drive, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hearst: The reason I telegraphed a second idea on the sequoias was because, when I saw them at San Simeon Monday morning they looked so large and fine it seemed to bad to take any chances at all with them. We had to get extra hands temporarily to handle them and I am sorry if it seemed erratic. Owing partly to the bad season and partly to the nature of the material Hazard ordered, the garden does not look as well as it should. I laid out the central plaza to fit the incidental conditions and hope you will approve--if not it is easily changed. In your mind are the walks the white rock, or the red tile? The butterfly area will be graded, new earth needed in, and outlined when you come. Is Rose arbor rustic, as you see it, on the order of your clipping enclosed? Do you suppose we could get the material at the upper end of the ranch? I am mailing you the working drawings for the garage and court. The kitchen drawings are underway and will follow with the specifications for both.--I have made these as complete as possible so as to get somewhere near the real cost--as on analysis of expenses it develops that the actual rough construction, (i.e. walls, roof, plumbing, etc.) is the lesser part of your cost. Yours very truly, JM-deM