Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:56
Edited Text
[handwritten note] This lot refers to a bldg on hill once called English House and does NOT refer to the "Ragdale" imported English House intact. April 14, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside drive, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hearst: Enclosed are two sketches covering the general arrangement of spaces below B and the butterfly area. A large slice of the bank caved onto the road this winter below B so that it seems better to keep the "motif" nearer the tree than in the first schemes. Secondary rockery paths are not shown. I will send tomorrow a larger scale drawing of the lower B motif. Have also sketches of the English House--and Garage and Kitchen nearly ready. Yours very truly, JM-deM