Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:53
Edited Text
March 18, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst. 137 Riverside Drive, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hearst: Enclosed is a letter from Hazard which explains itself, in a sense. I have been trying since the trouble developed with the Niles Co., to get from him your original order, (the larger part of which he told me had been delivered) to see how important the unfilled portion OF the order was. I think Hazard has tried very hard to please you, and for that reason I have humored him along although sometime ago he told me that "his department on your orders" had, and would have, nothing whatever to do with me or my office people. This has had its bad effect however, and while I wanted to put it off until you came, will have to either let him go and let Nigel Keep finish out (who is fully capable), or else ask you to tell him to "cooperate". Regretting to bother you with this, Yours very truly, JM-deM Enclos-2. [handwritten note] Also our copy of letter t hazard march 7th asking for order list filled and unfilled.