Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:53
Edited Text
March 16, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hearst: This is in a way a report on the ornamental work. I have said very little about it because the designs accepted were definite--there "only" remained the question of getting it done. The enclosed photographs of frieze and brackets will give you and idea of the quality of the new work. The Mermaid frieze was from Mr. Joy's drawing and the modeling Van der Loo's own handiwork. The hads are for the bedroom with the shield in the ceiling, and I think by the time we do the corresponding brackets for the ceiling of the "Heros", pretty nearly the right quality will have been reached. It was a siego to get thus far. We have all the ceiling except the "Heros" completed and set up, following the program outlined before you left, and have the frieze for one of the small bedrooms and for your bedroom, at San Simeon ready to go up, with those for the other rooms under way here, and are proceeding with the trims. Those for Mrs. Hearst's bedroom are nearly done and are very handsome. Yours truly, JM-deM