Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:52
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"Las Estrellas" San Simeon, California, March 15th., 1922. Julia Morgan, Architect, Merchants Exchange, San Francisco. Dear Madam: In responce to your request dated March 7th., there were very good reasons for canceling the California Nursery order and I am prepared to explain fully to Mr. Hearst at the proper time why this cancellation was made. The cancellation will in no way affect the plantings other than for the good of Mr. Hearst. I would advise that the lay-outs, buying, and planting of Ornamental and Fruit-stock, and the designing of Vistas on the place has been worked out by Mr. Hearst with me, and the matter entrusted to my care. The work has been progressing satisfactorily under almost ‘impossible' conditions, and shall continue to progress until stopped by my Chief, Mr. W.R. Hearst. The intimation that the cancellation of this order was a matter of personality, and detrimental to Mr. Hearst's interests, is entirely erroneous, I can assure you. The attached copy of telegram may throw some light upon the situation. With entire respect, s/H. Dodson Hazard. Enc.