Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:51
Edited Text
February 25, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hearst: Would you consider using a very fine sandstone, somewhat more color in it than the artificial stone trim, for the fountain of lower C with the lions in yellow Siena marble, dull polished? It would save about $1500.00, and might have an appearance well in character with the design, giving besides a warmer quality to the little cir-cular terrace. As the fountains of A are starting first, no time is lost in asking this. In Long Beach Tuesday, I finally found the flowering cacti--yellow, white, orange, pink, and several shades of red. A queer old character had cherished them for years and would not sell his big originals, but parted with good healthy young plants with lots of buds on. They have an "apple" with a very interesting flavor--a little darker than a mulberry and about that color. I have been trying to get from Hazard a list of what is yet to be furnished, on your original Niles order, and hope to get a cross check on it early in the week. I am mailing you the English house sketch--plan keeping a rough copy. There is much suggestive material here in the office, but in bound volumns chiefly. It is raining still. Yours truly, JM-deM [handwritten] File [English House, See letter April 14.]