Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:49
Edited Text
February 15, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hearst: Among things held, was the report on the wash basins for baths of A. Have only recently found anyone will-ing to undertake to make them. Attached are the prices locally, which are less than those quoted by the plumbing supply companies for their much less desirable patterns. Perhaps they could be bought in New York at a better figure. Quoted also are the prices of glass doors and frames for A showers. These are made by Crane and Co. --using stock froms, fit-ted to be the particular conditions; the metal should be either gilt or black. Arrangements are made to polish off the wall and floor marble last theing when all details are complete, should they not? The door knobs and little trimmings are black. Do you think clear glass towel bars with black fittings would be too heavy looking? Yours very truly, JM-deM Enclos. [handwritten] File