Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:49
Edited Text
February 15, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive,N New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hearst: What would you think of using the same "head motif" over doors and windows of the sitting room of A, as is in the central ceil- ing motif, with small statues, (originals plus copies) over the pilasters? It might be interesting-- am attaching sketches. The columns for the lobby end of the room are still in question. it seems to me rep- licas of those under the big beam would be the most satisfactory--but quite a piece of work to do. The next best might be one of the pairs of twisted columns. The red hang- ings and valance behind the columns will be quite splendid in themselves. It has been a tug of war to got the modelers to sieze the character of the queer little musicians panels for the lower lobby frieze, but they have accomplished it at last. The ceiling with the shields is done, but the “Hero” documents are evidently still in cus- toms; so that ceiling is still to do. I en- close a letter from Mrs. Byne concerning it. I have used mirrors on the bath ?oors, set out in deep mouldings to cover the deaf- ening packs, as they were less expensive and more sound proof than wooden panels. Have also at last found a weather strip--deafening strip--concern that knows its business. So that woryy is over. Am sending by Wells Fargo Express the Swimming pool model. It is more delicate than the others, but hope it arrives safely. Yours very truly, JM-deM [handwritten] File