Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:48
Edited Text
February 14, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive, New York City, N.Y? Dear Mr. Hearst: As agreed, the Cupid and Scroll design was carried out for the frieze in Mrs. Hearst's room, and is a beautiful piece of work-- but in spite of using heads on the cupids of the type of those on the window trim, it does not do its work as a "transition" member between the ceiling of "Italian Empire quality" and the purely Spanish window heads. It has not been shipped down yet, as I was holding it for your opinion. We could use it for one of the small bed rooms, and make a frieze with foliated cupids on the order of the ones on the window trim, treated in Italian frieze style as per attached interiors. I think it would do the work. Yours very truly,