Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:43
Edited Text
January, Eleventh, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive, New York City, N. Y. Dear Mr. Hearst: It was a lovely day at Las Estrellas yesterday -- The men had repaired the storm damages and just cleared the road to passibleness,-- By today they will be able to use the trucks again - the first time since a week before Christmas. The ceilings for the upper bed rooms have been in the warehouse at the wharf and will be the first thing taken up. I regret the delay very much. The new orchard man, Nigel Keep, has the orange and fig grove staked out. The trees reached San Luis Obispo as I left last night, so that planting should be assured. Mr. Keep is a very good plant man, as well as orchardist, and it is a relief to have him. Hazzard, on his own initiative, has employed a Mr. Weaver, also from Niles, as a propagator, and should - with the local men - have now all the help needed to put the work through. I will go up again in a week and see how it is resulting and report. I have asked Mr. Hazzard to make out plant orders, in duplicate sets, in the same form as all your other orders are made, sending one copy of each order here so that a full record is always in available form, and sot hat here can be some way of telling whether specified plants, trees, etc. you wish in definite locations have been provided for or not. there will be no architect's commission charged on any of these garden orders, gardeners' salaries, etc., as I realize from now on these should be charged to "up-keep" and not to "construction" accounts. Yours Sincerely,