Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:26
Edited Text
November 1, 1921. Mr. William Randolph Hearst c/o San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, Calif. Dear Mr. Hearst: Yesterday at San Simeon the appearance of the two new bedrooms on the main floor of house "A" with the mantels at the further end, bothered me so much that I am having the ceilings made with out finishing the borders -- until you see the effect for yourself. The only way of correcting it I can see is by furring one sail on the other and re-centering the room. When we decided on the ceilings we both though having the effect on one side of the room would not matter; but than there was nothing to draw attention to the fact of the off-centering at the further end, as the bed could be 6 inches off center and no one would notice it. But the mantel make the off-centering evident from the first second you glance at it. The iron windows are being set in both houses "A" and "B". Yours very truly,