Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:26
Edited Text
(Letterhead: San Francisco Examiner) October 20th, 1921. Dear Miss Morgan:- There are some old cane seated chairs that are out of doors. Please have them taken in as they will be ruined by the damp weather. Two. I believe it would do a good scheme to provide lath roofs for the courts during the winter months. This would keep the frost off of the delicate plants and flowers in the courtyards and we could consequently use those court yards for a more tropical plant than we could other wise. The lath tops can be removed after the frost months are over, surely by the first of April. IT might even be well to further provide lath coverings over various angles of the buildings such as the places where we now have the Bouganvaillas and Banana Palms, etcetera. I do not think these bed be particularly ugly even in the winter. They can be painter a decent shade and some, as I say can be taken down and stored until the next winter. Three. The inside shades for the windows should be painted the blue that we use for some of the window frames and which you thought would look well. You also spoke of having shades running up and down on little aires to guide them. I think this is a good idea as at the present time they fray out at the edges. I expect to be back in California in about a month. Very Sincerely, s/ W. R. Hearst [unfamiliar signature, probably not signed by Hearst himself]