Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:21
Edited Text
September 8, 1921 Mr. William Randolph Hearst San Simeon California Dear Mr. Hearst: With this I am enclosing several studies for lower "A" ceilings. It occurred to me it might be interesting to replace the men's heads in the opposite bed room, with women's heads, and use the shield and square motif for the lobby, - for the reason that it is difficult to find a design in proper scale to fit between the shield motif in one bed room and the head motif in the other. The only reason for not using the stone columns in the bed rooms might be that while the shafts are in good scale, the capitals are rather heavy for the mantels. The four columns in the lower warehouse might answer. The idea of dividing with columns appeals greatly. The lath and green house plans have been ready for some time, but as the garden people said they would not be needed before November, put other work ahead. Yours very truly, There are two complete mantels and one part of a mantel at the Hacienda - but all too large for House "A".