Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:12
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; ie Form 1207 4 Receiver’s No. 8 ; : i: “ oe hi a |_| CLASS OF SERVICE DESIRED WESTE Day Leiter Check Night Message : Le Night Letter : “ ) Patrons should mark an.X oppo- site the class of service desired; : Ce . OTHERWISE THE MESSAGE RO Gant oe eta NEWCOMB CARLTON, PRESIDENT | GEORGE W. E. ATKINS, FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT _ te Time Filed Send the following message, subject to the terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed to 3 Yee fi Lg es i A ’ Kr on oe ae g eS ; ‘ ae oe p hav On 2 Mtn é Pig a # r * - ta aa vd Ofte hy “Px = * : See), Bok “8 & ‘ eo; SENDER'S ADDRESS ) _SENDER’S TELE- FOR ANSWER™ PHONE NUMBER ?