Wed, 12/28/2022 - 21:57
Edited Text
V. -9.- being utilized now, and another amount of $312.50, which will be available soon, will help to realize the need which has been existing in the past. This fund, together with the Faculty'Women's Loan Fund and the Rotary Club Loan Fund, helps to set the "financial lifeguards" on a more substantial basis. The need at the present time is for a fund to be set up which will make it possible to make petty loans to students in sums of less than $25.00. Very frequently it becomes necessary for students to secure small, tenporary loans to purchase books, to buy some necessities such as clothing or to finance a trip to his home when called suddenly on account of illness or death in a family. THE BUDGET In considering the budget for the 91st fiscal year, as compared with the previous year, we find the following to be true: Proposed expenditures for the present fiscal year have increased 5.h percent, while student enrollment has increased 10 percent. The expenditures are listed as follows: Per- cent 9lst Fiscal Year Per- cent 90th Fiscal Year $ 151,561.00 69 $ 169,970.00 7h Salaries and wages Materials and Supplies 29,659.00 1h 29,975.00 13 Service and Expense 19,278.00 9 l9,5b2.00 . 8 Property and Equipment 17,681.00 8 ll,5hl.00 5 s 218,179.00 100 $ 230,828.00 mm The budgeted amount for salaries and wages covers the salaries of h} faculty members and administrators, 1h office workers, 3 herdsmen and farm foremen, three men in maintenance-and operation, 11 laborers in incidental campus improvement work, and an average of 125 students employed in minor part-time jobs on the campus.