Wed, 12/28/2022 - 21:51
Edited Text
-6- Using the enrollment as of January 5, 1959, as a basis; and determining the "equivalent full—time registration" by allowing one unit of registration for each 15 units of instruction for which students are registered, as done by the state colleges, we find the following: Pupil cost per equivalent full-time registration, 90th fiscal year ($198, 221.25 divided by 815).............................$243.21 In considering costs, whether figured on a basis of actual number of different students enrolled, or on the basis of equivalent full-time registra- tion by counting one unit for each 15 for which the men are registered, it must be remembered that the very nature of courses in the state technical and vocational college are based on a high degree of individual instruction. All instruction must be personal and intensive, and the same men responsible for class instruction are likewise responsible for the project operation, which requires almost an equal amount of time. Faculty hours are limited only by the: work to be done, and in the livestock and poultry divisions, it is not unusual _ for the instructor to work from six or seven in the morning until ten or eleven o'clock at night in the combination of class work, demonstration, project supervision and finally, managerial responsibility for college owned foundation herds and flocks. Thus it is evident that the comparable figure of $295.00 per full-time equivalent registration is extremely low compared even with many academic colleges where mass education is possible, and where lecturers have opportunity to address classes of several hundred in such general fields as English, economics, political science, history and mathematics.