Wed, 12/28/2022 - 21:42
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‘7” on a.maximum.of technical and vocational courses and a minimum of related subject matter, would receive recommendation for less~highly technical employment. Any entering student who had been graduated from high school, was given an opportunity to enroll in the curricula of his choice. A number who enrolled for degree—transfer work dropped into the three-year technical course after a few weeks, leaving the majority in this three-year curricula, and smaller numbers in the degree-transfer and vocational groups. At the same time, the courses were re-codified to bring their terminology more closely in line with the conventional names. Whereas chemistry, or bacteriology had been included previously as an integral part of the Dairy 1, or Poultry 1 course, it was now set out as a separate unit, in order that it would have transfer value and units. In general, this has strengthened rather than weakened the vocational value, since men who specialize in natural science and biological science and who have a Vocational outlook, have been employed for such instruction. For the current year there are 67 students enrolled in the degree-transfer curricula. This means that they will receive virtually all of the technical training the institution affords, but may plan to go on for an academic degree as an honor and a "label." This is almost a necessary condition, since there are virtually no institutions offering work beyond the level of California Polytechnic in its technical fields. Unless the student wishes to go into a professional field, it will be possible only for him to satisfy his graduation requirements as to natural and social sciences in other colleges, but not possible to get much additional major work. A considerable number of these students plan to attend one of the various State colleges. California Polytechnic now faces the same condition which every other college has faced at some time in its history or formation. That condition