Fri, 12/23/2022 - 22:47
Edited Text
550 Dana St. San Luis Obispo, Calif. April 1, 1932 Miss Julia Morgan 1135 Merchants Exchange San Francisco, Calif. My dear Miss Morgan: - > This long delay may appear as if the Monday Club had forgotten all about their club house project. It is still the PARAMOUNT ISSUE, but due to the fact that we are about to entertain those convening here next week for the Los Angeles District Convention of the California Federated Clubs, we have had more than our hands full. v The Monday Club is delighted with your offer. The clubwomen greatly appreciate your willingness to give your services in the planning and erection of their club home. They furthermore, consider your flat charge to covar expenses of your work fair and Just. . When will you be qibe to give this matter attention? I shall be most happy to meet.you at your hotel here any time to take you out to see the club property, and talk things over. . v Proud that you are going to identify yourself with the city of San Luis Obispo, I am Very cordially yours, Grace E. Barneberg Chairman, Building Committee