Sat, 12/24/2022 - 00:16
Edited Text
SE CURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF L0 5 ANGELES uAvIno. germ-ac.“ 11w" SAN LUIS OBISPO BRANCH 799 HIGUERA smw uns onxsm. CALIFORNIA November zlet.1933 Commissioner of Immigration 8: Naturalization Angel Islandgnei‘eny 2.0 San Frenoieoo,'celi£. ' Iiear Sir; , E113 is to nertify that I have known Mr Ah m: for the past twenty eight'yeara and during this time until just oz! recent date he has been a patron of this bank. Mrme 1a a propertg owner in San Luis ohispo and in busineea at #800 Balm. treet where he has lived ever mince _I have ‘known him. e .. p > ’ ‘ :IVe-Iytrulylljomre Vice President; v ‘ . ' Subeeribed 'Eworn "to before me ‘ $1113 2131;» day'of November,-A.D.1933. \. ‘ 33101715130: lint-end Irori'?dtmty‘bt S' r H‘ b 9;. State ofCalifor a. ' hiybcomiussion expires 4-24-1936}? ' ‘\k ' ‘.\ ,wvr' .. ,_._.,A.___.«..4“_..._:.,. w. .__ ._______‘_Am»