Fri, 12/23/2022 - 11:07
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(Letterhead: Los Angeles Examiner, Office of the Publisher, Broadway at Eleventh St., Los Angeles) San Simeon, California, January 27, 1926. Dear Miss Morgan: Referring to the attached photographs: It is possible that these beams might be of use for the hall at Beverly, provided we use plaster between them and the roof, making a half timber effect. The beams are not carved, and are only interesting on account of their age; but there is always an attraction in having something genuine in such a construction. The gate and figures are apparently late. I do not know that they could be used at all. 2. In the little Gothic suite at the ranch where you have some of the old beams in position to make two different kinds of arches, I prefer the flatter arch. That makes the room look bigger. This is probably not quite the curve of the beams originally, but I think we can use some old beams and some woodwork made to match and piece this ceiling out and make it available for the flat arch type. In fact, we are not going to have enough old stuff in, and so this would probably be the best thing to do. Sincerely yours, s/ WR Hearst (Encl.)