Fri, 12/23/2022 - 10:54
Edited Text
(on letterhead: C.C. Rossi, Supt. Hearst Camp, San Simeon, San Luis Obispo, Calif) Sept. 1, 1925 Dear Miss Morgan:- We are hereby transcribing some orders by Mr. Hearst of August 27, 1925. "Please make me a Gun Closet in the Basement of A and give me the Key. 2. I would also like a place to store some books in another closet in the basement. (could use the cedar closet in one of the lower rooms if necessary. 3. I think Miss Morgan picked out the best place for Hiawatha and if the post isn't big enough to support lets make it bigger. 4. Will you let me have the man who makes the rustic stone paths and we will lay out some paths which I think will make it easier for us to get around the lower hill. 5. We will have to build better animal pits for winter. We will have to make an aviary under glass. I would like to have a dove cote. You can put up a good wooden one until Miss Morgan makes a concrete one. I think the best place is on top of the Kitchen for the dove cote. 6. We have never put in the large water pipe from the springs to the reservoir. We should do this. I advise a six inch pipe galvanized. I think we should change the course somewhat too and avoid the very deep hollows. 7. I want to make the reservoir bigger. I think we ought to have it big enough to hold a months supply of water. Ask Miss Morgan to design this big reservoir in connection with the Taj Mahal we intend to erect there, - the observatory. Sincerely W.R. Hearst