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Expanded EIR On Cal Poly Faculty, Staff Housing Plans Available 1 of 3 file:///X:/Copyright/Submissions/_PressReleases%20&%20Cal%20Pol... Skip to Content Cal Poly News Search Cal Poly News Go California Polytechnic State University Feb. 14, 2003 Contact: Bob Ambach (805) 756-1131 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Supplement to Final EIR Released for Cal Poly Faculty, Staff Housing Project -Public Comments Invited SAN LUIS OBISPO -- The California State University trustees have released a "Supplement to the Final EIR," which provides more detailed analysis on the proposed Cal Poly faculty and staff housing project at Highland Drive and Highway 1. A recent lawsuit regarding the housing project, known as Site H-8, resulted in a judicial decision requiring the recirculation of information and analysis regarding certain specified environmental concerns, according to Bob Ambach, managing director of the Cal Poly Housing Corp. The public is invited to comment on the supplement through March 31. A group known as Neighborhoods North of Foothill had raised issues regarding numerous aspects of the initial environmental analysis. "Based on the Statement of Decision issued by Judge Douglas Hilton on Dec. 23, 2002, the previously published environmental analysis was generally in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, with the exception of the four points listed below," Ambach said. The supplement provides additional analysis regarding those four areas and considers the impacts of up to 85 housing units for faculty and staff members and their families. The four areas are: - Cumulative Wastewater: The Final EIR stated that cumulative wastewater impacts would not be significant provided a planned expansion of the wastewater treatment plant took place. Hilton indicated that the proper approach would be to restate the finding as a significant impact unless the plant was upgraded. This requires the adoption of mitigation measures requiring Cal Poly to not build beyond 10/2/2009 11:03 AM Expanded EIR On Cal Poly Faculty, Staff Housing Plans Available 2 of 3 file:///X:/Copyright/Submissions/_PressReleases%20&%20Cal%20Pol... its current entitlement and to pay its fair share for any additional capacity Cal Poly should require. Such agreements have been standard practice for Cal Poly in the past. The housing on Site H-8 does not require capacity beyond what is currently available. - Cumulative Traffic: The final EIR on Site H-8 included major revisions to the traffic section in response to comments by CalTrans. The judge found that the final EIR did not clearly state that the final analysis included projected cumulative traffic from the next proposed faculty and staff housing site, known as H-9. The analysis has been clarified in the supplement. - Cumulative Air Quality: Hilton determined that the Final EIR needed to better explain why a carbon monoxide "hot spot" analysis was not necessary for the intersection at Highland Drive and Highway 1, or perform the analysis. The supplement provides that information and analysis, as well as the results of actual monitoring at the Cal Poly parking structure and in the city of San Luis Obispo. - An appellate decision, reached after the Final EIR was certified by the CSU board of trustees in March 2002, questioned the type of findings that must be made when a new environmental document relies on the findings of a previous EIR for discussions of significant, unavoidable cumulative impacts. Thus, the supplement revises the conclusions regarding construction-related and cumulative air quality impacts. The board of trustees will have to consider a statement of overriding considerations regarding those issues. After receiving and responding to comments, the supplement and all related correspondence will be forwarded to the CSU board of trustees for their consideration and action. After the board of trustees has acted, the materials will be forwarded to Hilton for his final review. Copies of the supplement to the final EIR are available for review at Cal Poly at Facilities Planning and the Kennedy Library, and in San Luis Obispo at the City/County Library. The documents are also online at http://www.cphousingcorp.org/. Send written comments by March 31 to Joel Neel at Facilities Planning and Capital Projects, 1 Grand Avenue, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 or e-mail them to jneel@calpoly.edu <mailto:jneel@calpoly.edu>. For more information regarding the faculty and staff housing program or the Cal Poly Housing Corp., contact Bob Ambach, managing director of the Cal Poly Housing Corp. at Foundation, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407, rambach@calpoly.edu <mailto:rambach@calpoly.edu>, or 756-1131. - 30 CP Home • CP Find It Get Adobe Reader • Microsoft Viewers Events • Recent Releases • Cal Poly Magazine • 10/2/2009 11:03 AM Expanded EIR On Cal Poly Faculty, Staff Housing Plans Available 3 of 3 file:///X:/Copyright/Submissions/_PressReleases%20&%20Cal%20Pol... Cal Poly Update E-newsletter • Contact Public Affairs • Alumni • Giving • Athletics Cal Poly Public Affairs California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 805.756.7266 polynews@calpoly.edu 10/2/2009 11:03 AM