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Israeli Matrix of Control' The Topic of Next Mideast Forum Feb. 17 at Ca... 1 of 2 file:///X:/Copyright/Submissions/_PressReleases%20&%20Cal%20Pol... Skip to Content Cal Poly News Search Cal Poly News Go California Polytechnic State University Feb. 7, 2003 Contact: Jo Ann Lloyd (805) 756-1511 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 'Dismantling Israel's Control' To Be Topic of Next Mideast Forum Feb. 17 SAN LUIS OBISPO -- An Israeli anthropologist who coordinates a group in Israel called the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions will talk Feb. 17 at Cal Poly on "The Key to an Israeli-Palestinian Peace: Dismantling Israel's Matrix of Control." Jeff Halper will speak at 6 p.m. in Chumash Auditorium in the University Union. The program is part of a series of lectures on the crisis in the Middle East, sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and History Department and part of a history course taught by Professor Manzar Foroohar. Halper has lived in Israel for the past 30 years. For many years he headed the Middle East Center of Friends World College in Jerusalem and until recently taught anthropology at Ben Gurion University. He worked for 10 years for the Jerusalem Municipality as a community worker in the city's inner city neighborhoods and has been active with the Ethiopian Jewish community in Israel. The author of "Between Redemption and Revival: The Jewish Yishuv of Jerusalem in the Nineteenth Century," Halper is currently writing "An Israeli in Palestine," a book about his involvement in resisting Israeli occupation of disputed areas. Additional forums in the series will be Feb. 24 on the "Axis of Evil" and the "Holy Alliance" and March 10 on dissent and the U.S. Constitution. All presentations are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Foroohar at 756-2068 or mforooha@calpoly.edu. - 30 - 10/2/2009 11:34 AM 'Israeli Matrix of Control' The Topic of Next Mideast Forum Feb. 17 at Ca... 2 of 2 file:///X:/Copyright/Submissions/_PressReleases%20&%20Cal%20Pol... CP Home • CP Find It Get Adobe Reader • Microsoft Viewers Events • Recent Releases • Cal Poly Magazine • Cal Poly Update E-newsletter • Contact Public Affairs • Alumni • Giving • Athletics Cal Poly Public Affairs California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 805.756.7266 polynews@calpoly.edu 10/2/2009 11:34 AM