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CAL POLY S AN lUIS O B ISPO News University News & information Cal Poly Report- March 20, 2013 Cal Poly Report is going on holiday March 27 for spring break and will resume its weekly schedule beginning April 3. News Cal Poly Women Win Big West Championship, Head to NCAA Tournament ·n1e Cal Poly women's basketball team defeated Pacific 63-49 at the Honda Center in Anaheim on Saturday to cam the program's first ever trip to the NCAA toumamcnt. Cal Poly is the first Oig West Conference No. 2 seed to win th e conference tournament since 1996 when Hawai'i defeated Pacitic. With the win, the Mustangs improved to 2 1-10, tying a Divison I school record. Junior Molly Schlemer garnered tournament MVP honors, wi th sophomore Ariana Elegado earning a ll-tournament. Cal Poly will play as the o. 14 seed in tl1e first round of tl1e NCAA tournament, facing o. 3 Penn State on Sunday. Read more about Cal Poly'~ ' icton· Read tht: Bag \\bt press release on Cal Poly's win Campus Community Invited to Open Forums in April President Annstrong and other key campus leaders invite all to attend one of several Campus Communi ty Conversations during spring quarter. 1l1e purpose of these open fomms is to bear the campus's v iews on vital issues tacing Cal Poly. The Campus Comm unity Conversations will be held: -- For staff: Wednesday, April 3, 8:30 to 9:30a.m. in UU 220 -- For students: T hursday, Apri l 18, I I a.m. to noon in the PAC Pavilion -- For !acuity: Friday, April 26, II a.m. to noon in the PAC Pavilion Free Fitness Fridays are Back March 22 and 29 at the Rec Center All faculty, sta n: spouses, registered domestic partners, retirees, emeriti and alumni are invited to enj oy a free day of health and fitness at the Cal Poly Recreation Center on March 22 and 29. Enjoy complimentary use of the entire facility and its amenities, including the leisure pool, racq uetball courts, basketball courts, group exercise classes and more. Visit the ASI webs ate for group exercise class schedule. Special offerings just for Free Fitness Fridays: -- Friday, March 22, bring your swimsuit and discover Aqua Zumba in the leisure pool. Class begins at 12:10 p.m. -- Friday, March 29, take a ride in a Breakaway (cycling) exercise class starting at 12: 15 p.m. Reservations are recommended; call ext. 6-5890. Check in at the Recreation Center Front Desk. Bring your Cal Po ly I. D., your A lumni Association card, or a photo I. D. For more infom1ation, contact Membership Services at ex t. 6-6335 or membershaps(a a~i.cal po ly.cdu. Retirements Stephan Lamb Stephan Lamb is retiring after 33 years ofservice at Cal Poly. Lamb began his career at Cal Poly in 1979 with Uni versity Housing. He joined Student Life and Leadership in 1993, serving in a variety or roles and making many contributions to the Lmi versity. Most recently, he served as interim director or Student Life and Leadership. Terry J. San Filippo TeJTY J. San Filippo, public nrlilirs and events coordinator for the College of Libemii\J1s , will retire April I . She begun her career at Cal l>oly as a clerical assistant in the Personnel and Allirmative Action departments. She was promoted to administrative assistant in the Theatre & Dance Dl:partment in the College of Liberal Arts and tl1en later was named the public aff.'lirs coordinator for tllC CLA Advancement Department. For l.be Last 20 years, she worked directly with the C LA dean 's office doing communications and events, including representing the college on a1120 Open House committees. San Filippo was honored by tlle CLA as Outstanding tall' lor 2008. That same year, she e tablished a scholan.hip and an endowment In honor of her motller, a Cal Poly alumna, in the I hstory Department. friend~ and coll eagu~ are mvit<ld to a reception Thursday, March 21 , to honor San Filippo for her 30 years ofdedicated service. The reception "ill run from 2 to 3 p.m . in the CLA Dean'!> Office. Buildmg -l7, Room 3 1. For more information, contact Margie Valine at ext 6-2359. Faculty and Staff New Interim Media Relations Director Named Matt Lazier has been named the new interim director of media relations in the Marketing and Communications office. lie ns~>umcd his new role March 15. He succeeds E llen Cohune, who hud b..:cn s..:rving in this interim capacity since Nov. I and has taken on a new rol e as assislflnt vice presidcnt of alumni outreach and annual giving. Lazier is a Cal Poly ulumnus (B.S., Journulisrn , 1997) and a fonner San Luis Obispo Tribune editor and reporter who bring!. a !ttrong background in media relations to his new role. l-Ie has served the university'!. Public Aflairs otlicc since 2008. He edits Cal Poly Rcportnnd the quarterly Cal Poly Magat ine and performs a wide variety ofother duties, inc ludi ng writing and di!>tributing press rclcas~ and updating the office's websites. All media inquiries should be rc lcrrcd to l.tvier. lie can be reached at ext. 6-7109 or ml~th.;r u calp~. Campus Announcements CSU Announces New Rules For Fundrai.sing Events The California tate Um vcr!>IIYrckascd a new policy governing fundraising events at all CSU campuses. ·n1e new pohcy requires on-campus approval by Uni\'ersity Advancement for fundra ll.i ng events with gross receipts greater tllan $5,000 from all sources, including ticket !tales. donations, sponsorships, merchandise sales, auctions and raftlcs. Cal Poly's apt>roval procedure and fom1 are ava ilable online. Please allow ample time for approva ls when planning fundraising events; up to four weeks' lead lime is recommended for review and approval. Reminder of Campus Policies for Food Events Food safely requirements lhr events involving food and food sales on campus are con tained in the campus lood policy and in the California Retail Food Code. With u H.:w exceptions, food served ot events on ca mpus should he purchased from Campus Dining/Univers ity Catering. Exceptions arc allowed for small, private events and small office pot lucks. Off-campus cutercn. may not bring food on campus lmlcss a signed waiver is first obtained from Campus Dining. All events involving food sales and food giveaways must first obwin a Campus Food Permit from tlle Risk Management, Em·ironmental l lealth & ' afcty office, to ensure tllat all sanitation and safe food handling pmctices are heing fo llowed. On-cam1>us sales by off-campus \'endors (such as tamale sales and sal~a sail."!>) arc not oii0\\00. Qu~11ons regarding food safety issues should be directed to Everette Brooks. campus food afety inspector. at 6-7009. The cumru' lik)$,1 -.a let) "ch pa~ contam nddJIJonalmfonnation, including links to tlle camplll. food policy and tbe California Rctmll·ood Code. Vanpool Openings Available Around the County Tired of tlle pain at the pump? Joi n a Cal Poly vanpool. There are openings in anta Maria, Los Osos!Mom) Bay, and Paso Robles. Call ext. 6-6680 or email Susan Rains at :,mj n~[l cuhlcly~edu lor more infonnation. " First Generation" Documentary Screening Sparks Support Initiative Cal Poly's Odi.1len College o r Business. College of Engineering, and Center lor Teaching. Leaming & Technology (CTI:t') hosted a screenin g of the award-winning doctun enWry "First Generution" on Friday. March 8. "fllc film explores tlle difficult challenges faced by lirst-genem tion and low-income students . About 120 faculty and sta1f viewed the fi lm and pm1icipatcd in a fucilitutcd discussion on how best to supp01t first-generation students at Cal Poly. In nn cllort to continue the momentum generated by the cwrll, the planning committee lor this event will follow up with interested participants. If you did not get the chance to view the lilm but arc interested in being involved at some level to bclp support lin.t-gcncration Cal Poly !>Ordent.s, please complet.e thi~ unhnc ltuc...tnmn:ure. ITS Offers Virtual Privat e Network Service for Faculty and Staff IT now offcn. a VP (Virtual Pnvate 'erwork) service for Cal Poly faculty and staff, providing a :.ccure method 10 acce"' Cal Poly computing resources from off caiDJ>ll~. Through a web browser, u~-n. dO\\llload a mall Java application that allows tbcm to ~tabl~h a connccllon to the Cal Poly VPN senice. Once the VP 1 connection i!> ~tablished, u~n. can acce~., Cal Poly rcsourcC!> similarly to bow they would from on campus. tcp-by-stcp m~tnrctror~ arc a\'llilable on the ITS Ketwork Admmr-.tJ!Itl_l>n web~lle. Service-learning Faculty Fellows Program Applications Due March 22 The Center for Community Engagement ond the Ccrrter for Teaching, Learning & Technology invite foculty to opply to be a Scrvice-L.eaming Faculty Fellow in Spring 20 13. 11m:c $2,000 fellowships (with option to receive an additional $1,000) will be awarded. 111c program aims to expand serv ice-learning courses offered in the STEM (science, technology, engineering ond math) liclds while relating student lcm11iog to the Diversity Lcnming Objectives (DLOs). Application deadline is March 22. For proposal criteria and application guidelines, email Joy !Iarkins with the Center tor Community Engagc.:ment at ; h:u krn,(ll calpoly cdu. Employment Equity Facilitato r Wo rksh op Set for March 28 An Employment t·qlnty I acilitator Wor~hop is scheduled from I0 to II :30 a.m. Thursday, March 28, in 1-r:.hcr cicncc (Building 33). Room 290. Employment Equity Director Martha Cody\\ rill cad the wor~hop. he will be joined by Jcn Myers from Academic Personnel and Kart-11 Wauon from Human Resources. who will amwcr questions and pro,1dc mfonnahon on the faculty and staiJrecruitment process.• urni eacat will be 3\ arlable to anlt\\c.:r quc<>tions regarding institutionally sponsored Il-l B Visas for foreign faculty and taiT. Contact cacat at ~'ot.":lCat 'a calpoly.edu or ext. 6-7387 if you would hkc to aucnd. Training Sessions Planned In April for Corporation's New Timekeeping System Effective with the pay period beginning April 27, the Cal Poly Corporation will move to a web-based timekeeping ~ystcm , CPC Pay!Kronos, eliminating paper timecard submission. 1 his prognun willullow more accurate and timely reporting of all employees' time, including sltldcnls, inlcm1ittcnt, faculty working additional compensation, and stoll'. Tr:1ining will be held l(lr all managers or administrative swtr responsible lor the npproval (signing) and submi$sion ofpaper timecards lor their student, intcrmillcnt or ndditionul compensation stall'. All managers should attend one or these one-hour sessions: -Tuesdays (April9 ond 23)- 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. - Wednesdays (April I0 and 24)- I:30 and 3 p.m. -Thursday (April 4, II . 18 and 25)- 9 a.m., II a.m. and 3:30p.m. - Fridays (AprilS and 19) - 10 am and 2 p.m. Space is linutcd. so please RSVJl to CPC Human Resources at ext 6-lUI. Have the Organization Codes for \\ luch you arc rc:.ponsible available when youR VP. Consultant Will Assess Dining Services for Planned New Facility In anticipation of the future renovation or replacement ofCal Poly's primary dining facility. Building 19, the Cal Poly Corporation has hired a consulting finn to solicit feedback from the univcrMty commumty to a,<;sist witJ1 developing a long-tc.:nn plan to build a world-class dining facility. 1 he consultants will be on campus between late Febmary and A(>ril, conducting locus groups and surveys and meeting with key constituent groups. A successfu l outcome will require collaboration wiU1 studcuts, li1culty and sta.JJ. Outcomes li·omthis a~scssment will be shared after the report is complete. Apple-Authorized Service Providers Available at the University Store Having issues with your computcr?l11e University Store has a trained staff ofApple­ certified Mac technicians who can diagnose and get your computer up and nanning in no time. 111cy work exclusiw ly em in- and out-of-warranty Apple computers and associated hardware nnd upgntdes. Stop by the University Store's Tech Center during regular service hour$, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondny through Friday, or schedule an appoi ntment today. Cull the Tech Center Ilotline at ext. 6-53 11 . Tired of Your Same Sack lunch? Grab lunch at 19 Metro for As low As $5.25 All-you-care-to-eat lunch at 19 Metro !>lation lor just $5.25, only with Fa:.t Pass. Get yours today on thc ~.unpu' l>n1111i \\dNtc. Bella Montana Faculty and Staff Housing Community Visit the Bella Montana I lomcs \\ ch,lk for available homes for sale. Events Cal Poly Women's Club to Present ' Down Memory lane' April 9 The Cal Poly Women':. Club will host "Down Memory Lane" ot l :30 p.rn. fucsduy, April 9, at the United Methodist Church We:.ley Building on Fredricks Street in Sun Luis Obispo. This fun program will look ut thc 89-year histo1y of thl.l club unci its activities benefilling Cal Poly and its ~tudents throughout the years. Vignettes by f01111er club presidents and photos wi ll be shared. Come help us celebrnte. Student Opera Theatre Presents 'The Magic Flute' Aprilll-13 The "co-opera" collaborative \Cnturc between Cal Poly 's Student Opera Theatre and Opera an Lu1 Ob1~po conlimit.~ tim. year w1th a complete production ofMo.lnrt's " The Magic Flute " Outstandmg \tudent ~mgcn. will pcrfoon in seYeral key roles, l>ide by s1dc with internationally accln~mcd opera mgers. tudent instrumental musicians ''ill perform with 0pt.'1'3SLO's profe 1onal orchestra. Join us Aprilll-13 at 7:30 p.m. in the Spanos Theatre. Tickets· S 18 general, 16 M!ruors and $9 students at the Performing Arts Ticket Office, 805-756-4 11X (4849 ) \ Jur.: tlO ' I he \ lagtc Hute' Cal Poly Author to Discuss 'Judicial Review in an Age of Moral Pluralism' April12 Join Ronald Den Otter, nl>sociate profcs~or in political science at Cal Poly, to discuss his book, "Judicial Review in nn Age ofMornl Pluralism," from I0 to II :30 tun. Friday, April 12, in the Kennedy Librmy, Room IIIII. Den Otter is joined in conversation with Jude Egnn, associate professor in political science at Col Poly. Together they wi ll explore con~t itut ionn ltheory, public reason and moml plumli~m in the U.S. TI1ere will be time for Q-and-A. Conversations with Cal Poly Authors IS an ongoing <.cries of informal talks hoMed by the Kcnn(.-dy Library and inspired by recent Cal Poly autllon.' work. The C\'etll is frt.-..: and open to the public. Vi~ it the Kmrt.aJ 1!rr.•n ·, \\dh1tc for more mformation. Data Studio Presents 'DATAUP: Documenting, Managing and Archiving Tabular Data' Apr. 18 The Data tudio at Kennedy L1bmry \\ill feature Carty Strasser. California Digital Library's data curntion !.pcc.alist, discu:.sing faculty and student data archiving from II a.m. to noon in the Data Studio (Room IllC) on Timrsday, Aprill8. Many granting agencies now require the sharing nnd archiving of data generated during a project. Strasser will discuss a free, open source tool that helps researchers document, manage and archive their tnbulor dttltl viu integration with Microsoft Excel. Everyone is welcome. For more intonnntion visit DJ\ IAlJP or Kennedy Librruy 's Data Serv1ce~. ASI Plans Mustang Mile SK Fun Run/Walk for April 24 ASI will present the second annual Mustang .... Mile 5K and Festival on Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. April 24. The SK will begin in front o f the Recreation Center and will be followed by a festival inside the main gym. AS I is pleased to work with the campus conununity a nd Aware Awake Alive to celebrate the privilege of being a Mu:.tang and recognize the importance of caring lor one another. Mu:.tang 1\ihlc part1c1pan~ arc ~.:ncouraged to wear costumes, enjoy musical entertainment, mteract. and ha\'e fun Pri/cs will be awarded for participation and costumes. Regll>tration "ill be available April 2 tbrt>t1gh the .\SJ \\.:b,Jte or at the Recreation Center front d~k Contact A I E\'ents at ext. 6-6342 for more information. Athletics Baseball Despite a 14-hit on'cnsJVc auaek and three otre Dame errors, No. 20 Cal Poly dropped a 6-5 decision to the No. 17 lri~h 111 the finale of a three-game, non-conference series Saturday nilemoon before I ,602 in Baggctl Stadium. Notre Dame won the series two games to one and improved to 12-5 on the year. Cal Poly is 15-4 with its first two-game losing streak of the season. l11c Mustangs won '11lllrsday's game 6-3, whi le tl1e Irish claimed Friday's contest 1-0. M111 I! <In thl.! scri.:s. Wrestling Freshman 133-poundcr lkvon I ullin is Cal Poly's lone representatjve in the 2013 NCAA Division I Nat ional Wrc~t ling Championship, scheduled to begin its three-day run Thursday in Des Moine,, Iowa Lotito, a 20 12 graduate ofLiberry High School in Bethlehem, Penn .• willtnkc a 29-7 record and a Pac-12 championship with him to Wdb Fargo An.:nn. ~ un th~ upc<lJl1111Jl._Jllatdl. Softball The Cal Poly l>Oftball program !>plit a non-conference doubleheader Sunday afternoon at CSU Bakersfield. falhng 4-~ to the Roodrurmcrs in the ftrSt game before \\inning tl1e nightcap 2-0. \ 1nr\: 11n lh · •,unc'. Men's Basketball The Cal Poly mcn'J. ba!>ketballtcam will take part in the first postseason game in it:. 19-year Divi:.ion I tenure fo llowing the unday a1lemoon 31111ouncemcnl tl1at tl1c program has accepted an invitollon to the 32-tea m Collcgelnsider.com Postseason Tournament. Cal Poly wil l vis it Weber Stntc for un opening-round matchup Wednesday. MaJch 20. Tip time inside the Dec Events Center will be made ava ilable soon. Read mon: onlull!. Swimming and Diving Cal Poly seni or swimmer Rnchcl O'Brien was selec ted Wednesday to compete in two events at the women's NCAA Championships from March 21-23 at ilie lU Natatorium in Indianapolis. O'Oricn is the tir!>l woman from Cal Poly to advmce to the national championships :.incc the ~choolmovcd to the Division I level in 1994. ;\lore on o Oncn. Men's Tennis Cal Poly sen1or Andre Dome.: defeated the fourtll-ranked singles player in ilie nation Sunday afternoon. but the 45th-ranked Mustang men's tennis team fell at home 4-3 to No. 56 Princeton. Dome (9-2 m duab). mnkcd ' o. 30 last week by the intercollegiate Tenms rusociation, swept No. 4 MollJa Pccollc 6-2, 6-2, to impro,·e his "inning st.reak to seven \l\lrc l'n the lu>mc m th.:h Women's Tennis o. 42 Kansas State fmlcd to drop a ct unday aftemoon as the Cal Poly women's tennis program was swept 7-0 by the Wildca ts in a neutral-site match hosted at Fresno State. MPrc on the match. Track and Field Standout perfonntHtccs from John Pradcr, l)lokc Ahrold and Nick Ahrold were among the hi ghlights for the Cal Poly truck and licld team nt the Cal Poly/SharcSLO.com lnvitntional hosted on cumpus Snturdny. R.:ml_morc online. Upcoming Events Baseball hos ts UCSB at 6:30p.m. Friday, March 22, and I p.m. Sunday, March 24. It's a Blue Green Riva lry weekend. Sunday is Jersey Day; all children 12 and younger get in free if they wear ajer!>ey. \'t,tl Cui J>ol~\..bJN:ball promottoru. page to leam more about our upcoming promotions. Softball host!. Long Beach . tate at noon and 2 p.m . Saturday, March 23. and noon Sunday. March 24. Cal Poly hosts Fresno State next Monday. March 25 at 3 and 5 p.m. M en 's tennis ho:.l!. Portland at II a.m arurday, March 23, at the Mustang Courts and hosts Tulane at I p.m unday, March 24. For up-to-date ports mfomuttion, photos and videos, visit W'W\\.!!opol}.com. Job Vacancies State Employment Opportunities TI1e ollicial l i~ting of sltlff and management vaca ncies is posted at WW\\.calpoly1oh;, oru,. To apply. go online and complete the application form. For assistance. ca UHuman Resources at ext. 6-2236. #102773 - Director of' Co unseling Sct·viccs, Administrator II, Student AC1~1irs- llcallh & Counseling Services. Salary commensurate with experience. Open tmtil ti.llcd. Review begins: April 9, 20 13. u•rm INTERNA L REC RUliME r I OPENTO CAL POLY EMPLOYE ES ONLY (S tate, Corpomtion, and AS I)*** #102783 - Light Automotive Equipment Opcmtor, Administration and Finance­ Facility Semcc:.- Cll!>todial Service:.. S3,052-S4.579 per month.. Open until filled Review beg10~: M arch 28. 2013 •••nn 11\'ll:.RNA L Rl CR I 11-tENT I OPEN TO CAL POLY EMPLOYEES ONLY ( tate, Corporauon, and A I)*** #102785 - Lend C ustodiun, Um\ crsuy Ilousing - Housing Senices. S2,677-S4.204 per month, Closes: March 27. 201). # 102787 - Pt'Ojcct Mnnngcr. Admmtstmtor 11, Administration and Finance- Facilities Planning. Temporory. two-year appointment. Salary commensurate with experience. Open untilllllcd. Re view begins: April I I. 20 13. #l 02794 - Pt•ogr am ming Assodntc, Annlyst/J>rogranuner- Ca reer, Academic A fl'airs ­ AA Technical Sctviccs. $4,.1 14-$8,83 1 per month (anlicipated hiring range: $4 ,3 14-$4,745 per month). Open until tilled. Review begins: March 26, 2013. # 102795 - Adrninistl'lltivc Assistnnt II - Admi nistration and Finance- Fiscal Services. $2,505-$3,758 per month (anticipated hiring range: $2,505-$3,006 per month). Closes: March 26, 20 13. # 102797 - Tcchnicnl S pcdali,t, Thcnh't' nnd Dance Department. Performing Arts Technician II, College of Liberal Ans , 3,443-$5, 165 per month (anticipated hiring range: $3,443-$3,787 per month) Open until filled. Re\iew begins: April!!. 2013. Projected start date: Aug. 15. 20 D. # 102798 - Information TK hn ology Cons ultant - Career, College of Science and Math Up to two pos!llons avtl! lablc 4,3 14- 8,83 1 per month. Open until filled. Re,·iew begins: March 29. 20 13 Faculty Employment Opportunities Candidates arc asked to visttthc online employment website at www.cal poiYJilb~ to complete an application and apply fo r nny o f the positions shown below. Submit nil requested app lica tion mah.:riuls ns attachments to your online applicati on, w1l es~ otherwise specilied in !he nd. CSM # 102796, Full-Time Lccturet; Ph ysics, Physics Dept., College of Science and Mathematics, ext. 6- 1752. Review begins : May I, 20 13. #1027 91, Full-Time Lecturer, C hemistry & Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biochemistry Dept., College of Science and Mathematics, ext. 6-2694. Review begins: Aprill9, 2013. OCOB #102781, Full-Time Lecturer, Industrial Technology, Industrial Technology Dept., Ortalea College ofBusiness, ext. 6-2821. Review begins: May 1, 2013. Student Affail-s #102775, Counsel01; Counseling Services, Counseling Services Dept., Student Affairs, ext. 6-2122. Review begins: April15, 2013. Corporation Employment Opportunities Cal Poly Corporation is a separate corporation operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range ofservices and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view job postings and/or apply for any regular-benefited position at Cal Poly Coq)oration, visit its website. For assistance, contact Bwnan Resomces at ext. 6-1121. All positions have excellent benefits, including medical, dental, vision, life insurance, retirement, paid sick leave/vacation and holidays. Apply online at www.calpolycorporation jobs.org. CPC Human Resources, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407, AAIEEO. Catering Sales Associate, 10-month position, Campus Dining, $11.90-$14.57 per hour. Requires high school degree or GED and one year ofexperience in sales and customer service, preferably in the food service industry. Computer literacy and excellent customer service skills required. ASI Employment Opportunities Candidates are asked to visit hll p'//www.asi.calr,!Oly.edu to complete an application and apply for positions listed below. For more information, contact the ASI Business Office in UU 212 or call ext. 6-5800. ASI/UU Executive Direct01·, fi.tll time with excellent beneJits. Annual salary is detemlined by the ASI board of directors. Open until filled. CP Home Directory Get Adobe Reader Campus Maps & Directions Microsoft Viewers Bookstore Calendar Employment Campus Policies Contact Us 1'0 201 2 C'alifomia Polytechnic Slate University CAL POLY San Luis Obispo, C'alifomia 93407 Phone: 805-756-111 1