Thu, 12/22/2022 - 06:32
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BUllE California State Polytechnic College Volume S-18 ! Number 2 San Luis Obispo DEAN OF ENGINEERING NAMED Col. Archie Higdon, nationally recognized leader in engineering education, has been appointed dean of engineering. President Robert E. Kennedy has announced the appoint­ ment effective September 15. Col. Higdon currently is chairman of the Basic Science Division and professor and head of the .Mathematics Department at the United States Air Force Academy. Earlier, he had served the academy as professor and head of the Mechanics Department, professor and head of the Physics Department, and chairman of the Engineering Science Division. The new dean recently completed an 18-month tour of the accredited engineering schools in the United States in connection with the national study of "Goals in Engineering Education" by the American Society for Engineering Education. He was assistant direc­ tor of the "Goals" study, working on the undergraduate portion, and also was selected as a member of the Board of Analysts for that portion. He was also chosen to be the representative of the study who traveled 60,000 miles to visit 180 engineering col­ leges. A graduate of South Dakota . State University, Col. Higdon received both his master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees from Iowa State University where he taught mathematics and theoretical and applied mechanics for eight years. He joined the U.S. Army Air Force in 1942 and was a colonel when he left the service in 1946. He returned for five years to Iowa State University where he became pro­ fessor of theoretical and applied mechanics. From 1950 to 1951 he was a management analyst at Headquarters, 15th Air Force (SAC). For two years before joining the faculty of the Air Force Academy in 1954, Dr. Higdon was a member of the faculty at the United States Military Academy, West Point, teaching mechanics. Dr. Higdon is co-author of tWo volumes. The first, Engineering Mechanics, published by Prenttc·e-Ball~ .Irtc. ~ is in its third edition. The second, Mechanics of Materials, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., is in its second edition. Dr. Higdon is listed in Who's Who in America, Leaders in American Science, Who's Who in Engineering, American Men of Science, and Who's Who in American Education. He has the Army and Air Force Commendation Medals and the Legion of Merit. He is a member of Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Mu Epsilon, the American Society for Engineering Education, and the American Mathematical Society. When the vacancy in the position of dean of engineering was aanounced in February, 1967, some 80 applications, inquiries, and nominations were received. Further corres­ pondence resulted in approximately 45 completed applications. These were screened by the faculty advisory committee. Through review of letters of reference and biographi­ cal data sheets, telephone interviews and personal interviews, the list was reduced to five candidates from whom the ftnal choice was mdde. •i4ll - 2 - FARLEY TO MANAGE BOOKSTORE Maurice E. Farley will be the next manager of El Corral College Store. Eugene Brendlin, Foundation manager, has announced his appointment effective September 1 following action by the memebers of the Foundation Board. Duke Hill, who has managed the bookstore for many years, will remain with the store during the year to assist the new manager and to work on layout planning for the new bookstore. Farley, 38 years old, is manager of the wholesale division of the College Book Com­ pany of California, Inc., in Los Angeles. A business administration graduate of Fullerton Junior College, he has had 12 years experience in the college book busines~. WORKSHOP FOR TEACHERS OF MIGRATORY CHILDREN TO BE HELD A workshop for teachers of children of migratory workers will be held on campus August 21-25. The workshop is sponsored by the Multi-County Program for Migratory Children (a part of the California Master Plan for Migrant Education) and the Ool­ lege. Included in the Multi-County Program are San Luis Obispo, Kern, Kings, and Tulare Counties and northern Santa Barbara County. Dr. Erland Dettloff, psychologist with the Cal Poly staff, will speak before the workshop on "Psychological Implications of Living on the Fringes of Many Communities'.' Other Cal Poly personnel who are to participate are Dr. Carl C. Cummins and Dr. J. Barron Wiley. CRANDALL GYM NATATORIUM CLOSED The Crandall Gym natatorium is temporarily closed to accommodate the PE workshops. It will reopen for recreational swimming the week of September 25. JULY ISSUE OF "C S C REVIEW" ARRIVES ON CAMPUS Copies of the July issue of The California State Colleges Review have arrived on cam­ pus and are being distributed to departments with this issue of Staff Bulletin. Addi­ tional copies are available in the Faculty Reading Room of Dexter Memorial Library and the Public Relations Office, Room 216, Administration Building.