Fri, 10/28/2022 - 17:10
Edited Text
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Vol. 2, No. 35 • June 4, 2003
Published by Public AllEms • www cal poly edu' -communlc

($) - Admission charged

University Art Gallery (Dexter Build­
ing): Art and Design Department's
Invitational Alumni Exhibit, "Outside
the Box." Through Friday (June 6).
Reception: 6-8 p.m. Friday (June 6).
Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.,
and Wednesday, 7-9 p.m.
Wednesday, June 4
Speaker/Book Signing: Comedian­
author Ben Stein, Christopher Cohan
Center's Harman Hall, 6 p.m. Book
signing, PAC lobby, 5 p.m.
Thursday, June 5
Music: Student recital, Davidson
Music Center 218, 11 a.m.
Technical Conference: Materials
engineering students to present senior
projects, Engineering West 11, 1 p.m.
Music: "RSVP VIII: The Voice
Within," Christopher Cohan Center
Pavilion, 8 p.m. ($)
Friday; June 6
Last day of classes.
Music: Brass workshop with Brian
Bowman, Davidson Music Center 216,
Saturday, June 7
Dinner-Auction: "A Starry Night in
Hollywood," to support student-athlete
scholarships, Chumash, 6 p.m. ($)
Music: Wind Orchestra's Spring
Concert, Christopher Cohan Center's
Harman Hall, 8 p.m. ($)
Sunday, June 8
Music: SLO Mambo, Performing Arts
Center Plaza, noon.
Friday, June 13
Ozzie Smith Plaza Dedication-Statue
Unveiling: Ozzie Smith Plaza
(between Baggett Stadium and Bob
Janssen Field), 3:30p.m.
Saturday, June 14
Commencement: Colleges of Agricul­
ture, Architecture and Environmental
Design, and Engineering, 9 a.m.; col­
leges of Liberal Arts and Science and
Mathematics, the Orfalea College of
Business, and the UCTE, 3 p.m.,
Mustang Stadium. 0

In memoriam
The flags in front of the Administration
Building will fly at half staff on the last
day of classes (Friday, June 6) in memory
of all faculty and staff members and stu­
dents who have died during the 2002­
2003 academic year.

Outstanding staff named
Three employees, all cited for their
exemplary service to the university, have
been chosen to receive the 2002-2003
Outstanding Staff Award.
They are Sue Bethel, academic person­
nel specialist; Jim Gerhardt, equipment
technician in the Mechanical Engineering
Department; and Bonnie Long, executive
assistant to the provost. The Outstanding
Staff members were all recognized for
their dedication, loyalty and hard work.
For more details, please see the June 4
online Cal PolyReport at www. calpoly.
edu/-communic. 0

Reception planned for Clark
A farewell reception will be held for
Nancy Clark, professor of history and
director of the University Honors Pro­
gram, from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday (June 9)
in the Veranda Cafe. Clark has accepted
the position of dean of the Honors Col­
lege at Louisiana State University in
Baton Rouge. She has taught at Cal Poly
since 1989 and has served as director of
the Honors Program since 1997. 0

Three professors selected
Distinguished Teachers
Three longtime professors - all cited for
their challenging classes and caring attitude
-have been chosen to receive the 2002­
2003 Distinguished Teaching Award, the
university's highest teaching honor.
Wmners are Biological Sciences Profes­
sor Alvin De Jong, Speech Communication
Professor Bernard Duffy, and Materials
Engineering Department Chair and Profes­
sor Linda Vanasupa They will be recog­
nized at Spring Commencement ceremonies
on June 14. The three teachers were all
commended for "going above and beyond"
students' expectations, helping increase
confidence, and making themselves avail­
able, both in and out ofthe classroom.
For more details, please see the June 4
Cal Poly Report online at www.calpoly.
edu/-communic. 0

New center dedicated
Nevada industrialist Donald E. Bently
cut the ribbon to Cal Poly's newest center
for engineering education: the Donald E.
Bently Center for Engineering Innova­
tion, which Bently established with a $6
million gift to the Mechanical Engineer­
ing Department.
In recognition of Bently's single-handed
impact on Cal Poly's engineering program,
the college awarded him its Distinguished
Service Award at the dedication ceremony.
The center's purpose is to advance re­
search, education and practice in mechan­
ical engineering by funding applied re­
search projects. A director's position and
two faculty positions are also funded by the
endowment. For more details see the June 4
Cal Poly Report online at www.calpoly.
edu/-communic. 0

Fall registration posters
available for pickup
The Office ofAcademic Records has
fall registration rotation posters available
for pickup in Adm. 222. They ask that the
posters be posted for students. 0



Leave solicitation

Professor Stebbins honored

Position Vacancies

Jay VonBargen, University Police of­
ficer, has qualified for personal catastrophic
leave. Eligible state employees may donate
vacation credit and/or sick leave to help him
remain in full-pay status during an extended
Those interested in donating leave may
request a Catastrophic Leave Donation
form from solicitation coordinator
Marilyn Tackitt, University Police, at ext.
6-6655 or by e-mail.
CSEA employees in units 2, 5, 7 and 9,
Unit 4 (academic professionals), Unit 6
(state employees trades council), E99
(excluded), C99 (confidential), M80
(management personnel plan), and M98
(executive) may donate up to 40 hours
total per fiscal year in increments of one
hour or more. All other state employees
may donate up to 16 hours sick leave and/
or vacation credits per fiscal year in incre­
ments of one hour or more. 0

Management Professor Michael Stebbins
was honored as the first recipient of the
Beta Gamma Sigma Professor of the Year
award from the organization's Cal Poly
chapter. Beta Gamma Sigma is the honor
society serving college business programs
accredited by The Association to Advance
Collegiate Schools of Business Interna­
tional. Stebbins was selected for the
award by the faculty of the Orfalea
College ofBusiness. 0

STATE The official listing ofstaffand manage­

Online training to be offered
to newspaper professionals
1.0. Technologies ofLas Vegas, Nev.,
and Cal Poly's Graphic Communication
Institute (GrCI) are working to bring
online training to newspaper profession­
als worldwide.
In addition to creating and distributing
online courses, the two organizations are
working on programs that could have a
global impact on delivering training to
graphic communicators, according to
Harvey Levenson, head of the Graphic
Communication Department.
The organizations are developing a
specific course requested by the Newspa­
per Association of America, and believe it
to be the first in a line of programs devel­
oped for specific "vertical markets"
within the graphic communication indus­
tries, Levenson said.
"We felt that 1.0. Technologies was a
good partner for us since they already had
developed a unique process and engine
for online training," said Levenson.
The process, called "olle InfoFind," is
a Dynamic Learning System that lets
users define their own individual learning
needs and objectives in real time, when
immediate support is needed, according to
the I.O. Technologies Web site.
For more information contact the
Graphic Communication Institute at
ext. 6-2645 or tbruce@calpoly.edu or go
online to www.grci.calpoly.edu. 0

Wind Orchestra to present
Spring Concert Saturday
More than 100 student musicians, to­
gether with one ofthe world's best-known
euphonium soloists, will perform at 8 p.m.
Saturday (June 7) in Harman Hall in the
Christopher Cohan Center.
The Cal Poly Wind Orchestra, guest
soloist Brian Bowman, and student soloist
Kelli Johannesen will perform a Spring
Concert, with works by Mozart, Edoardo
Boccalari, Francis McBeth, Martin
Ellerby, Morton Gould and Karl King.
Johannesen, a junior studying French
hom, will perform Mozart's Concerto for
Hom in E-flat. Bowman, in a perform­
ance with the Wind Orchestra, will play
Boccalari's "Sounds of the Riviera."
Student conductor Janee Jacobs will
conduct the orchestra in the West Coast
premiere of McBeth's original work for
wind orchestra, "The Coventry," based on
American storyteller Bret Harte's "Out­
cast of Poker Flat." Additional highlights
of the concert will include "Venetian
Spells" by Ellerby, "American Salute" by
Gould and "Melody Shop" by King.
"Brian Bowman's playing has thrilled
audiences for more than a quarter of a
century," Johnson said. "His musicianship
and dedication to fine brass playing have
made him the foremost euphonium soloist
in the world today."
Bowman is a professor of music and
chair of wind instruments in the School of
Music at Duquesne University in Pitts­
burgh, Pa.
Tickets cost $7 to $15. Tickets can be
bought at the Performing Arts Ticket Office
10 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m.­
4 p.m. Saturdays. Call ext. 6-2787, or fax
your order to ext. 6-6088. The concert is
sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts,
Music Department and Instructionally
Related Activities program. For more
information, call ext. 6-2406. 0

ment vacancies is posted on Cal Poly's online
employment system, www.calpolyjobs.org. As a
courtesy to on-campus employees, job vacancies
are also published in the Cal Poly Report. Posi­
tions marked with an asterisk indicate that
qualified on-campus applicants in bargaining
units 2, 5, 7 and 9 will be given first consider­
ation. To apply, go to www.calpolyjobs.org and
complete the online application. Applicants
needing computer/Internet access and/or assis­
tance may contact Human Resources at ext.
6-2236 for information on available resources.
#100096-Temporary Emergency Clerical
Pool,* Temporary Administrative Support
Assistant I & II, and Administrative Support
Coordinator I & II positions available. All
applicants from the previous emergency pools
must re-apply with an updated online applica­
tion. Continuous hiring.
#100100-Administrative Support Assis­
tant 1,• Extended Education, Extended Studies,
temporary, through Dec. 31, 2003, $1,895­
$2, 746/month. Closing date: Today (June 4) .

FACULTY Candidates are asked to visit our
online employment Web site at www.calpolyjobs.
org to complete an application and apply for any
of the positions shown below. Please submit all
requested application materials as attachments to
your online application, unless otherwise specified
in the ad. Rank and salary are commensurate
with qualifications and experience (and time base
where applicable), unless otherwise stated.
#100099: Full-lime Lecturer, Physics Depart­
ment (ext. 6-1752). Review of applications begins
June 23; applications received after that date may be
considered. 0

Cal Poly Report schedule
The June 11 Cal Poly Report Digest and
Cal Poly Report online will be the last for
the 2002-2003 academic year. During the
summer, the Cal Poly Reports are published
every other Wednesday. The first summer
quarter issue will be out June 18. Additional
issues will be published July 2, 16, 30, Aug.
13 and 27. Items are due to Public Affairs
by 10 am. Wednesday, one week before
publication. Articles can be e-mailed to
polynews@polymail. calpo/y. edu or faxed to
ext. 6-6533. For more information, call ext.
6-1511. Be sure to check out the online
version at www.calpoly.edu/-communic. 0

Engineering seniors to talk
at technical conference
Senior materials engineering students
will present their senior projects at a tech­
nical conference from 1 to 5 p.m. Thurs­
day (June 5) in Engineering West, Room
11. All are welcome. For more informa­
tion, contact Professor Blair London at
ext. 6-2536. 0