Fri, 10/28/2022 - 16:45
Edited Text

California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Vol. 53, No. 13 • December 2, 1998

Published by the Communications Off1ce

University Art Gallery (Dexter): Paintings

El Corral prices drop
on texts, special orders
In response to a campuswide survey

Times editor to speak
at Dec. 12 Commencement
Los Angeles Times Associate Editor

distributed in spring 1998, beginning

and Vice President Narda Zacchino will
deliver the main address at Cal Poly's

and drawings by Jerome Witkin, through

winter quarter, El Corral bookstore will

Dec. 6. Daily 11 am-4 pm; Wednesday,

implement a new competitive pricing

Fall Commencement ceremonies on Sat­

7-9 pm.

program on all textbooks, new and used.

urday, Dec. 12.

UU Galerie: "Peter Meller: Andante Allegro
Rubato," through Dec. 6. Tuesday-Friday

10 am-4 pm; Wednesday till 7 pm;
Saturday, Sunday, noon to 4 pm.

Wednesday, December 2
Holiday Craft Fair: UU Plaza, 9 am.
Music: Richard Green, BackStage Pizza, noon.

Thursday, December :J
Music: Student recital, Davidson Music
Center 218, II am.

Physics Colloquium: Charles Stafford
(University of Arizona), "Quantized
Conductance and Force in Atomic-Scale
Contacts," Science E-45, II am.

Auditions: For "Romeo and Juliet," Theatre

In addition, the bookstore will con­
tinue to offer the highest buyback price,
guaranteeing students the best value for

1:30 pm events. The colleges of Busi­

their textbook dollar at El Corral, accord­

ness, Engineering, and Science and

ing to Frank Cawley, bookstore director.

Mathematics and the University Center

If a student finds the same book in

for Teacher Education will participate

stock at a local competitor for less, El

in the morning ceremony, the colleges

Corral will make every effort to beat the

of Agriculture, Architecture and Envi­

lower price. If for some reason the store

ronmental Design, and Liberal Arts in

cannot offer a lower price, the student

the afternoon.

will receive a full refund plus a $5 in­
store certificate.
According to Cawley, El Corral car­
ries the correct edition of every faculty

and Dance Department's winter quarter

member's recommended and required

production, Davidson Music Center 212,

textbook for every class at Cal Poly.

7 pm. Also Dec. 4.
Men's Basketball: Fresno Pacific, Mott
Gym, 7 pm. ($)

Friday, December 4
Auditions: For "Romeo and Juliet," Theatre
and Dance Department's winter quarter
production, Davidson Music Center 212,

7 pm.

Saturday, December 5
Women's Basketball: UC San Diego, Mott
Gym, 2 pm. ($)

Also Dec. 6 ($)

Sunday, December 6
Music: Christmas Celebration with the Cal
Poly Choirs, Cohan Center, 3 pm. ($)

antees and welcomes comments about
the bookstore's operation, especially the
new textbook pricing program.
In addition to continuing to offer the
faculty and staff a 20 percent discount on
all general books in stock, El Corral has
just expanded the discount to include
general book special orders. D

The final fall quarter Cal Poly Report
will be Wednesday, Dec. 9. The copy
deadline is 10 am Thursday, Dec. 3.
The first winter quarter Report will be
Jan. 6. Because of the New Year holiday,
the deadline is I 0 am Tuesday, Dec. 29.
Send items via e-mail to polynews@
polymail, or fax them to ext. 6-6533. D

editor, and deputy managing editor. In

(Continued on page 2)

Dec. 7 teleconference
to address Y2K problem
A live, interactive teleconference with
U.S. Secretary of Education Richard
Riley on how schools are preparing for
the year 2000 computer challenge will be
from 9 to 11 am Monday, Dec. 7, in the
Education Building, Room 24, and in the
Kennedy Library, Room 202.
The contents of the teleconference

Library tops list
for tutorials on Web
The Kennedy Library's Web-based
information competence modules have
been selected as No. 1 on the "TM Top
Ten Tutorials," a list of exemplary library

CPR Schedule

Sacramento bureau chief, Orange County

He urges the faculty and staff to let

Concert, Cal Poly Theatre, 3 pm. ($)
Poly Choirs, Cohan Center, 8:30 pm.

Zacchino has been with the Times
since 1970- previously as reporter,

students know about the new price guar­

Music: Cal Poly Chamber Orchestra Fall
Music: Christmas Celebration with the Cal

About 1,000 degrees are to be sym­
bolically conferred at the 9:30 am and

tutorials on the Web.
The list is compiled by the Teaching
Methods Committee of the Association
of College and Research Libraries (a
division of the American Library Asso­
ciation). The entire list and a review of
each site are at www.bk.psu.edu/aca­
demic/library/istm/topten.html. 0

are included in a DOE flyer, posted
on the Web at www.ed.gov/inits/stm
If you have questions you'd like an­
swered during the broadcast, you can fax
them to the U.S. Department of Educa­
tion at 202 401-0689 before noon Dec 4.
Questions can also be faxed to Cal Poly's
Y 2K coordinator, Sally Anderson, at ext.
6-7669 or e-mailed to year2000@polymail.
Space is limited and seats will be re­
served on a first-come basis. To reserve a
seat, e-mail your name, department,
phone number and e-mail address to
You may also register on-line at http://
www.calpoly.edu/year2000/teleconf.html. D


Still time to give




Gift drive to end Dec.


Student Community Services is spon­

State Campaign/United Way pledge

For the next several months, Up

forms are still welcome. Contact your
campaign captain or the Communications
Office, ext. 6-1511. D

Position vacancies
Vacancy information and applications for
the following positions are available from the
appropriate Human Resources office. Informa­
tion can also be accessed from the Cal Poly

soring a holiday gift drive for underprivi­

to Speed will appear as a regular

leged children living in the San Luis

feature of the Cal Poly Report to keep

Obispo Housing Authority projects.

readers up-to-date on the progress of

To participate, stop by SCS in UU

the parking structure and to tell them

217-D to pick up the name and wish list

how to beat the parking blues.

of a child.

Construction to begin

range up to approximately $30. The gift

Construction on the parking struc­
ture is about to begin, and approxi­

The price of gifts on the wish list
needs to be wrapped and returned to SCS
by Tuesday, Dec. 8.

home page on the World Wide Web {address:

mately 150 parking spaces in the G-1

www. calpoly.edu; click on ''General Information").

lot near the Performing Arts Center

more than 160 children. Call ext. 6-5834

FACULTY {Adm. 312, ext. 6-2844). Candidates

will be lost temporarily.

for more information. D

are asked to contact the appropriate depart­
ment office at the phone number listed for more
information and an application. Please submit
all application materials to the department

Facilities Planning and Commuter
Services urge faculty, staff and stu­
dents to please plan ahead when re­

head/chair unless otherwise specified. Rank and

turning to campus winter quarter. The

salary are commensurate with qualifications

heaviest impact on parking lots is

and experience, and timebase where applicable,
unless otherwise stated.

during the first two weeks of the
quarter- especially if it's raining.

#93037: Tenure-track position, Civil and

Please watch for information in

Environmental Engineering Department

upcoming issues of the Cal Poly Re­

{756-2947). Academic year position, assistant/
associate professor of environmental bioengineer­
ing, available September 1999 for interdisciplinary
bioengineering program under development. Must
have Ph.D. in environmental, biochemical, or

port for helpful hints on handling

curricula: establish a strong research program: and
assist in developing an interdisciplinary bioengi­

Physics profs to speak
The final fall quarter Physics Collo­
quium is scheduled on Thursday, Dec. 3,
and the first winter quarter presentation

neering Department. Closing date: Jan. 30.

FOUIIDATIOII {Foundation Adm. Building, job
line at ext. 6-7107). All Foundation applications
must be received {not just postmarked) by 5 pm of
the closing date. {No faxes.)
Accounts Payable Clerk, Foundation Busi­

is planned for Thursday, Jan. 7.
University of Arizona physics profes­
sor Charles A. Stafford will give the Dec.
3 presentation. He will talk on "Quan­
tized Conductance and Force in Atomic­
Scale Contacts."
Cal Poly physics professor Chance

ness Office {$9.23 - 11.99 /hr). Responsible for

Hoelwarth will talk on "A Comparison

performing tasks related to accounts payable ac­

of Studio and Traditional Classrooms"

tivities. Requirements: High school or equivalent
and one year experience in keeping or reviewing
financial or statistical records in an accounting

on Jan. 7.
Both talks will be from 11 am to noon
in Room E-45 of the Science Building. D

environment, including accounts payable. Ac­

at ext. 6-5807 by Thursday, Dec. 17, to
schedule UU facilities needed for early
winter quarter. D

The December payday for faculty and

application available by contacting department.
Search Committee, Civil and Environmental Engi­

Friday, Jan. I. Call Linda Lee Thoresen

Payday falls on holiday

neering curriculum. Additional qualifications and
Apply to Sam Vigil, chair of Bioengineering

The UU Reservations office will be

closed from Friday, Dec. 1 8 , through

parking problems while the garage is

ment to excellence in undergraduate and graduate
classes in civil and environmental engineering

Reserve UU rooms by Dec. 17

being built. D

chemical engineering and a demonstrated commit­
teaching. Ability to teach core environmental

This year's goal is to provide gifts for

counts payable experience in a high volume envi­

staff members is Thursday, Dec. 31. Al­
though this is an official campus holiday,
the Cashier's windows (Adm. 131-E)
will be open from 3 to 4 pm to release
payroll warrants.
Because those normally authorized to
pick up checks for departments will not
be on campus, checks will be given di­
rectly to the individual employee.
Checks not picked up on the 31st can
be picked up by the department represen­
tative as a batch on Monday, Jan. 4. If
lines at the Cashier's windows are too
long, go to Adm. 129, where an Ac­
counts Payable staff member will be on
hand to help.
For more information, call the Payroll
Services office at ext. 6-2605. D

ronment is desired. Academic education beyond
high school degree {or equivalent) may be substi­
tuted on basis of 12 semester units of business or
commercial education being equivalent to six

Foundation Board to meet


The Foundation Board of Directors

key calculator by touch. Knowledge of and experi­

will hold a public meeting at 9 am Fri­

ence with computer terminals and data entry, word

day, Dec. 4, in the Foundation Administra­

(Continued from page 1)

tion Building's Conference Room (#124).

her editing career with the newspaper she

months of experience. Must type and operate a

processing or spreadsheets required. Must be able
to sit and view a computer screen for long periods
of time with manual dexterity; work under moderate

For more information or to obtain a


Times editor

has overseen the weekend city desk, local

pressure to meet deadlines. The Foundation offers

copy of the meeting agenda, contact Ex­

government and politics, the nine feature

generous benefits. Applications must be received by

ecutive Director AI Amaral at ext. 6-1131.

sections, and three regional editions.



For an application contact: Foundation

Human Resources, 756-7107.


A copy of the agenda packet is avail­

She has judged Pulitzer Prize nominees

able for review at the Kennedy Library

and chaired the American Society of News­

Reserve Desk and the Academic Senate

paper Editors' Diversity Committee. D

Office, Mathematics and Science 143. D