Fri, 10/28/2022 - 16:45
Edited Text



California Polytechnic State Uhiver ity
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Vol. 53; No. 12 November 2;i, 1998

Published by the Communications Office


Stat /United Way drive
wrapping up on campus



Exh its



University Art Gallery (Dexter):
Paintings and drawings by Jerome
Witkin, tlmmgh Dec. 6. Daily 11 am-4
pm; Wednesday, 7-9 pm.

UU Galerie: ''Peter Meller: Andante
Allegro Rubato," through Dec. 6.
Thesday-Friday 10 am-4 pm; Wednes­
day until 7 pm; Saturday, Sunday, noon
to 4 pm:

Wednes(fay, November 25
Academic H,oliday: Thanksgiving

holid y for academic-year employees.
Through Sunday, Nov. 29.-·

Thursday, November 26

lloliday: Thanksgiving ,holiday.

T,hrough Sunday, Nov. 29.
Sa rday, November 28


1. Musical: "West Side-.Story," Cohan
<:;enter, 3 and 8 pill. ($)

The 1998 United California State
Employees Campaign- United Way for
Foundation and ASI employees -is
wrapping up . .To take this opportunity to
give twany non-profit organtzation of
your choice through payroll deduction,
contact your department's captain if you
haven't already filled out a form.
State Campaign captains are asked to
finish canvassing their units todzy (Nov.
25) if possible and send completed forms
and the captain's. summary sheet to the
Communications Offi more infqrmation, call Bob Anqerson at
ex,t 6-6532.
The Foundation's United Way cam­
paign is scheduled to run through Friday,
Dec. 4. Questjgns should· go to Kim
Miller; ext. 6-1121. 0
· ·

l'londay, November 30
Music: David Smith, BackStage
Pi:z:za, noon.

Tuesday, December 1
IJoliday Craft Fair: Also Dec. 2•3.
UU Plaza, 9·am.
Music: David Ross & Tio Wally,
BackStage Pizza, noon,
Commemoration: World AIDS Day, ...
various ·locations.

Wednesday; December 2
Pizza, noon.,.

Thurs.ctay ·December•3·





Holiday,Craij Fair: UU P)aza, 9 am.
Music: Student recital, Davidson


Auditions: For "Romeo and Juliet,"
Theatre and Dance Department's
winter quarter £.fOduction, Davidson

212, 7 pm.

Also Friday,

Dec. 4.
Men's Basketball: Fresno Pacific,
Matt Gy!Jl, 7 pm. ($)

Friday, December 4
Auditions: For "Rpmeo a.nd Juliet,"
Th atre and Dance Department's
winter quarter production, Davidson
Music Center 212, 7

Th Disabled Employees Prograrp. has
funds to pay for "reasonable accommo­
. dation" such as egui ment and aides to
assist eihployees with disabilities pro,
Tected undeJ,!he Ameriearrs with Dis­



abilities Act.

Music: Richard Green, BackStage

Music Ct?nter

Fun(ls .available. to help
accommodate disabled

Pll(· .0

Examples of helpful equipmentinclude
aqaptive· computer compon nts.o�md soft- .
ware, non-personal d(}vices fof.ilie hearing­
impaired and communication hnpaired,
anct..print magnift._esi for visually impaired



interpreters, drivers and student assistants.
The program is designed to aid indi­
viduals with disabilities covered by the
ADA, not those with temporary disabili.
ties such as broken bones.
Established participants whose needs
have changed should reapply or submit a
request for continuance. Applications for'
new.or continuing
_ assistgmce'should be
filed by Friday, Dec. 4. Requests may be
submitted later i( a need arises.
For an application and program guide­
lines, c ll the Human Resource·s and
Employment uity office at ext. 6-2062,
or stop by Adm. 110. 0

Chancellor Reed returns
for Nov.- 30 visit

CSU Chancellor Charles Reed will be
back on campus Monday, Nov. 30, to talk
to faculty, st(lff, studen,t and community

. '.
At the end of a full schedule of meet­
ings, he will answer questions from 4 'to
5:30 pm ip. _an Academic Senate-spon­
sored forum in the Theatre. The forum is
operr to all interested members of the
university community. 0

Chancellor to answer
Senate, tacultj questions

A faculty operi forum with Chancellor
Charles Reed will be held from 4 to 5:30
pm Monday , Nov. '30,-in the Theatre.
Chancellor Reed will respond to ques­
tions submitted by the Academic Senate
an to questions from the audience. IJ

Update on
, Rachel Newhouse

San Luis Oj;)ispo Police D par!_..ment
and the FBI are condupting a search for
Rachel Newhouse, j:u.nior_nJJtritional
r l st seen Thursday night,
scien.ce m
Nov. 12, at Tortilla Flats..
"R concern to t e­- enfite-campus," said Presi­
gent Baker. "Our oughts are with her

- f-ami.ly'-anG--fr.itmd.S,arul-w�Gj:l�-rewlu.

tion will soon be found. In the mean­
time, Cal Poly is r ady to do whatever it
c·an to_assist family, friends, other indi­
viduals, and the police department in
dealing with this situation."
Some ofthe actions already taken by
the campu
· s include establishing an infor­
mation phone line (756-1523), presenting
updates on· Cal Poly's Web site
(www.sas.calpoly.edu/rachel.html), hold­
ing a col_!1munity forum, and visitin
some �::tasses to speak with students. At this time, the police departmenl is
not requesting any assistance in their


(Continued on page 2)



;:.:..._·· .

PosiJion vacancies
Vacancy information· and applications for
. the following positions are availablecfrom the
appropriate Human Resources office. Informa­
tion can;also be accessed from the,Cal Poly
home page on the World Wide Web (address:
www. calpoly.edu; click on "Generaf;fuformation").

STATE (Adm. 110, ext. 6-2236 or job line at ext.
6-1533). Official application forms must be re­
ceived by 4 pm on the closing date or. be post:

marked by the closing date. ll'!o faxe .)
Readvertisement- Changes in Requirements:
#97017: Stock Clerk, Facility Services (Unit
7). * ($1 ,970 - $2,331/mo.) Closing date: Dec. 9.
FOUNDATION (Foundation Adm. Building,job
line at ext. 6-7107), All Foundation applications
must be received (not j st -postmarked). by 5 pm
of the c!osing date. (No faxes.)
Assistant Supel:visor;-Athletk Concessions,
Campus Dining ($8)5-10.60/hr). Plans, directs
and leads the service{)[ all concession events
deleg11ted to Campus Dining's Fansnacktic5 de­
partment. HS degree or· equivalent and two year's
food servi e experience, including one year in a
supervis service experience preferred. Must have good·
communication ski-Us and skill in coordinating
fa t-pace service for a variety of concession events
sometimes held simultaneously. Must be able to
work varied hour and day schedules to indude
overtime in coordination with event schedules; .lift,
carry, push or puil 50 pounds repeatedly; and drive
trucks with either automatic or manual transmis­
sion. Must possess a .valid California driver's
license and hav a driving record acceptable to our
insurance underwriters. Closing date: Dec. 4.
Unit Manager, The Avenue, Campus I;>ining
($11.76- 15.40/hr). Responsible for the ma·oage­
ment of the o_n-c;ampus Food Court (the Avenue).
Requirements: BS degree or equivalent and-five
years of food service experience with increasing
responsibility, including two years as a manager
directly r,esponsTble for an operation. Completion
of a formal supervisor or manager training course
·with a minimum of 20 hours ·duration may be
substituted for six months of management experi­
ence. Must have gootl ural and written commulli­
cation skills and good knowledge of principles,
techniques, terminology and procedures of manag­
ing a short-order food-service facility, related
safety and sanitation standards a d procedures,
and effective personnel supervision. Must be able
to lift and move 50 pounds. Closing date: Dec. 4. 0

CPR Schellule

Beeause of the Thanksgiving Holiday,
the deadline to submit articles for the Dec. 2
Cal Poll Report is 10 am Tuesday, Nciv. 24.
The deadline to submit copy for the
firuiffall quarter issue, out Dec. 9, is 10 am
Thursday, Dec. 3.
The first winter quarter Report will be
Jaii.' 6: Because of the New Year holiday,
the deadline for that issue is 10 am Tiles­
day, Dec. 29.
Send items via e-mail to polynews@.
poly ail, or fax them to ext. 6-6533. 0

_Wanted for the season:
Volunteer Santa elves.

Huehn, 63 /

:· :·;.;�·


Kempton Huehn, recentlyretired
mathematics professor, died of cancer at
. his home Nov. 15.
Huehn earned his bachelor and
master's degrees from Iowa State Uni­
versity and his doctorate from the Colo­
rado School of Mines.
Before Huehn cameto Cal Poly in 1968
he worked at TRW in Southern California.
He retired from Cal Poly in July 1998. 0

Students working on their senior
projects are looking--for volunteers to
play Santa Cl hours in Santa's House in Mission Plaza.
The psychology and human develop­
ment students are working with the
Downtown Assodation and t e Eco­
nomic Opportunity Commission's
Childcar Resource Connection to orga­
nize Santa's House during the holiday
season. One goal is to raise-funds for the
Childcare Reso11rce Connection.
-Eor more information or to volunteer,
call Monica Chan at.545-9896 or profes­
sor Dave Englund in P ychology and
Hutnan Development, ext. 612611. 0


WebW k-Up
adds new teature

Get in shape 'with
Rec _Sports classes

Students can now view hundreds of
job listings, 24 hours a day, seven days a
week, with the help of il new feature
added to Career Seryices' Web Walk-Up.
Web Walk-Up, a program imple­
mentedJast fall, allows students to sign
up for career, co-op and summer J?b in­
terviews from any computer with access
to the World Wide Web:
For more information about Web
Walk-Up and the new service, stop by
.Career Services, call Jane Johnson at ext.
6.::5973,_ or visi the Web ite at www:career
services):alpoly,edu. .,.
Faculty· and staff members are asked
to direct empfoyers interested in listing
career positions to the Career Services
Web site. D '

Rec Sports has added lunch-time yoga
and <'lfternoonhckboxing._classes to its
regulai lineup of fitness offerjngs.
meeton Tu sq11y and Thursday. Kick­
boxing, f.llso on
Tuesday and
Thursday, will
run from 2 to
3:30 pm.
-During winter
staff and students can
also sign up for·instruc­
tion in massage; sport and
ultimate yoga; marttal arts (Escrima,
Shorin-ryn kar-ate and Tang soo do);
swimming; and the-swing anq Iindy hop
dance techniques.
-..fer more i-nfermatien, Galhhe Rgc Center at.-ext. 6-1366. D



Engineering graduate
·named 'Eno Fellow'

- College of Engineering grad and
ARDFA researcher and occasional civil
and e vironm ntal engineering lecturer
Kimoerly MiisTako was-oile--ofTrout
standing_ graduate students irt the field
transportation chos n tQ_j?articiQate_
-- ----------- -- ----- -- -------------- - ----+
in a Leadership Development Confer­
ence sponsored by the Eno Transporta­
tion Foundation.
( Continu.ed from page 1)
Those selected, known as Eno Fel­
search efforts, but a list of people who
lows, tQlveled to Washington, D.C., to
could be called on to help iri the future is
take a..clos look at the policy develop­
Qeing established. Please call 756-1523
ment and implementation processes that
if you're interested in helping.
affect the transportation industry.
Anyb!J.e with information about the
Mastako earned abachelor's·degree in
dis,appearance should call the San Luis
civii engineering in 1992 and a master's
Obispo Police Department special line at
in engineering management ifi' 1994. She
(800) 225-0300.
is currently working on a Ph.D. from
A i{achel Newhouse Help Fund has
Texas A&M University. As part of l;ler
been established'at Heritage Oaks Bank.
dissertation, she is conductingresearch
For. information, call 549-8600. 0
atARDFA. 0


