Fri, 10/28/2022 - 16:44
Edited Text
University Art Gallery (Dexter Building):
"Craftmakers '98," through Saturday,
Oct. 24. Daily 1l am-4 pm; Wednesday,
7-9 pm.
UU Galerie: "Peter Meller: Andante
Allegro Rubato," from Saturday, Sept.
26, through Sunday, Dec. 6. Artist's
reception : Saturday, Oct. 10, 5 pm.
Tuesday-Friday 10 am-4 pm; Wednes­
day until 7 pm; Saturday, Sunday, noon
to4 pm.

Wednesday, September Zl
Speaker and Dance: Moon Ja Minn
Suhr (Theatre and Dance) will give a
lecture (PAC Philips Hall , 7 pm) before
le Ballet National du Senegal performs,
Cohan Center, 8 pm. ($)

Thursday, September Z4
Speaker and M usic: Alyson
McLamore (Music) will give a lecture
(PAC Philips Hall, 7 pm) before the
Alexander String Quartet performs
"Audience Chooses Beethoven," Cohan
Center, 8 pm. ($)

Saturday, September Z&
Football: St. Mary's, Mustang Stadium,
6 pm. ($)

Sunday, September Z7
Men 's Soccer: San Diego State,
Mustang Stadium, 5:30pm.($)

ltonday. September


Music: The Debussy Trio recital,
Davidson Music Center 218, 3 pm.

Friday, October Z
Volleyball: UOP, Rec Center Gym,
7 pm. ($)
Women 's Soccer: Utah State, Mustang
Stadium, 7 pm. ($)
Speaker and Play: Patricia Troxel
(English) will give a pre-performance
talk at (PAC Philips Hall, 7 pm) before
"Much Ado About Nothing" plays in
the Cal Poly Theatre, 8 pm. ($)

Cal ifornia Polytechnic State Universi ty
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Vol. 53, No. 3 • September 23, 1998

Performing Arts Center
sets open house, tours

IISF workshop offered
on new grant program

The Christopher Cohan Center of the
Performing Arts Center San Luis Obispo
will celebrate its second anniversary with
an open house and behind-the-scenes
tours from 1 to 4 pm Sunday, Sept. 27.
Along the path of the self-guided tour,
docents will explain the center's facilities
--from its newly installed 15th century
Spanish ceiling and the Peterson Organ
to the computer-driven electronics sys­
tem, acoustics and lighting.
The tour will reveal "the unique and
high-tech equipment that makes theater
magic happen," said Ron Regier, manag­
ing director of the center.
Tour reservations are necessary. To
reserve a time, call ext.6-7222. D

Faculty members interested in learn­
ing about the National Science
Foundation's new Course, Curriculum,
and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI)
program are invited to attend a workshop
from noon to 1 pm today (Sept. 23) in
the Staff Dining Room.
The new program, which provides
grants from $5,000 to $500,000, seeks to
improve the quality of undergraduate
science, mathematics, engineering and
technology (SMET) courses, curricula,
and laboratories. It encompasses SMET
education for all students and targets
activities affecting the learning environ­
ment, content and educational practices.
The program has three major tracks :
• Educational Materials Development
• Adaptation and Implementation
• National Dissemination.
The CCLI program incorporates most
features of the former Course and Cur­
riculum Development and Instrumenta­
tion and Laboratory Improvement
programs, including the option to submit
instrumentation-only or equipment-only
proposals. CCLI also gives increased
priority to improving undergraduate edu­
cation through adaptation and implemen­
tation of previously developed materials
and educational practices.
The deadline to submit proposals is
Monday, Nov. 16.
Iced tea and cookies wi ll be provided
at the workshop, sponsored by the Grants
Development Office. Those interested in
attending or submitting a program pro­
posal are asked to call ext. 6-2982. D

Hotline honors Cal Poly
for fund raising
Cal Poly recently was awarded a
plaque from Hotline of San Luis Obispo
for raising more than $2,300 during last
year 's bowl-a-thon.
Fac ulty, staff and students can again
help raise money for Hotline during
this year's bowl-a-thon planned for
Friday through Sunday, Oct. 16-18, and
Saturday through Monday, Oct. 24-26,
at Creekside Lanes in Atascadero. Six
lanes have been reserved for Cal Poly
bowlers on Saturday, Oct. 17. Those
who can' t bowl can support Hotl ine by
sponsoring participants.
Hotline's volunteer staff has offered a
variety of telephone services to county
callers 24-hours a day, 365 days a year,
for almost 30 years. Last year Hotline
handled more than 27 ,000 calls. Cal Poly
has participated in the annual bowl-a­
thon, the organization's main fund-raiser,
for 10 years.
For more information , contact the
Cal Poly team coordinator, Elaine
Ramos Doyle, at eramosdo@cal
poly.edu or ext. 6-1740. 0

Htlll-'_, ~ ~ ~ ~
The Cal Poly Report is published
by the Communications Office every
Wednesday during the academic year.
Items submitted by 10 am Thurs­
day appear in the following
Wednesday's edition.
For information, call ext. 6-1511. (]


Wine appreciation event
planned for Sept. 25-27
The Alumni Association is hosting its
first Wine Appreciation Weekend Friday
through Sunday, Sept. 25-27, with win­
ery tours, informative talks, and a
winemaker 's dinner.
An informal wine tasting will kick off
the event at 6 pm Friday, Sept. 25, in the
Smith Alumni and Conference Center.
Guests bring their favorite bottle of wine
to complement a selection of hors
d' oeuvres provided by Campus Dining.
The event continues at 10 am Satur­
day with a talk by Food Science and
Nutrition professor Bob Noyes, who will
explain what to look, taste and smell for
when sampling wine. Participants will
board a bus first to Laetitia Winery in
Arroyo Grande, then to Edna Valley
Vineyard, where they'll enjoy a boxed
lunch provided by Campus Dining.
At 7 pm alumni and friends will
gather for appetizers followed by a
winemak:er's dinner featuring the prod­
ucts of Wild Horse Winery. Ken Yolk,
Wild Horse owner and winemak:er and a
1983 food science graduate, will join the
group as an honored alumnus.
At 10 am Sunday, Noyes will discuss
the complexities of grapes grown in the
North County before guests board the
bus to tour the caves and taste the wines
of Eberle Winery. After a buffet lunch,
the group will travel to Meridian Winery
before returning to Cal Poly.
Tickets are $110 for alumni, faculty
staff and spouses. The deadline to regis­
ter is Thursday, Sept. 24. Call Lynn Cook
of the Alumni Association at ext. 6-2586
or e-mail Ben Beesley, director, at
bbeesley@calpoly.edu. D

Foundation Board
to meet Oct. 2
The Foundation Board of Directors
will hold a meeting at 8:30am Friday,
Oct. 2, in the Foundation Administration
Building's Conference Room (124).
This is a public meeting. For informa­
tion or to obtain a copy of the agenda,
contact Executive Director Al Amaral at
ext. 6-1131. A copy of the agenda packet
is available for review at the Kennedy
Library Reserve Desk and the Academic
Senate Office, Mathematics and Home
Economics 143. D

Prints, drawings at Galerie

'ltuch Ado' to play Oct. 2

Hungarian-born art historian Peter
Meller will exhibit prints and drawings
on paper and film in the first 1998-99
show in the UU Galerie. The exhibit will
run Saturday, Sept. 26, through Sunday,
Dec. 6. An artist's reception is set from
5 to 7 pm on Saturday, Oct. 10.
A UC Santa Barbara professor emeritus,
Meller studied classics and art history at
Budapest University, where he earned a
doctorate in 1946. He also taught at the
Freie UniversiUit in West Berlin.
His recent works include illustrations
for a bilingual edition of a classic Hungar­
ian book of poems, "Janos Vitez" ("John
the Valiant") and a series of illustrations for
a new edition of "Almoskonyv" ("Dream­
book"), originally published in 1919.
Galerie hours are Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday, 10 am to 4 pm, Wednesday,
10 am to 7 pm, and Saturday and Sunday
from noon to 4 pm.
For information, call Galerie Curator
Jeanne LaBarbera at ext. 6-1182. D

"Much Ado About Nothing,"
Shakespeare's comedy of revenge, duplic­
ity and manipulation, will play at 8 pm
Friday, Oct. 2, in the Cal Poly Theatre.
Staged by A Noise Within, a Los An­
geles-based classical theater company,
the play is "infused with the wit and pas­
sion of two keen adversaries in love, the
sharp-tongued Beatrice and the caustic
bachelor Benedick, who are nearly un­
done by the verbal acrobatics of the mas­
ter of the watch, Constable Dogberry."
English professor Patricia Troxel will
give a pre-performance lecture at 7 pm in
Philips Hall in the Performing Arts
Center's Cohan Center.
Tickets to this Cal Poly Arts event are
$15 to $21 and can be bought at the
Performing Arts Ticket Office from 10
am to 6 pm weekdays and from 10 am to
4 pm Saturdays. To order by phone,
call6-ARTS (ext. 6-2787); to order by
fax, dial ext. 6-6088. D

Swanton Ranch Picnic set

Preschool lab has openings
The Child Development Preschool, a
laboratory program for students, has
some openings for fall quarter.
The preschool, located across from
the Kennedy Library, accepts children
from 2Yz to 4Yz.lt is open from 9:30am
to noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday
beginning Oct. 5. The program offers an
adult-child ratio of approximately one
adult for every two children. The cost is
$160 per quarter.
For more information, call Margaret
Berrio at ext. 6-2220 or 6-2886, or call
the Psychology and Human Development
Department at ext. 6-2033. D

Bruce Bramsen, instructional support
technician in the Crop Science Depart­
ment, died Sept. 12 at his home.
Bramsen was a crop science student
before he was hired as the technician in
1980. He is survived by his wife, Tricia,
and 12-year-old daughter, Jessica.
The department has established a col­
lege fund for his daughter. Contributions
may be made payable to the Jessica A.
Bramsen College Fund and mailed to the
Crop Science Department, Cal Poly, San
Luis Obispo, CA 93407. D

The annual Cal Poly Day Swanton
Picnic and dedication of the new bridge
for getting the ranch's trains back on
track at the Swanton Pacific Ranch is
scheduled from 10 am to 4 pm, Sunday,
Oct. 18.
For reservations for the barbecue and
bus transportation to the ranch near Santa
Cruz, contact Ed Carnegie at ext. 6-2620
or 995-3659 by Friday, Oct. 9. D

Position vacancies
Vacancy information and applications for
these positions are available from the appropri­
ate Human Resources office. Vacancy informa­
tion can also be accessed from the Cal Poly
home page on the World Wide Web (address:
www. calpoly.edu; click on ''General Information").

FOUIIDATIOII (Foundation Adm. Building, job
line at ext. 6-7107). All foundation applications
must be received (not just postmarked) by 5
pm of the closing date. (No faxes.)
Catering Sales Clerk ($1,599-2,078/mo.)
Responsible for catering sales including menu
selection and scheduling. Requirements: High
school or equivalent and one year general office
clerical work preferably in a food service opera­
tion with knowledge of food sales and service.
Must have good oral and written communication
skills, be computer literate, and type a minimum of
35 wpm. Must be able to work occasional evenings
and weekends. Closing date: Oct. 2. 0