September 28, 1922. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive, New York, New York. Dear Mr. Hearst: Several times I have taken out the sitting room ceiling drawing of House a, and wondered why the drawing looked so much better than the executed work-- It occurred to me on the last trip that a large part of the loss of effect is due to details having been made to "sortir" from the background which were designed to be just part of the background. Mr. Humrich tried out a panel with this idea in mind and the effect is so much finer, if you are willing it would seem well worth while. There would be ample red, green and gold left in the panels to give the general color effect you saw. The "Hero" ceiling is completed and up, promising to be a real success. -- I saved a set of castings of the heads should you want to use them anywhere again.-- They would make a fine frieze. Am enclosing a new study of the bed rooms of the top story on the Main Building with individual baths. On account of the rear wall and roof not having any natural support blow, very heavy construction is required over the Royal Suite.--This was properly provided for -- but I found the antique ceiling of the breakfast room requires much more depth below the concrete construction than the photograph suggests, and that to get the extra height needed it is necessary to push up the ceiling over the Royal Suite into the space just above. Treating this way, it may be an added interest. Yours very truly, JM-deM