September 24, 1922. Dear Miss Morgan: If you have time I think we should begin work on the farm, because I must have barns for the Jerseys and the horses and proper places for the chickens, etc. They are not getting the right kind of attention at present. I think we agreed that the best place to put the farmhouses was over on the hill where the orchard is. I would advise putting them as far north as possible on that hill -- putting the cow and horse barns on the farthest north part. The land shelves off steeply here and a road could be built to the north below the barns, where a wagon could collect all the manure to use for the orchard and gardens. the far might be built with two patios, after the Mexican style--with rear patio practically a corral, and the front patio a garden. The living rooms for the people would be built around the garden of course. I do not want to have the buildings nay taller than necessary, but I suppose we will have to have two-story construction. We must have aloft over the cow barn, from which food could be dropped t the cattle. We will have to get some expert opinion on these matters. I want the farm building very simple, and I imagine the simplest thing we can do is adobe construction in the early California style, with wooden railings, etc.--very little decoration-- tiled roofs-- and our effects with the vines and the trees against the white walls and the red roofs. The Herfords will not be housed on the hill. They will be dow near the ranch house in the barns built for them. I do not know where the chickens will be. I prefer to have them on the hill, if we have room. we will have surely on the hill the dairy cows-- namely the Jerseys-- also the horses, and if we can find room, the chickens. I should think a vegetable garden and the orchard, with this arrangement, would completely fill that hill-- the only question is whether we have enough room there for everything? Sincerely, W.R. Hearst