May 12, 1922 Mr. William Randolph Hearst 137 Riverside Drive, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hearst: Enclosed are some small scale studies of the Main Building as affected by the modified dimensions. The changes while slight in one way have made all relationships vary enough to require entire revamping of the drawings before getting out the working sets. The four equal stair towers have an unpleasant exterior effect to me in that it recesses the sides of the refactory too deeply for the length of the space between the towers. Mr. Kincaid is going down with me Sunday night. He wants to have a young man who has worked for him at Pleasanton, as concrete construction foreman. He has not had all the experience desirable, but the fact that he is Mr. Kincaid's choice makes it worth trying. Mr. Keep reports that the 3/4" of rain did wonders for the orchard--and regrets that you are not there to eat his first berries. Yours very truly, Jm-deM Enclo.