December 3rd, 1921. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hearst: As to the fence: The Spring Valley Water Co. manager says that on their new fencing they are using two parallel barbed wires instead of one, located on either side of the post, as it makes the fence much more difficult to go over. Would you think well of this? The fence would then be as per enclosed sketch. The fencing and posts are ordered. Shall they be green with white tops? As to Thermometers: There are no registering thermometers on hand in San Francisco, so have wired for five of them. Will have them located as follows, unless you send word otherwise: #1 in center of "Top"; #2 in orange grove below "A"; #3 in rose garden; #4 on orchard site; #5 on west slope of garage hill. Yours sincerely,