ort DATELINE ($) -Admission charged Exhibits: CAED Gallery: "Our Turn" faculty exhibit. Through Tuesday (April 15), 9 am.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Reception, 5 p.m. Friday (April 11). Wednesday AprU 9 Music: Darrell Voss Duo, BackStage Pizza, 11 am. Cal Poly Authors Celebration: Faculty, staff authors to be honored, library's rear lobby, 5 p.m. Open Forum: On the situation in Iraq, Philips Hall, 7 p.m. Thursday, April10 C3RP (California Central Coast Research Partnership) Speaker: David Cremin (DFJ Frontier Fund), "Venture Capital for Your Idea," Chumash, 11 am. Music: Peter, Paul and Mary, Chris­ topher Cohan Center's Harman Hall, 8 p.m.($) Friday, April n Hearst Lecture: Beth Diamond (landscape design theoretician), "The Spaces Between," Business Rotunda (Room 213), 3:10p.m. Music: Travis Larson Band, BackStage Pizza, 6 p.m. Dance Concert-Lessons: University Jazz Band Swing Dance Concert, 8 p.m. ($) Free dance lessons, Chumash, 7 p.m. Also May 23. Saturday, Aprii1Z Comedy: 'An Evening oflmprov Comedy,' Theatre, 7:30p.m. ($) Sunday, Aprl113 · Music: Naked to the World duo (singer-songwriter-guitarist Kevin Fisher and multi-instrumentalist David James), Christopher Cohan Center's Pavilion, 3 p.m. Performance: Studs Terkel's "Ameri­ can Dreams: Lost and Found," 7 p.m. ($) Pre-program lecture by Patricia Troxel (English), Philips Hall, 6 p.m. Tuesday, April15 C3RP Speaker: Thomas F. Lebens (patent attorney), "All About Patents," Science E-27, 11 am. 0 Digest California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 Vol. 2, No. 27 • April 9, 2003 Pub lished by Public Affa1rs • www cal po ly edu ·-communlc Diversity Initiatives Progress Report now online At the start of the 2002-2003 academic year, President Baker set an institutional agenda for three interrelated priority initia­ tives: student success, diversity and civility. Since that time, diversity initiatives focusing on admissions and recruitment; retention and support programs/services; civility/campus climate; and public state­ ments and documents have been coordi­ nated under the direction of the Univer­ sity Diversity Enhancement Council (UDEC), established by Provost Zingg in 2001. The Diversity Initiatives Progress Re­ port is available online at http://www. academics. calpoly. eduldivers ity/uded documents/Progress02-03.pdf The report, compiled by Denise Campbell, special assistant to the provost for university initiatives, "identifies im­ portant steps taken in recent months to meet President Baker's Fall Convocation directives," Campbell said. It is linked from both the University Diversity Enhancement Council Web site (http://www.academics.calpoly.eduldiver­ sity/index.htm) and Cal Poly Diversity Web site (http://www.academics.ca/poly. edul diversity/public_html!diversity/index.html). Contact Campbell at ext. 6-6220 or dcampbel@calpoly.edu with questions or comments about the content ofthe report. 0 lew system allows 'paperless' employment process OnApril15 Cal Poly will implement "calpolyjobs.org," a state-of-the art employ­ ment system to replace the labor-intensive, paper-based system for all faculty and staff positions. The new software will enable online Web-based processing of: • Job requisitions to advertise positions (startingApril15); • Job postings offaculty, staff and management positions (starting April 18); • Job applications for faculty, staff and management positions (starting April 18); • Screening of applicant materials; and • Submission and review of appoint­ ment recommendations. The entire recruitment and application process for all employee vacancies will be nearly paperless. All participants involved in the hiring process- including job seek­ ers, search committees, employment equity.facilitators, department chairs/ heads and deans -will be able to perform their functions from any computer with Internet access and a Web browser (such as Internet Explorer). All Cal Poly work­ stations have this capability. On Thursday (April 10) from 11 a.m. to noon, an open forum will provide an over­ view ofthe new system, focusing primarily on faculty recruitment processes. On April 24, an open forum will focus on staff recruitment processes. Open fo­ rums are presented in Philips Hall in the Performing Arts Center. Go to http:// www. academic-personnel. calpoly. edul announce.html or http://www.afd.calpoly. edu!HREFJindex.html for more infonna­ tion about calpolyjobs.org. Workshops to implement recruitment for part-time lecturer pools begin April15. Enroll on the ITS training Web site at http://training.calpoly.edu/. 0 Preventing sexual harassment to be focus of training The Campus Relations office is pro­ viding two training sessions in sexual harassment prevention on April23. The training is designed to meet the campus requirement for new employees to com­ plete two hours of sexual harassment training before the end of their second quarter of employment. The first session, designed for staff members and management personnel, will be 9-11 am. The second is for faculty members and department heads and chairs and is set for 1-3 p.m. Both sessions will be in UU220. Although each session is designated for certain classifications, anyone is welcome Continued on page 2 CAL POLY REPORT DIGEST, APRIL 9, 2003 Funding available for 'assistive devices' The Cal Poly Disability Accommoda­ tion Assistance Program provides funding assistance for employees who qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The funding is provided to the employee's department for buying assistive devices not considered to be standard office equipment. More information about the program is on the Campus Relations Web site at www. calpoly.edu/-ocrleedlada. To submit are­ quest for funding or for more information, call Campus Relations at ext. 6-6770. 0 Hunger, Homelessness Awareness Week' set Student Community Services and the campus c1ub Beyond Shelter are sponsor­ ing Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week April 11-19 to raise awareness about homelessness and hunger on the Central Coast and in the world at large. Events include a San Luis Obispo Art Center exhibit of work created by the homeless; a "Walk to End Homelessness" fund-raiser; an "Experience a Night With­ out Shelter," with students sleeping outside in the UU Plaza; a community forum on homelessness; a food and ''needed-items" drive; a "hunger banquet'.' . featuring a typical meal of a person living in an impover-ished Third-World country; and a "Fast to End Hunger." For more information, or to make a donation, call Student Community Ser­ vices at ext. 6-5120. For a complete list of events or a pledge form for the fund-rais­ ing walk, visit http://scs.calpoly.edu/. 0 llew Poly Reps selected Twenty students have been chosen as Poly Reps and will promote the university to prospective students, alumni and friends. The students join 10 continuing mem­ bers of Poly Reps, the Cal Poly Student Alumni Council. The group's activities include leading campus tours and visiting high schools and community colleges as student representatives of the university. The students also work to develop alumni ties, help with university constitu­ ent groups and assist efforts to encourage support from potential donors. Admissions, Alumni Relations, Stu­ dent Affairs and the Library sponsor PolyReps. 0 FOR MORE NEWS, VISIT THE CAL.POLY REPORT ONLINE AT www.calpoly.edu/-communic . Situation in Iraq to-be topic of open forum An open forum on the situation in Iraq is planned for 7-8:30 p.m._tonight (April9) in the Christopher Cohan Center's·Philips Hall. A moderator will preside, and each person's remarks will.be limited to about two minutes, depending on the number who wish to speak. This forum is the final in a series of four ''town meetings." If interest contin­ ues, additional meetings will be held. The meetings were intended to provide an opportunity for members of the.University and local communities to express their _ views on the-subject. The forums are sponsored by the divi­ sions ofAcademic Affairs and Student Affairs. For more inforniation, call Aca­ demic Programs at ext. 6-2246; 0 Activities planned as part PositiOn Vacancies STATE The offieialllsting ofstafrand management vacancies is posted at least two weeks prior to closing dates on Cal Poly's Web site at WllllltC/$0(Jl edu. (Select "Employment" from the Cai'Poly Jinks drop-down box.) As a courtesy to our on-campus employees, job v·acancies also are published in the Cal Poly Report. Positions marked With an asterisk Indicate that qualified on-campus appJicants In bargaining units :Z, 5, 7 and 9 will be given first consideration. Job applications muSt be received in _Human Resources, Adm. 110, by 5 p.m. on the clOsing date. ASSOCIATED STUDEIITS UIC. is accepting applications for the "following position. Complete position descriptions and appJications ~re-available at the ASI Business Office, UU :Zl:Z, 8 a.m.-5 p.m M­ F, or call ext. 6-5800. All a_ppllcations must be received by 5 p.m. of the listed closing date. AAI EOE. University Union Program Coordln~ttor, salary range $43,926-$70,281/year, plus excellent benefits. Closing date: Friday (April 11 ); tentative start date: July 1. 0 · Leal(e solicitation Edward Weipert, an electricjan in Fa­ cility Services, has qualified for personal Employees, students and their families catastrophic leave: Eligible state employ­ will have an opportunity to learn about ees may·donate vacation _credit and/or the signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse sick leaveto help him remain in full-pay and alcohol dependence during National · status during an extended absence. · Alcohol Screening Day on Thursday Those interested in donating leave may (April 10) in the UU are11. request a Catastrophic Le!lve Donation The program is being held as part of form from solicitation· coordinator Anita National Alcohol Awareness· Month. Biggs in Facility Services at ext. 6-5212 Representatives from Health and or by e-mail. · Counseling Services will be in the UU CSEA employees in units 2, 5, 7 and 9, Plaza from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. distributing Unit 4 (academic professionalS}, Unit6 material and administering a confidential (state employees trades CO\lDCil), E99 written self-test for alcohol abuse and (excluded), C99 (confidential), MSO alcohol dependence. Appointments are (management personnel plan), and M98 not necessary. (executive) may donate up to 40 hours For more information, see the April 9 total per fiscal year in increments of one online Cal Poly Report at http:// __ · · hour or more. AJI.other state employees calpol)inews. calpoly.edulcpreportl · may donate up to 16 hours sick leave and/ • reportindex.html or call Counseling Ser­ or vacation credits per fiscal year in incre­ vices at ext. .6-2511. 0 ments of one hour oi more: 0 of alcohol screening day Sexual harassment contin'uedfrom page 1 to attend either session. The morning ses­ sion will give examples specific to staff · members, and the afternoon ·sessiori will be directed primarily toward the faculty. Information will be given about the cam~ pus policy on sexual harassment, the employee's responsibility, and the han­ · dling of difficultsituations. To register, contact the Campus Rela­ tions office at ext. 6-6770 or e-mail· lcofer@calpoly. edu. 0 ·· ·. Clll Poly Report schedule The Cal Poly Report Digest ~d the _ Cal Poly Report online appear every . Wednesday druing the academic year. The online version can be seen at · www.calpoly.edu/~ommunic. Articles for both the.onliD.e Cal.Poly Report and the Cal Poly Report Digest are due to Public Affairs by 10 Wednesday, one week before publication: Articles can be e-mailed to polynews@polymail.calfoly. edu or faxed to ext. 6-6533. For more irifor­ ination, call ext 6-1511. 0 a.m.