CAL POLY REPORT, MARCH 1, 2000 Position vacancies Below are all the new, previously unadver­ tised employment openings at the university. You may access full information about these and other previously advertised positions at poly.ellu (scroll down and se lect "emp loyment opportunities"). STATE: For a complete listing of employment opportunities for state staff and management positions, you can: • Check the Human Resources and Employ­ ment Equity Web site at www.calpoly. ellu , under Em ployment Opportunities; • Come to the HRE E office, Adm. 110, and view the posted positions; • Call the HREE Job Line at ext. 6-1533. For a listing of new openings, check The Tribune's Sunday edition. If you have questions, pl ease call 1-IRE E at ext. 6-2237. #09 128 CMS Administrative Specialist (Ad­ ministrative Analyst/Specialist-Exempt I),* Administration and Finance ($3 ,305-$4, 132/mo.) Closing date: March 15. CSU employees on ly ma y appl y. This position is part of the CMS Project Office, which is responsible for overall management of the Collaborative Management Systems ' project, enco mpassing the development and implementation of PeopleSoft human resources , financial and stu­ dent administration enterprise resource planning systems on campu s in conjunction with a systemwide effort. These systems will directly impact the day-to­ day operations of all admini strative departments, as well as colleges and departments. *Qualified on­ campus candidates currently in Bargaining Units 2,5 ,7 and 9 will be given first consideration. Appli­ cation and complete ad is avai lable in Human Re­ sources or on line. FACULTY (Adm. 312, ext. 6-2844). Candidates are asked to contact the appropriate department office at the phone number listed for more information and an application. Please submit all application materials to the department head/ chair unless otherwise specified. Rank and sa lary are commensurate with qualifications and experience, and timeba se where applicable, unless otherwise stated. #03050: Assistant/Senior Assistant Librarian, Kennedy Library Reference Department (ext. 6-5785). Temporary, fu ll-time, 12-mon th position through 6/30/0 I ($3221-$4200/month). Business speciali st. MLA from ALA accred ited library schoo l required. Preference given to cand idates with previous teach­ ing, reference, and collection development experi­ ence in an academic library, as we ll as knowledge of electronic and Internet-accessible resources. Additional information available at http://academic­ personne/.C{Iipo~v- edu. Submit app li cations to dean of library services (call ext. 6-6786 for application form) ; refer to recruit­ ment code #03050. C losing date: March 3 1. #03068: Full-Time Lecturers (Visitin g Profes­ sors), Marketing Area , College of Business (ext. 61413). Two positions available for the 2000-200 1 academic year with possible extension for an addi­ tion al year. Areas of interest include princip les of marketing, consumer behavior, internationa l mar­ keting. and promotion management. Docto rate required: ABO may be considered. Send letter of applic ation with vita to John Rogers, coordinator, Marketing Area, Co ll ege of Business. Closing date : April 15. ort ••• Cal Poly Plan Part-Time Lecturer Pools: Seve ral depart­ ment s arc accepting applicati ons for th eir part-time lecturer pools for the 2000- 200 I academi c yea r (part -time pos itions ava il abl e as determin ed by need ). Pl ease re fer to H'lt'lt'_ academic-personn po l1•.edu for in form at ion and qualifi cation s for each pooL #03048: Part-Time Lecturer Pool , Physic s Department. Closin g date: 311 5 (ext. 6-2448). #0305 1: Part-Time Lecturer Pool , Kennedy Library Reference Department. Closing date: 3/31 (e xt. 6-5785). #03053 : Part-Tim e Lecturer Pool, Agribusiness Department. Closing date: 511 (ext. 6-5000). #03056: Pa rt-Time Lecturer Pool , Crop Sci­ ence Department. Closing date: 4/28. #03062: Part-Time Lecturer Pool, Psychology/ Human Development Department. Closing date: 3/ 24 (ext. 6-2033). #03066: Part-Time Lecturer Pool , Speech Communication Department. C losin g date: 3/31 (ext. 6-2553 ). FOUNDATION (Fo und ation Ad m. Building, job line at ext. 6-7 107). All Foundation applications must be received (not just postmarked) by 5 p.m. of the closing date. (No faxes.) Baker, Bake Shop, Camp us Dining- ($9.50$ 12.35/hour) . Closing date: March I 0. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS INC. is accepting applications for the following position(s). Comp lete position descriptions and applications are available at the ASl Bu si nes s Office, University Union, Room 212, M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., ext. 6-5800. All ap plication s mu st be received by 5 p.m. of the listed closing date. AA/E D. Fu ll-Time Acco unting Technician - ($ 14.31$18.73/hour). Closing date: March I 0. 0 In the dark on where to park? This occasional column is intended to keep drivers advised ofanticipated re­ served parking spaces and lot closures. Certain campus events scheduled between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday require reserved parking spaces. For more information, call Bob Wilson, event coord inator for University Po lice, at ext. 6-6675 or e-mail him at crwilson@ • Thursday (March 2): The Environmen­ tal Horticultural Science Advisory Board has reserved 16 parking spaces in the C-2 lot 1-6 p.m. Also 40 staff spaces in the G-1 lot are reserved 3-5 p.m. for Disability Resource Center volunteer readers. • Friday (March 3): The Environmental Hortic ultural Science Advisory Board has reserved 16 parking spaces in the C-2 lot 8 a.m .-3 p.m. • Monday (Ma rch 6): 25 spaces in the C-2 lot are reserved 8 a.m.-5 p.m. for Ambassadors for Higher Ed ucat ion . 0 Continuedfi-om page I to collaborative projects. This means that at least 25 percent of each college/UCTE, library, and Student Affairs ' all ocation must be directed toward col laborative projects between co ll eges and units. The remaining balance of funds wil l be reserved for universitywide projects. Co l­ leges and units el igible to sponsor unit­ based projects may submit uni vers itywide projects as we ll. Individuals or programs in units are encouraged to submit universitywide proposals. Applicants interested in submitting proposals for universitywide projects must submit a Statement of Intent by March 27 . Successful applicants wi ll be informed by Apri l 6 whether they are invited to pro­ vide a full proposal , due April 28. College and unit-specific projects will follow their own internal review procedures. Details and deadlines are documented in the Request for Proposals (RFP). This ye