C. J.'s Bay Today: Sarah Holmes Boutelle

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    Contributor (ctb): Sara Holmes Boutelle
    Originator (org): Robert Hostetler
    Date Created

    [00:00:01] Intro song, 'The Rose' by Bette Midler [00:00:06] C. J. says she is excited to talk with Sarah Holmes Boutelle about her new book 'Julia Morgan, Architect' [00:00:39] There is a phone connection interference, and C. J. plays a Michael McDonald song while they correct the error [00:01:17] Boutelle is reconnected with the radio station [00:01:36] Boutelle explains how her fascination with Julia Morgan began when she first visited Hearst Castle [00:02:35] Boutelle admits she has spent 14 years researching the life and work of Julia Morgan [00:03:15] Boutelle explains how the modernist era caused the work of Morgan and other California architects to be overlooked [00:03:48] Boutelle talks about how Morgan worked as an architect and and executive until she was 80 years old [00:04:15] Boutelle denies a myth that Morgan dressed as a man to study at the École des Beaux-Arts and explains Morgan's educational career [00:05:44] Boutelle talks about the number of Morgan's buildings that still remain, emphasizing that many of the major buildings remain although some of the residential houses have been destroyed [00:06:34] Boutelle explains Morgan's decision to include swimming pools and recreational amenities in the YWCAs [00:07:18] Boutelle talks about the diverse styles of the past that Morgan worked into her eclectic designs [00:08:08] Boutelle says most people enjoy Morgan's designs but admits she has heard a complaint about too much public space in the Honolulu YWCA [00:08:48] C. J. and Boutelle talk about the Bavarian style of the Hearst Estate in Northern California (Wintoon) [00:09:25] Boutelle tell talks about the importance of the letters that were written between Morgan and Hearst [00:11:07] Boutelle talks about a celebratory event at Asilomar that she will be speaking at soon [00:11:45] C. J. brings up Boutelle's appearance on Jeremy Graham's Bay Area Backroads [00:12:20] C. J. closes the interview and gives the details of Boutelle's book

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