Retired Faculty Club Meeting

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    Members of the Retired Faculty Club meet and share their experiences.
    [00:00:00] Howard Brown asks people to recognize plants and tools on cards
    [00:01:05] Brown introduces Paul Tritenbach, author of San Luis Obispo Discoveries
    [00:01:57] Harold Wilson talks about Vard Shepard and his state of affairs
    [00:02:58] Arlene Busey, Secretary/treasurer, says a few words
    [00:04:00] Enrico Bongio takes the stand and introduces panel
    [00:07:26] Moderator and retired Cal Poly President Robert E. Kennedy talks about rationale for the panelist selection
    [00:08:42] Lionel Middlecamp introduced by moderator
    [00:09:01] Middlecamp describes his earliest time at Poly, starting in 1932
    [00:10:26] Middlecamp displays a painting of the campus with the beef unit/horse barn
    [00:11:16] Middle camp talks about how horses were still used when he came to Cal Poly
    [00:13:20] Middlecamp talks about the agricultural makeup of the school and early Poly Royal
    [00:14:20] Bill Troutner introduced
    [00:15:31] Troutner talks about his decisions after graduating high school
    [00:18:27] Troutner talks about the people who had just arrived at campus: C. O. McCorkle, Carl . "Gus" Beck, Ted Howes, George Drumm, Dick Leach
    [00:20:00] Troutner talks about his early duties on campus alongside teaching
    [00:21:28] Spelman Collins, sheep expert, introduced
    [00:22:27] Collins talks about his early experience and salary, how he got into acting in So Dear to My Heart
    [00:26:23] Collins talks about his experience with sheep around campus
    [00:27:18] Harold Wilson introduced
    [00:28:50] Wilson talks about his time with Spelman and the Hearst Castle swimming pool incident
    [00:31:50] Wilson talks about his work with the Voorhis campus
    [00:39:50] Howard "Howie" O'Daniels introduced
    [00:40:51] O'Daniels talks about his initial hiring
    [00:43:50] Kennedy and O'Daniels talk about O'Daniels' first season at Poly
    [00:49:42] O'Daniels talks about an early Santa Barbara game
    [00:50:50] Richard Hall introduced
    [00:51:20] Hall talks about his early time at Poly and the aeronautics department
    [00:55:00] Hall talks about his journey in a primitive school bus traveling around San Luis Obispo county
    [00:56:16] Howard Brown introduced
    [00:58:00] Brown talks about the Ornamental Horticulture department, originally located where Vista Grande was as of 1989
    [00:59:55] Brown talks about his marriage during the war years
    [01:02:40] Brown talks about his military service in the defense of San Luis Obispo
    [01:04:00] Brown talks about moving a shipment of plants and bees overland
    [01:06:47] Bongio talks about Richard Leach, retelling an anecdote about a dance during the Depression years
    [01:09:00] Discussion of the funds of the university during the Depression
    [01:10:04] Harold Wilson talks about the first Poly Royal - George Drumm, Vard Shepard, J. I. Thompson as founders
    [01:11:10] Wilson talks about how the first Poly Royal involved a huge campus cleanup effort to remove debris and overgrowth
    [01:11:45] Bill adds to the discussion of first Poly Royal - Ornamental Horticulture contest - Masaji Eto, Eddie Yao, Hank Dunning
    [01:12:30] Middlecamp talks about building the barbecue pit
    [01:13:15] Kennedy talks about Don Fluger - writing a history of southern campus with some inaccuracies
    [01:15:35] Kennedy talks about horse racing (parimutuel) as a major source of income
    [01:17:40] Wilson adds more information about race money funding for campus
    [01:18:18] Kennedy continues on the topic of funding legislation
    [01:19:00] Bongio wraps up program
    [01:19:25] Brown explains what the trivia questions were, awarding prizes

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