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Short film about the 1946 Humboldt County Fair with emphasis on livestock exhibitions, also contains footage of machinery exhibits.
[00:00:25] The Humboldt County Fair 1948
[00:01:00] Two women in a garden – It’s county fair time in Humboldt
[00:02:19] Slow panning shot of family coming out of Poultry Building
[00:02:38] Women tending flowers
[00:02:55] People entering County Fair
[00:03:20] Close-ups of people in exhibition tent, lingering shots on exhibits
[00:04:12] Views of tent with exhibits, various cities mentioned
[00:04:55] Rotating globe with foodstuffs
[00:05:14] Humboldt Grange
[00:05:24] 4-H and other youth club displays
[00:05:49] Floral display table Mrs. Marie Clausur
[00:06:15] Panning shots of carnivals, rides, crowds
[00:06:48] Children on rides, ponies, merry-go-round , narration in second person “A worrying moment as you spotted a lost child crying for its mother”
[00:07:37] Horses being exhibited, Arabians, Palominos
[00:08:51] Horsemanship, trick riding on track
[00:09:07] Cattle exhibition
[00:09:49] Large parade, $1 million of livestock, 4-H, FFA, Senior Division
[00:12:05] Large crowds on track, sheepdog trials
[00:12:55] Sheep shearing
[00:13:17] Gene Landerman[?] wins first prize in sheep shearing
[00:14:08] Dog Show at Ferndale
[00:15:10] Best Dog in Show
[00:15:27] Monty Brooks and his band, trapeze, music, jugglers
[00:15:48] Drill Team, American Flag themed; dancers
[00:16:45] Fireworks, “nightcap of a long and happy day”
[00:16:57] Crowd before horse race
[00:17:12] Racing at Ferndale Track, shots of racing & excited crowd, closeups
[00:19:02] Race money taxes go to state and fairs to improve universities, fairs
[00:19:47] “That Para-mutuel ticket you bought has sent your dollar working”
[00:19:34] Crowds waiting to cash in horse racing tickets
[00:20:27] The End

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Interviewer with the Director of International Education, Robert McCorkle, and another administrator in International Education, Mike Worth [00:00:04] Subject: Cal Poly meets the challenge of international education [00:00:53] McCorkle describes the 3 parts of the International Education program, two on campus and 1 over seas [00:01:40] McCorkle talks about contract educational programs in Africa, Guatemala, and Thailand [00:02:50] Worth discusses the training of foreign participants that have been sent to Cal Poly by the state Department [00:03:21] Worth alks about recruitment and training of Peace Corp Volunteers for Thailand [00:04:00] Interviewer asks how many of these students are at Cal Poly [00:05:04] Interviewer asks about the benefits of these overseas programs [00:06:02] Interviewer begins to wrap up interview