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[00:00:02] Interviewer introduces guest, William Johnson, Director of Bands at Cal Poly [00:00:29] Johnson discusses how the band starts to create a program, beginning with selecting music [00:00:57] Johnson discusses how the band comes up with originally created performances [00:02:11] Johnson says planning cannot begin until after the first rehearsal [00:02:41] Johnson talks about how the band must really concentrate during rehearsal [00:03:10] Interviewer asks how much rehearsal time will be put into next weeks program [00:03:58] Johnson talks about a student arranger that helps write the music for the band [00:05:13] Johnson talks about growing band and new uniforms [00:05:24] Interviewer wraps up the interview

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[00:00:02] Associate Dean for Student Activities at Cal Poly, Dr. Dan Lawson [00:00:24] Lawson discusses the different between extra-curricular and co-curricular activities [00:01:15] Lawson talks about many of the ties between the curricular program and co-curricular programs at Cal Poly because they are highly related to the instructional activities of the university [00:01:47] Lawson talks about WOW week and its numerous activities [00:02:40] Lawson talks about the relationship between this activities program and ASI [00:03:19] Lawson talks about budget and finances required to facilitate such functions [00:03:40] Lawson discusses the experience that students gain from planning and organizing these activities [00:04:10] Lawson discusses what percent of students get involved in these activities [00:05:45] Interviewer begins to finish interview

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[00:00:02] Interviewer introduces Tom Dunigan, Director of Institutional Studies at Cal Poly [00:00:30] Dunigan talks about the number of students at Cal Poly and the most popular majors [00:00:54] Dunigan lists majors by number of students enrolled [00:01:52] Dunigan discusses the number of women students at Cal Poly and which majors they study [00:03:14] Dunigan talks about the number of full-time students vs part-time students [00:03:55] Dunigan discusses where students come from: in state, other states, and international students from 60 other countries [00:05:13] Interviewer wraps up interview

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[00:00:03] Interviewer introduces Sandy Lacy, student member of the College Union (later called the University Union) Guidelines Board at Cal Poly [00:00:20] Lacy talks about the history of the college union starting in 1951, joining the Association of College Unions [00:01:25] Lacy talks about how the College Union program function developed [00:02:23] Lacy discusses how the concept and planning of the building originated [00:04:00] Lacy talks about funding for the construction of the building [00:04:23] Lacy talks about how they decided which facilities would be put in the College Union [00:05:18] Lacy talks about what the College Union Guidelines Board does [00:05:45] Interviewer begins to close and summarize the program

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[00:00:00] Interviewer introduces Paul Kresge, President of Associated Students, Incorporated [00:00:23] Kresge talks about planning that had to take place over summer in preparation for the school year [00:01:12] Kresge talks about issue of parking, campus issues, and increased awareness for social issues [00:02:01] Kresge talks about students learning about their future and learning how to be part of a community [00:03:11] Kresge talks about community service operations that have been done recently: cleaning up floods, toy drive for Vietnamese children, helping disadvantaged children, Mission Mall design, etc [00:04:22] Interviewer begins to end interview

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[00;;00:03] Interviewer introduces the president of the Alumni Association, Lew Litzie [00:00:35] Interviewer asks about community services activities in the late 1940s [00:00:48] Litzie talks about how the majority of students at that time were former GI's [00:01:13] Litzie talks about how students were focus on education and there was not a large emphasis on service for the community [00:02:22] Litzie talks about his opinion of young college aged people and their activities [00:03:30] Litzie talks about programs that the Alumni Association has been working on recently [00:05:50] Litzie invites alumni to join Alumni Association

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[00:00:01] McCaleb recaps past interviews about student involvement in the community [00:00:25] McCaleb introduces Dr. Robert E. Kennedy, President of Cal Poly [00:01:00] Kennedy talks about student concerns while he was a student after the Great Depression [00:02:31] Kennedy talks about how community service helps the campus, and the importance of "Learn by Doing" [00:03:44] Kennedy talks about how students have begun to correct the mistakes of past generations, showing more concern and awareness as students and citizens [00:04:57] Kennedy talks about how exhilarating his job as the University President has been [00:05:50] McCaleb ends interview

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[00:00:03] Morris explains why the school continues to extend its educational reach [00:00:49] Morris lists off extension classes that are in various communities in the region [00:01:35] Morris talks about how students can get involved in the extended courses [00:02:26] Morris talks about the cost per unit of the courses [00:03:03] Interviewer wraps up interview

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[00;00:00] Interviewer talks about the Mustang Radio Network giving series of non-athletic campus and college information [00:00:18] Interviewer introduces the series of broadcasts, which focus on the division of Cal Poly into 7 schools [00:00:45] Interviewer introduces his guest, George Hasslein, Dean of the School of Architecture and Environmental Design [00:01:12] Hasslein talks about the programs that are offered in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design [00:02:04] Hasslein talks about new Construction Engineering program, unrivaled by other California schools [00:03:14] Hasslein talks about how the school is the largest in the United States [00:04:11] Hasslein talks about how the school has tried to accommodate the number of students who wish to attend [00:04:38] Hasslein talks about how proud he is to have the school reach this status [00:05:25] Interviewer wraps up interview

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[00:00:00] Mustang Radio Network provides non-athletic aspects of campus programs, this one being the reorganization of the college into 7 schools [00:00:48] Interviewer introduces John Ericson, Dean of School of Communicative Arts and Humanities [00:01:20] Ericson details the departments within the new school of Communicative Arts and Humanities [00:02:00] Ericson talks about how the seemingly diverse departments have more in common than appears [00:02:35] Ericson discusses the relationship between humanities and polytechnic programs [00:03:26] Ericson talks about the need for Human values in technical fields [00:04:15] Ericson discusses the objective of the school, to be excellent in the field of humanities [00:05:55] Ericson talks about the service functions of each program in the school [00:06:40] Interviewer begins to finish interview